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Entry  Thursday, September 26, 2013, 14:31, Bevan Moss, South Hot-Cell, Repair, TM3, NiO#2, Activities September 24 - 25 elec_check.pdf
    Reply  Thursday, September 26, 2013, 14:42, Bevan Moss, South Hot-Cell, Repair, TM3, NiO#2, Activities September 24 - 25 
Message ID: 470     Entry time: Thursday, September 26, 2013, 14:42     In reply to: 468
Author: Bevan Moss 
Category: South Hot-Cell 
Type: Repair 
Module: TM3 
Target/Number: NiO#2 
Subject: Activities September 24 - 25 

Bevan Moss wrote:

September 24

 After the manipulator repair Maico installed the NiO#2 onto the target module. Once connected I completed a leak test on the HS line with Isaac. The leak testing cart would not pump down originally (something wrong with the cart) but eventually it did start to work. The cart pumped to its lower limits and did not respond even with the module was flooded with helium. A electrical test was then conducted by myself and and Don Jackson (see attached). During the standard test the Target to Anode and to 60kV common read lower than expected at ~47Momh @ 1kV. Also of note during the conductance check the measurement from c-d was low at 1.82 mohm.

3  additional tests were completed 2 of which were coil to common (both sides). The resisance was measure at 47 ohm with the megger and 1.32 Kohm with the uohmmeter. The coil lines lines were also measured to get and indication of the resistance of a copper line. These lines were measured while they were not jumpered both the coil + and coil - measured 5.73 mohm.

A meeting with Lia and Friedhelm was held and and the decision was to move the module and test it in the conditioning station. Fingers crossed that the module will still work.

Sept 25th

Maico finished installing the cover today for the module to be moved. Other elogs cover the other activities for today.

 Also of note the turbo pumps were started on the conditioning station around 1:30. Don and Travis completed and electrical test, see other elogs. When attempting to start IG1 the controller indicated there was no filament, this gauge only has 1 to start. It will have to be replaced when the module is next vented. In addition to this it appear the PNG1 controller has failed again. I have emailed Dimo to see if we can get one to test. The img100 is new and different cables have been used. All 4 options for connections were also tested in case of a wiring mistake.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455