Tuesday, January 05, 2016, 09:58, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Opened the shield door
The shield door on the B2 level has been opened. |
Wednesday, February 03, 2016, 08:16, Dan McDonald, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Cyclotron lid up
Lid up procedure Started at 12:00pm. Initial numbers. # 1-47,2-49,3-45,4-47,5-47,6-47,7-49,8-45,9-50,10-50,11-51,12-49. After a number of unsuccessful attempts at jogging the system and trouble shooting it was decided to suspend operations record numbers and resume on Feb 2nd. Final numbers for Feb 1st #1-1289,2-1297,3-1288,4-1295,5-1283,6-1298,7-1287,8-1289,9-1290,10-1296,11-1287,12-1296.
Feb 2nd commence lid up operations at 11:30 am .When Maico Dalla Valle and my self arrived Dan Louie and Arther Leung had attempted to trouble shoot elevating issues and lowered the lid in hopes that raising would be smoother . The counter numbers on our arrival where as follows station # 1-2856,2-2858,3-2848,4-2857,5-2855,6-2861,7-2856,8-2857,9-2852,10-2862,11-2860,12-2859. After Discussion between Grant Minor, Dan Louie and all involved it was decided to lower the lid re gap the yokes and reset counters to base numbers ensuring they correlated with master synchro. lowered lid numbers #1-55,2-59,3-55,4-57,5-57,6-54,7-50,8-54,9-59,10-59,11-58,12-59.
At this point we re gapped to .250" with counters at #1-119,2-177,3-123,4-144,5-137,6-120,7-123,8-111,9-127,10-148,11-128,12-117. After comparison with Dan L and the Master Synchro, stations #2,3,4,5,10 where jogged to better match the average on the counters and synchro these stations where put at 120 on the station counters. Once this was completed we started final lid up operations stopping at 5" to check tank seal, once it was confirmed the seal was not sticking we continued uninterrupted to final lid up position. #1-16947,2-47366,3-47351,4-47365,5-47362,6-47365,7-17495,8-47358,9-47360,10-47366,11-47362,12-47363. Counters #1 #7 appear to be failing, they will be changed out and indexed to match as needed.
Tuesday, February 09, 2016, 14:48, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, shadow shields
All shadow shields have been installed. Ladders, the pothole covers and the second rad survey will be done tomorrow. |
Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 14:53, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, shadow shields
All cyclotron in tank work is completed. |
Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 16:32, Isaac Earle, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, HE1 Probe Removed from Cyclotron
The HE1 Probe was removed from the cyclotron this morning following the procedure in Document-126165 (currently in draft status, to be released after the probe has been reinstalled). The procedure took approximately 2 hours from when the trolley was put into the tank until when it was removed from the tank with the probe. The procedure took from 8am - noon including putting the bridge into the cyclotron, and removing the probe from the trolley into the Probes Group work area on the B2 level.
No major surprises were encountered during the procedure. Camera view screen captures were taken at each step to be added to the procedure.
Possible improvements to the procedure and equipment include:
1. A flow restrictor should be added to the inner-member stop tab air line to slow movement
2. The inboard guide views on both sides (camera views #7 and #8) would be more useful if they were more zoomed in
3. It would be useful to be able to turn off the trolley fluorescent light at the inboard end once the bridge is in the tank (it caused glare in some views)
4. The opposite side latch camera view (camera view #5) seems to not be secure enough and was bumped slightly out of position during trolley move, try to secure better
5. In Section 1 of the report it would be better for a final check of each view with the probe mockup to be done after the trolley has been lowered to the bridge
6. The probe didnt lower freely immediately after unhooking the outboard latch. After slight lowering of the frame and a few up and down movements it became free. It is suspected this is because of too much upward force on the probe from the frame due to the inboard tip being tilted too high. Steps have been added to the procedure to prevent this in the future. Another possible improvement to the equipment would be load cells on the trolley or between the trolley and frame |
Friday, February 19, 2016, 10:17, Isaac Earle, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, HE1 Probe Installed in Cyclotron
The HE1 Probe was reinstalled into the cyclotron this morning following Section 3.2 in Document-126165 (to be reviewed and released after camera view screen captures added). The procedure took approximately 1 hour from when the trolley was moved into the cyclotron tank until when it was removed. Camera view screenshots were captured throughout the procedure and the probe head was inspected with the left outrigger camera after installation to check for abnormalities - none found.
