Monday, March 25, 2013, 09:35, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM4, CS Test Target #1, Cooling Package and Vacuum Stopped
The cooling package and vacuum was stopped today at 9:26 so the module can be move. |
Monday, March 25, 2013, 10:59, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Development, TM4, FEBIAD HP with Dummy Target, Commissioning TCS - Part 2 Completed
Aurelia Laxdal wrote: |
After few hickups the TCS was successfuly commissioned.
In the morning, in the middle of the heaters conditioning: 360A/250A for the TGHT/TBHT, the target heater PS tripped and it didn't recover immediately. I cannot tell if the card is still OK. Before this even, there were few bias current sparks created when the ionized tube was raised above 250A; this also tripped the Einzel lens. Re-started the Heaters, and did the conditioning with the rest (HV, Optics) Off. After the heaters were at nominal values, raised the rest: HV to 30kV and the Optics. And everything held fine. The current on the FC was 3micro-Amperes. The water temperature levels stayed below 25 deg Celsius.
The problems that need to be fixed:
1. The biggest problem was created by the target power supply: the new card is not calibrated, the voltage is not regulating, but the main problem is the grounding of the output of power supply. Friedhelm measured 0.2V across the return and the cage (200mili-ohms resistance) . This was probably overlooked.
2. The Auto-ramping routine didn't work. Controls would need to fix this.
3. The RGA didn't want to connect from the account Don created for me. So, we have only a RGA scan taken on Friday by Don, when the target was cold.
Response to item 1.
This morning I investigated the output of the TGHT power supply. The negative output of the power supply is tied to common as per ISK4574D Rev 7 (attached) and the released drawing IRH1511 Rev A (PDF attached but officially located in the SW vault). If this is not the intent of the IRH1511 should be released to Rev C reflecting the desired configuration.
In regards to the calibration of the card I will inform the PS group. |
Thursday, April 04, 2013, 12:07, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM1, Ta #39, Roughing started
Roughing started at 12:06. It was believed there was a problem with the compressed air but there was none, TM1 doesn't leak and so you cannot hear that the connection is made. |
Thursday, April 04, 2013, 14:31, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM1, Ta #39, Roughing started
Bevan Moss wrote: |
Roughing started at 12:06. It was believed there was a problem with the compressed air but there was none, TM1 doesn't leak and so you cannot hear that the connection is made.
Roughing stopped as the module and cover requires modifications that require the vacuum to be opened. |
Monday, April 08, 2013, 16:16, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM1, Ta #39, Venting with Argon
TM1 started venting at 4:15 pm with Argon. I will leave the valve open over night. |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 15:17, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, Turbo Pumps Failed
Both Turbo pumps on TM3 have failed. They were both attempted to start in soft mode. TP2 could only achieve ~19kpm and TP1 ~10kpm. I have turned off the scroll pump and vented through the turbo pumps. |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:48, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Maintenance, TM3, N/A, Turbo Pump 2 replaced
Turbo Pump 2 has been replaced on TM3. I got a count of 350 on the sleeve of my tank suit. |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:48, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Maintenance, TM3, N/A, Turbo Pump 2 replaced
Turbo Pump 2 has been replaced on TM3. I got a count of 350 on the sleeve of my tank suit. |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:51, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, Roughing Started 10:48
With the Turbo pump replaced I have started roughing at 10:48 |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 13:32, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, Turbo Pumps Started
Both Turbo Pumps are now operational. |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 15:25, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, Turbo Pumps Started
Bevan Moss wrote: |
Both Turbo Pumps are now operational.
