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Message ID: 2566     Entry time: Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 17:34
Author: Carla Babcock 
Category: South Hot-Cell 
Type: Repair 
Module: TM3 
Subject: TM3 wire pulling 

Wires were pulled in TM3 and service cap was closed up again:

Einzel lens wire (30kV kapton), routed in the pumping duct and attached with #10 ring tongue to EZL feedthrough in service cap

4 steerer wires, routed in th pumping duct and attached with push on connectors to the 4 SHV feedthroughs on the module side panel. Coax grounding sheath is cut back by about 3cm.

Multipin cable bundle #1, routed through the left cable tube in the service tray then along the heat shield water lines (with PEEK zip ties) to feedthrough A.

Multipin cable bundle #2, routed through the right cable tube in the service tray then along the heat shield water lines (with PEEK zip ties) to feedthrough B. This bundle contains the EE wire as well, which was branched out after exiting the service tray and routed along the gas lines to the EE feedthough. It was attached with a smaller (size?) ring tongue to the EE feedthrough. Do not use this wire again, very fragile. Use the Accuglass 30kV wire instead.


The multipin wires touch the back of the water blocks in the source tray (same as in MT2/4, so far no issues with that) and they also touch the COIL lines in the service cap.

The EZL and steerer wires are routed along the floor of the service cap.

Due to the difficulty of the installation, there is no metal braid over the multipin bundles in the service cap.

Photos here : https://triumfoffice365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/cbabcock_triumf_ca/EslWNUST-UJKh1s8jjxWG6EBpLQEnWxgV4v-NvR4ZJjlOQ?e=Mw5vvI

ELOG V2.9.2-2455