In Step 3.2.7 of the procedure view #6 was checked to ensure the inner-member was fully retracted before actuating the stop tab - consensus was reached among Remote Handling and Probes Group personnel that the inner-member was fully retracted, but in fact what appeared to be the pulleys at the end of the inner-member in the camera view was actually part of the inner member frame. The stop tab hit the inner-member when it was actuated pushing it backwards. No damage was caused, but a note will be added to the procedure to avoid this in the future. Other than this the installation went smoothly and there were no deviations from the procedure. |
Thursday, February 25, 2016, 11:41, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Ex 2C removal
Ex 2C has been removed from the cyclotron. A trip into the tank was needed to free the probe, hung up on the usual spot. |
Tuesday, March 01, 2016, 13:27, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Ex 2C install
EX 2C has been installed back into the cyclotron. |
Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 17:09, Ron Kuramoto, Cyclotron, Development, EX4N new housing installation
The new EX4N housing assembly drawing TEC0071 (unfinished) was installed and connected to the EX4 tank side port flange over a 3 day period from Feb29 – Mar 2, 2016. This was a hands on installation spread amongst 5 people with the total accumulated dose was 2.97 mSv. See W/P C2016-02-29-5
Attached are;
- Rad field survey map.
- Updated installation procedure (rev4) with additional notes/comments during the installation Revisions in Red. Competed steps in Green.
- Photo of the EX4N housing assembly.
Recent photos, are on Dimo's S drive :S\dyosifov\Extraction 4\Photos 2016 |
Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 13:56, Dan McDonald, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Lid Down 2016
Lid down Started at 12:15, station and count numbers. Lid went down with out incident as station 1 and 7 show the counters will need replacing. We are going to change counters before the end of this shutdown to ensure proper orientation in case of emergency lid up scenario.
Start 12:15 Finish 13:15 Master #47383 Master final 38
1-16047 76303
2-47366 44
3-47351 41
4-47365 43
5-47362 42
6-47365 43
7-17495 49568
8-47358 40
9-47360 44
10-47366 44
11-47362 45
12-47393 43 |
Thursday, April 07, 2016, 11:04, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Closed the shield door
The shield door on the B2 level of the RH building has been closed. |
Tuesday, January 31, 2017, 14:41, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Shield installation
200, 400, 500, 600, and a pallet of 700 series of shield have been installed in the cyclotron. |
Thursday, February 09, 2017, 15:21, Isaac Earle, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, HE2 Probe Removed
The HE2 probe was removed from the cyclotron today following the procedure in Document #126165. An orbital bridge position of 247.35° provided better alignment than 247.2 from the procedure. The probe signal head was intentionally left in the "up" position by Diagnostics Group which did not cause any issues with removal. Trolley elevation when the frame contacted the base of the probe was 53.8". No major issues were encountered. The probe will be returned to the tank of Diagnostics Group have converted the radial drive to a bellows feedthru.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 13:40, Isaac Earle, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, HE2 Probe Returned to Cyclotron
The HE2 probe was reinstalled in the cyclotron this morning following the procedure in Document #126165. An orbital bridge position of 247.35° was used (same as for the removal on Feb 9th). The installation went smoothly. |
Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 15:45, Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, 2C extraction probe removal and reinstallation
2C extraction probe was removed from cyclotron tank on 2017-02-07 by RH and Probes group members with service
bridge, upper resonator trolley, and 2C attachment. Three QDLs were disengaged remotely, while one had to be
disengaged locally in the tank (just like in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016).
Probes group performed annual PMs on EX2C.