Turbo pumps 1 and 2 both found randomly off, have been restarted |
Monday, April 22, 2013, 11:31, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, Cooling Package Started
Cooling Package was started at 9:25 this morning inlet conductivity is 0.08 Mohm at 22.9C. Resistance reached 5.33 Mohm by 11:30 |
Monday, April 22, 2013, 11:35, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM3, N/A, TCS:DIF2 broken
The flow meter on the primary side (TCS:DIF2) of the conditioning station is broken. I investigated and there is flow, the gauge is not fouled, and the PLC does read back when current supplied. The gauge is also reciving 24V but the output is 0V and 0mA. I will contact ESC and the supplier. |
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 11:19, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, HV Test All common
A HV test was conducted yesterday on TM3. There was no target and all items were tied to common or ground. The conductivity of the water ranged from 7.1 to 7.5 Mohm. 40kV @ ~600uA without continuous sparking was achieved. The Strip tool was run but something went wrong with the export and the vacuum gauge data is missing. I have attached the file for reference and the pulled data from the achiver (only logs every 300 seconds). RGA scans were taken periodically during the test nothing unexpected was measured but we also do not know what normal looks like. The RGA application is available at Other items of note include significant sparks disrupts the communication between the computer and the RGA, the PNG1 gauge and its controller, and TP2 local readout screen. |
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 13:48, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, EL testing
This morning the Einzel Lens was tested on TM3 as the intention is to reuse this piece of equipment. The EL was able to achieve 39.9kV at ~1.35mA before a major spark happened and the power supply turned off. Also during testing the penning gauge suddenly shot up after a spark, it did not recover and had been acting strange in previous test, it was decided to ignore its value and continue testing but it should be replaced in the future. When I went to save the strip tool data I tried to save it as SDDS binary data out of curiosity and the tool crashed, it turns out this is on old feature and doesn't work anymore. A file was created but I cannot recover any of the data. If I do manage to do so I will will attach it later. Attached is the RGA and Archiver data.
Other items of note:
Voltage was increased in 1000V increments until ~32kV when it started to have sparks. Increases were then reduced to 500V until 38kV when it sparked and further reduced to 100V increments where it worked until 39.9kV
There is a inline and ballast resistor on the EL circuit values of each respectively are 145Kohm and 200 Mohm
The rga application is available at
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 15:52, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, Further HV Testing
Further HV testing was completed today from ~2:00 until 3:00. The resistivity of the water was 11.7 - 12.7 Mohm. The EE was turned on to 1500 V and had a leakage current of 1.465 mA with a inline and ballast resister of 20 kohm and 1 Mohm respectively. In addition to this all of the CB were turned on to 500V. The voltage on the source tray with all bias items tied together and the voltage was then raised to 30kV in 5kV steps. It was then raised until 37kV in 1kV step at which point the first spark was detected. Steps were then reduced to 500V until 39.5kV was achieved. Sparking was noticed when stepping up from one voltage to the next and steps were reduced to 100V. At 39.7 kV there were several sparks and the voltage was held for 8 minutes until there had been at least 4 minutes since the last spark. Voltage was increased to 41.2 kV at 292.97 uA when a spark caused the HVCLTBHT paddle wheel flow sensor to trip. Flow was affected but the interlock was tripped due to noise and as a result the BIAS and EE voltage dropped to zero. At this point the required data had been collected and it was decided to shut the station down. RGA scans were taken during the test and are attached. The edited data with graphs is attached in the excel folder. PNG1 was not monitored as it has failed.
The rga application is available at
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 15:59, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, N/A, Systems off
Both the Cooling Package and Vacuum have been turned off in preparation for the module move tomorrow |
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 16:11, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Maintenance, TM3, N/A, Chiller Fault 2
During Testing it was noticed that Fault 2 was indicated and one of the compressors would not run. Fault 2 does not indicate what the issue was and during inspection nothing could be detected. It had something to do with TCS:CHILCP3 and possibly CP2. CP1 could still be operated and was controlled manually to keep the temperature in the correct range. This was not required but it does affect the conductivity. The main power switch on the chiller unit was turned on and off and the fault was cleared. As far as I know this indicated either a freeze protect, flow, or refrigerant pressure fault. I will ask for TCS:TS6 and TCS:DIF2 to be added to the archiver so this can be further investigated in the future. |
Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 09:00, Bevan Moss, Conditioning Station, Development, , , New user testing
Controls has created a new user group that can operate the conditioning station but cannot use any of the bypasses or forces. The cooling package will be used to test this new profile. The main loop bypass has been opened to allow this testing to happen without the risk of over pressure. |
Monday, April 29, 2013, 15:58, Bevan Moss, South Hot-Cell, Repair, TM3, , Source Tray Removal
Chad removed the source tray from TM3 today, see attached picture (video was also taken). There was some interference between the window cooling lines and the frame work as well as the clamps for the ground electrode and the water block alignment jig. There was also interference between the optics alignment post (specifically the mushroom top) and the water block alignment jig. Investigation into these inferences needs to be completed as they could cause trouble for the insertion of the new source tray and alignment of the copper lines. During removal it was easy to bend copper tubes out of the way but this clearly would not work during installation. |