Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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ID Date Authordown Category Type Module Target/Number Subject
  274   Saturday, March 23, 2013, 18:14 Aurelia LaxdalConditioning StationDevelopmentTM4FEBIAD HP with Dummy TargetCommissioning TCS - Part 2 Completed

After few hickups the TCS was successfuly commissioned.

In the morning, in the middle of the heaters conditioning: 360A/250A for the TGHT/TBHT, the target heater PS tripped and it didn't recover immediately.  I cannot tell if the card is still OK. Before this even, there were few bias current sparks created when the ionized tube was raised above 250A; this also tripped the Einzel lens. Re-started the Heaters, and did the conditioning with the rest (HV, Optics) Off. After the heaters were at nominal values, raised the rest: HV to 30kV and the Optics. And everything held fine. The current on the FC was 3micro-Amperes. The water temperature levels stayed below 25 deg Celsius.

The problems that need to be fixed:

1. The biggest problem was created by the target power supply: the new card is not calibrated, the voltage is not regulating, but the main problem is the grounding of the output of power supply. Friedhelm measured 0.2V across the return and the cage (200mili-ohms resistance) .  This was probably overlooked.

2. The Auto-ramping routine didn't work. Controls would need to fix this.

3. The RGA didn't want to connect from the account Don created for me. So, we have only a RGA scan taken on Friday by Don, when the target was cold.


  1095   Tuesday, October 06, 2015, 21:12 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3 TM3 service cap inspection in target hall

David Wang and I did the service cap inspection in target hall: see WP I2015-10-06-10.<br>

Signs of sparking were seen underneath 3 insulators: E ("Cavity"), A ("Oven+") and B ("Oven -") at the pair water lines coming out of the  feed-through and going to the HV chase. Specifically one water line of E is very close to the feed-through insulator (2-3mm gap) and here the sparking sings are more prominent: see picture.

  1250   Thursday, June 02, 2016, 18:04 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3 5K mega test on TM3

David Wang wrote:

I did a 5KV mega test on TM3.  Only5Mohm @5kV between coli line PQ and chassis(ground). It confirmed the close gap between P,Q and GE. Other lines are ok. See attachment.

See attachment for sparking signs of the water lines mentioned  above (Coil and Ground Electrode lines) in TM3 Source Tray.

  1252   Friday, June 03, 2016, 16:04 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3 5K mega test on TM3

Aurelia Laxdal wrote:

David Wang wrote:

I did a 5KV mega test on TM3.  Only5Mohm @5kV between coli line PQ and chassis(ground). It confirmed the close gap between P,Q and GE. Other lines are ok. See attachment.

See attachment for sparking signs of the water lines mentioned  above (Coil and Ground Electrode lines) in TM3 Source Tray.

PLEASE NOTE: the resistance values for A and B on David's attachment are not correct since these measurements were done after Chad removed the target and the heat-shield bracket was moved, so consequently the water lines were not at their nominal locations. Once they were back in plac,e David took another measurement and the resistance values for A and B showed also 3,000 MOhm (as it was for most of the lines). The only lines that still showed a low resistance were the Coil lines. 

  1289   Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 14:35 Aurelia LaxdalConditioning StationRepairTM3 TM3 leak checked at TCS

David Wang wrote:

Last Friday July-15, TM3 was leak checked at TCS. All air to vacuum seals on service cap are good.  Helium pressure test on  TM3 water lines(except GE, HS, and Window) were done. Leak detector has no response at 0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec. They are leak free.

Friday July 15: did HV tests (with no target installed and with the anode wire removed ). <br>

TM3 went up to 22.5kV. At this voltage it started sparking. The EL was kept at 1/2 with respect to the HV BIAS. <br>

Also HV tests were done while the EL was kept at zero V. In this case, the EL voltage was once in a while spiking  up (up to 4kV). <br>

During sparking we saw responses in the vacuum. Checked the Service Cap (with the HV Cover) in the Target Hall: we couldn't hear/see sparks there.  <br>

The HV was turned off in the same day, after 5:30pm.

  1414   Monday, December 05, 2016, 10:04 Aurelia LaxdalConditioning StationRepairTM3 TM3 vacuum system have been connected at TCS.

