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Message ID: 2545     Entry time: Thursday, February 15, 2024, 17:40
Author: Carla Babcock 
Category: ITE 
Type: Standard Operation 
Subject: ITE annual HV testing 

ITE was set up for HV tests - this time the module plug was not in so the BIAS and EE had to be bypassed. NOTE: ITE:BIASPLC must also be bypassed for this to work. Currently it is located on the vacuum bypasses page, but may be changed to the optics page soon.

ITE was ramped to 60kV in steps of 1kV easily. It sat at 60 for about 1.5 hours with a current draw around 173uA. It was not entirely stable though, and appears to have sparked many times. None of them seemed very large, but hard to tell.

When ramping down, current dropped quickly with the first couple steps. Data saved as isac/data/ITE_HVtesting_shutdown2024

ELOG V2.9.2-2455