David Wang wrote:

All water circuits are by passed on the top of TM3. Water pumps and vacuum turbo- pumps are started. Everything is ready for TM3 camera sparking check.

 Wednesday November 30st: <br>

- 3 cameras (1 UV and 2 regular cameras)  were installed in the Service cap and the module was pumped down.  1 UV and 1 regular were placed on the East side of the module, aiming to water lines entering the Service Tray; 1 regular camera was placed on the South side of the module, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators.

- started pumping down. <br>

Thursday, December 1st: <br>

- 1st HV test done. TM3 started sparking above 20kV. The cameras responses were consistent with the sparks. However, the screens were flickering and it was not clear if the responses were due to electromagnetic interferences; or due to cameras' gain change caused by high intensity light due to sparking.<br>

- added helium using the regulating valve. same results were found; <br>

Friday, December 2nd: <br>

- vented the module. <br>

- shielded the cameras' cables with aluminum tape. <br>

- removed 2 blue insulator (EE and HS) and shortened them by 1". They were found too long: HS blue insulator touching the horizontal HV water line; and the EE blue insulator at 2-3mm far from the HV water line; re-installed both shortened blue insulators.<br>

- changes the location of the cameras: 1 regular camera taped to the UV camera were placed South, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators; 1 regular camera was kept on the East side of the module, also aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators. <br>

- started pumping down. <br>

Saturday, December 3rd: <br>

- 2nd HV test was done, with cameras' installed as mentioned above. results were consistent with the first test results. <br>

- added helium. results were the same. <br>

- vented and changed the location of the cameras: 1 regular camera taped to the UV camera were placed at the top of the Service Tray (South-West corner) aiming down the Service Tray; 1 regular camera was kept (its setup was not touched at all) on the East side of the module, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators. <br>

- attempted to pump down, but the module was leaking. reopened the flanges, cleaned them, attempted again to pump down, but it showed a bigger leak. <br>

Sunday, December 4th: <br>

- the third attempt to pump down was successful (without reopening the module!). <br>

Monday, December 5th: <br>

- did the 3rd HV test with the cameras installed as described on December 3rd. same results as before were seen. <br>

- again helium was added and same results were noticed. <br>

- stopped pumps and prepared for venting to relocate the cameras lower in the Service Tray.




  1417   Friday, December 09, 2016, 18:05 Aurelia LaxdalConditioning StationRepairTM3 TM3 vacuum system have been connected at TCS.

Aurelia Laxdal wrote:

David Wang wrote:

All water circuits are by passed on the top of TM3. Water pumps and vacuum turbo- pumps are started. Everything is ready for TM3 camera sparking check.

 Wednesday November 30st: <br>

- 3 cameras (1 UV and 2 regular cameras)  were installed in the Service cap and the module was pumped down.  1 UV and 1 regular were placed on the East side of the module, aiming to water lines entering the Service Tray; 1 regular camera was placed on the South side of the module, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators.

- started pumping down. <br>

Thursday, December 1st: <br>

- 1st HV test done. TM3 started sparking above 20kV. The cameras responses were consistent with the sparks. However, the screens were flickering and it was not clear if the responses were due to electromagnetic interferences; or due to cameras' gain change caused by high intensity light due to sparking.<br>

- added helium using the regulating valve. same results were found; <br>

Friday, December 2nd: <br>

- vented the module. <br>

- shielded the cameras' cables with aluminum tape. <br>

- removed 2 blue insulator (EE and HS) and shortened them by 1". They were found too long: HS blue insulator touching the horizontal HV water line; and the EE blue insulator at 2-3mm far from the HV water line; re-installed both shortened blue insulators.<br>

- changes the location of the cameras: 1 regular camera taped to the UV camera were placed South, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators; 1 regular camera was kept on the East side of the module, also aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators. <br>

- started pumping down. <br>

Saturday, December 3rd: <br>

- 2nd HV test was done, with cameras' installed as mentioned above. results were consistent with the first test results. <br>

- added helium. results were the same. <br>

- vented and changed the location of the cameras: 1 regular camera taped to the UV camera were placed at the top of the Service Tray (South-West corner) aiming down the Service Tray; 1 regular camera was kept (its setup was not touched at all) on the East side of the module, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators. <br>

- attempted to pump down, but the module was leaking. reopened the flanges, cleaned them, attempted again to pump down, but it showed a bigger leak. <br>

Sunday, December 4th: <br>

- the third attempt to pump down was successful (without reopening the module!). <br>

Monday, December 5th: <br>

- did the 3rd HV test with the cameras installed as described on December 3rd. same results as before were seen. <br>

- again helium was added and same results were noticed. <br>

- stopped pumps and prepared for venting to relocate the cameras lower in the Service Tray.




 Monday, December 5th (Con't): <br>

- vented and changed the location of the cameras;<br>

- the UV camera was placed (tapped on an aluminum spacer and on the grounded water lines) at the middle of the Service Tray (right below the first Mykroy insulator-plate) aiming down the Service Tray (at the second Mykroy insulator-plate and water lines) ; <br>

- 1 regular camera was placed right below the UV camera, also using a spacer (taped with the camera on grounded water lines) and also aiming down the Service Tray (at the second Mykroy insulator-plate and water lines);  The spacer for this camera had 300counts on it after it was removed from TM3, after the test;<br>

- NOTE: when installing the 1st regular camera: dropped a small allen key in the Service Tray. It landed on last insulator with the epoxi and water lines, between the first HV line and the wall of the grounded Service Tray.  This insulator is down below in the Service tray. Used a magnet stick to recuperate the allen key. <br>

- the 2nd regular camera was placed at the top of the Service Tray (tapped on the grounded water lines) looking down at the first Mykroy insulator-plate and water lines. NOTE: this camera had a filter applied to its lens. <br>

- pumped down <br>

Tuesday, December 6th:<br>

- did the 4th HV test with the cameras installed as described on December 5rd Tuesday morning very early . Same results as before were seen, except that the top camera (2nd regular camera) with the filter applied to its lens was flickering less than the other 2 cameras, and for small sparks this camera was not reacting at all. <br>

- vented shortly after the 4th test and relocated the cameras for the 5th HV test (last test); <br>

- placed only 2 regular cameras in the Service Tray;<br>

- 1 regular camera was placed right below the 2nd Mykroy insulator-plate, aiming down the Service Tray at the last insulator with the epoxi and water lines (this insulator is down below in the Service tray); <br>

- the 1st regular camera was placed a level up in the Service Tray, right below the 1st Mykroy insulator-plate, aiming down the Service Tray at the 2nd Mykroy insulator-plate; <br>

- NOTE: no spacers were used<br>

- pumped down and did the 5th HV test with the cameras installed as described above in the evening; <br>

- again same results as before were seen: the camera with the filter applied to its lens was flickering less than the other camera, and for small sparks this camera was not reacting at all. <br>

- NOTE: for this last test heard sparks outside (at atmosphere) when the HV was pushed at 26kV; <br>

Wednesday, December 7th:<br>

- vented and removed the cameras from TM3. No contamination was found on the cameras and wires. <br>

- TM3 was moved to the silo.<br>

  1493   Wednesday, April 12, 2017, 16:39 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3no targetTM3 Inspection at the South Hot Cell

Found spark signs on TM3's containment on the side of the water blocks. They may be OLD or/and NEW sparking signs, but this in not determined at this moment. Please see picture: first attachment. First and second attachment show the profiles of water block and HV lines.

  1508   Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 16:52 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3 TM3 Lower Service Tray Video Inspection

chad fisher wrote:

A video inspection of the lower service tray was performed this morning. Camera was inserted upwards into the service tray/service chase from the containment box. One potential spark mark was identified as well as epoxy not flush with insulator. Fiberglass does not extend into service tray/chase much and does not look, from initial inspection that it will be too difficult to remove.

Video can be found in docushare Document-142295

 The attached picture is from the video: showing the fiber glass inside the Service Tray.

  1509   Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 17:37 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3no targetTM3 HV tests at atmosphere Pictures from April 19-21, 2017

Please see the first two pictures of the HV test at atmosphere done on April 19.

First picture shows a big spark between the Extraction Electrode mounting plate holder (at HV) to the Ground Electrode. Please note minimum gap between these electrodes is 7.8mm.

However the biggest visible spark was noticed at the bottom screw hole. (It is difficult to determine if at the 7.8mm gap were concomitant sparks occurring.)This spark started at 22kV and became stable above 24kV.

On April 20, 2017 Chad inspected this area with the Hot Cell camera and found a spark mark on the Extraction Electrode holder plate at the bottom screw hole. See the third picture.

Again it is very difficult with the existing Hot Cell cameras to inspect the areas where the gap is small (at 7.8mm gap between the conical surfaces of the Ground Electrode and Extraction Electrode holder)

In the second picture there are 2 small sparks: one on the top and another one on the right side at the lines wrapped in Fiber Glass. These sparks started at 20kV.

On April 21 the HV test was repeated with the Containment box ON and the sparks occurred again, at the same locations and at the same voltage.

  1510   Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 17:55 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3no targetTM3 Schedule updates at the South Hot Cell and CS

Please see TM3's Updated Schedule (the current schedule) at the SHC and TCS.

For the record I am uploading TM3's Initial Schedule at the SHC and TCS.

  1512   Thursday, April 27, 2017, 19:59 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3no targetTM3 HV tests at atmosphere for Each Line(s) April 27, 2017

Today a HV test at atmosphere was performed for Each Line(s), while floating the other lines.

Please note the Einzel Lens line (Y) was grounded.

Tests performed:

1. Applied up to 29kV to "(A) OVEN -"

Sparks occurred at 29kV at the Fiber Glass inside the Service Tray; and at the right side at the lines wrapped in Fiber Glass.

2. Applied up to 29kV to "(B) OVEN +"

Sparks occurred at 29kV at the Fiber Glass inside the Service Tray.

3. Applied up to 6-7kV to "(C) TUBE -"

Could not identify the sparks; it was a continuous discharge.

4. Applied up to 6-7kV to "(D) TUBE +"

Sparks/discharges occurred at 6-7kV at the Fiber Glass on the right side at the lines wrapped in Fiber Glass. We had to turn OFF the lights in the Hot Cell to identify the small sparks.

5. Applied up to 4kV to "(P-Q) COIL +"

Discharge occurred at 4kV. Could not identify it.

6. Applied up to 29kV to "(R-U) COIL -"

Sparks occurred around 27-29kV at the Fiber Glass inside the Service Tray; and at the right side at the lines wrapped in Fiber Glass.

Tom saw a spark at 27kV between the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode.

Saw also a spark at the Ring Alumina insulator in the Service Tray, located on top of the second comb insulator with Epoxi.

7. Applied up to 27kV to "(E) Cavity or MSP, (G) Gas, (J) Heat Shield" - all these are connected together at the BIAS voltage.

Sparks occurred at 27kV at the Fiber Glass inside the Service Tray.

8. Applied up to 23kV to "(I) EE" - this is for the Extraction Electrode.

Sparks occurred at 23kV again at the same spot near the bottom screw hole, between the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode.

9. Applied up to 27kV to "(F) Plasma"- this is for the Anode.

Sparks occurred at 26-27kV again at the same spot near the bottom screw hole, between the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode.

  1514   Sunday, April 30, 2017, 20:57 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3no targetTM3 May 1-15, 2017 Tentative Schedule at the SHC and TCS

Please see attachment for TM3 May 1-15, 2017 Tentative Schedule at the SHC and TCS.

  1520   Tuesday, May 02, 2017, 18:33 Aurelia LaxdalSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3no targetTM3 HV tests at atmosphere for Each Line(s) after the Fiber Glass removal May 2, 2017

Today a HV test at atmosphere was performed for Each Line(s), while floating the other lines. THIS TEST AT ATMOSPHERE IS THE FIRST ONE AFTER THE FIBER GLASS WAS REMOVED.

Please note:

a). the Einzel Lens line (Y) was grounded.

b). after the fiber glass was removed the "R-U COIL" line and the "(F) Plasma" (which is the Anode line) were shorted to the BIAS voltage.

Tests performed:

1. Applied up to 32kV to "(A) OVEN -"

Sparks occurred at 32kV between the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode.

2. Applied up to 33kV to "(B) OVEN +"

Sparks occurred at 33kV but we could not identify the spark location.

3. Applied up to 31kV to "(C) TUBE -"

Sparks occurred at 31kV between the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode, at the top and the bottom.

4. Applied up to 30kV to "(D) TUBE +"

Sparks occurred at 30kV between the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode, 2 spots at the bottom.

5. Applied up to 30kV to "(P-Q) COIL +"

Sparks occurred at 30kV between the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode, all around.

6. Applied up to 30kV to "(R-U) COIL -", to "(F) Plasma" the Anode, to "(E) Cavity" or MSP, "(G) Gas", and  "(J) Heat Shield" - all these are "connected" together at the BIAS voltage.

Sparks occurred around 29-30kV at the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode, at the bottom.

8. Applied up to 23kV to "(I) EE" - this is for the Extraction Electrode.

Sparks occurred at 23kV again at the same spot near the bottom, between the Extraction Electrode holder and the Ground Electrode.


  1522   Thursday, May 04, 2017, 19:10 Aurelia LaxdalConditioning StationRepairTM3no targetTM3 HV test at TCS up to 50kV

Today TM3 was conditioned up to 50kV. At 50kV sparking started and to go higher in voltage it needs more conditioning time. Lowered it to 49kV for the night.

  1525   Friday, May 05, 2017, 19:36 Aurelia LaxdalConditioning StationRepairTM3no targetTM3 HV test at TCS up to 65kV

Today TM3 HV conditioning went up to 65kV. I'll leave it here over night. ISAC OPS have instructions to keep an alarm on the HV, and ion gauge and turbo pump (TP2 tripped 3 times due to sparking).

  1526   Saturday, May 06, 2017, 13:30 Aurelia LaxdalConditioning StationRepairTM3no targetTM3 current limiting

Today the voltage was raised from 65kV to 65.7kV. After about 10min at this level TM3 started current limiting. TM3 was not sparking when this happened.

ISAC OPS turned it OFF and then tried to ramp it back ON, but could not do it due to the current limiting.

I turned OFF/ON the PS (locally) 20ming ago and and then tried to get it back from the Control Room, but around 4-5kV it started current limiting.

Turned everything OFF on EPICS for the time being. We'll investigate on Monday.

Over the night the sparking rate at 65kV was from 6 to 2 sparks per hour. It tripped OFF once over the night: backing valves closed, tripping the turbos, tripping IG1 and turning OFF the BIAS. At that time ISAC OPS got it back smoothly.

  1585   Monday, July 17, 2017, 17:50 Aurelia LaxdalConditioning StationDevelopmentTM3No targetConditioning TM3

Anders Mjos wrote:

50 kV stable with less than 1 spark/h during the weekend by RIB obs.

Today 57 kV reached, but observed sparking on the resistors of the new HV cable. The cable will be removed to take out the resistors, before reinstalling it.

The target hall was locked out, but has now been reopened. This was to avoid sparking to the HV cover.

 EL was brought to 27.5kV.

  2452   Tuesday, June 06, 2023, 15:10 Antoniette YapSpent Target VaultMaintenance   Annual Inspection of Main and Mini Storage Vaults

The annual inspection of the mini-storage vault and main storage vault was completed June 23, 2023. The following items were checked:

  • Cabling and cable management
  • Connectors
  • Controls box - internal wiring and components, functionality
  • Limit switches - functionality, wiring, mounting
  • Motor
  • Bearings
  • Set screws
  • Miscellaneous fasteners

The inspection was generally successful. A couple of minor findings were:

  • Bearings for both the main and mini storage vaults must be greased. This is planned for a different day as it involves removing the mini vault's door.
  • There was a small piece of metal on the track for the mini storage vault which was causing the door to "bump" over it as it passed over. This piece was removed and the door behaved normally.
  • The wheel track for the main storage vault was dirty - it was cleaned
  • It was suggested that the 120 VAC power cable for the mini storage vault controls box should be connectorized - this will be added to the "to-do list" for the future


  78   Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 12:24 Anders MjosSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1UCx#3UCx#3 Autopsy

chad fisher wrote:

An autopsy was performed on UCx#3 yesterday afternoon. This autopsy followed the plan written by Anders. Indeed, both sides of the target oven had seperated from the central block.Pictures were taken by Anders and Pierre.

After the disection the target was placed back in a can under argon. Any small piece were placed in a zip lock bag and also put in the can under argon.

Pictures are available on DocuShare:


ISAC e-log entries:


See attachment for autopsy plan.



ELOG V2.9.2-2455