EX2C was reinstalled in tank on 2017-02-28 by RH and Probes group members using service bridge, upper resonator
trolley, and 2C attachment. On first installation run, an intermittent failure occurred on one QDL actuator
solenoid. Trolley was driven off service bridge, a faulty solenoid was bypassed and an alternate solenoid on
EX2C attachment was connected, and trolley was driven onto service bridge. On second installation run, a
minor misalignment issue occurred between LRZ interface between EX2C probe and drive motor on the upper tank,
even though all four QDLs were correctly aligned; this issue was resolved with finesse (micro-adjustments) and
patience (multiple engagement attempts). Probes group performed a successful continuity check on EX2C. Service
bridge was pulled from tank. |
Friday, March 03, 2017, 13:30, Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, CP continuity test
Performed continuity test at Cyclotron center post with RH and Operations group members using the service bridge,
tool trolley, and probe attachment on 2017-03-03.
Lower tank:
Quad #1: All six plates PASSED.
Quad #2: All eight plates PASSED.
Quad #3: All six plates PASSED.
Quad #4: All eight plates PASSED.
Upper tank:
Quad #1: Had some repeat-ability challenges with all six screw-heads/wires. Retest required.
Quad #2: All eight plates PASSED.
Quad #3: All six screw-heads PASSED.
Quad #4: All eight plates FAILED. Retest required.
Performed extra continuity test at Cyclotron center post with RH and Operations on 2017-03-06: achieved a
successful test on all upper quad #1 and #4 screws/plates. One unconfirmed explanation for the successful retest
is that the multimeter cable was firmly grounded against the computer monitor rack in the RH service bridge
control room (see attached picture), which may not have been the case during the initial test. |
Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 11:23, Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Start/end of shutdown photo and video survey
The start of shutdown photo and video survey was performed in the Cyclotron tank by the RH group using the
service bridge and video trolley on 2017-01-27 (see attached pictures).
The end of shutdown photo and video survey was performed in the Cyclotron tank by the RH, Probes, and
Operations group using the service bridge and video trolley on 2017-03-08 and observed the following:
- Observed a small piece of melted plastic and wire near the 180° lower tank D-gap; this item has been present
since the 2016 shutdown based on photographic evidence (see attached picture).
- Observed a large strip of paper on Q2L2, close to where the ladders were placed beside the CP (see attached
- Observed a bent periscope alignment target near Q4U7 (see attached picture).
A proposed guideline for conducting future video surveys is attached (via djacks@triumf.ca and genge@triumf.ca). |
Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 12:02, Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Radiation survey
The unshielded radiation survey was performed in the Cyclotron tank by the RH group using the service bridge,
tool trolley, and radiation survey attachment on 2017-01-30 (see attached plot).
The shielded radiation survey was performed in the Cyclotron tank by the RH group using the service bridge,
tool trolley, and radiation survey attachment on 2017-02-02 (see attached plot).
A obsolete version of the radiation survey procedure (from Don Jackson) that needs revising and the MATLAB code
for generating a radiation survey map (from Maxim Kinakin) is attached. |
Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 17:28, Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Maintenance, Lower resonator removal simulation exercice
A simulated removal of a lower resonator from the Cyclotron tank was attempted by the RH group using the
service bridge, lower resonator trolley, lower resonator attachment, and the (soon to be) attached lower
resonator removal procedure on 2017-02-27. Prior to aligning the attachment over a lower resonator, a small
piece of paper debris was observed falling off the trolley. A successful recovery operation was performed using
the vacuum trolley; however, the lower resonator exercise had to be abandoned until a future shutdown due to
scheduling constraints. |
Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 17:57, Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Lid raising and lowering operations
Lid up (Attempt #1)
Start @ 2017-01-25 13:05
End @ 2017-01-25
Master 56
Jack #01 00117 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #02 00123 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #03 00119 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #04 00114 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #05 00118 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #06 00121 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #07 00118 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #08 00118 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #09 00115 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #10 00120 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #11 00117 to ABORTED OPERATION
Jack #12 00110 to ABORTED OPERATION
Lid up (Attempt #3)
Start @ 2017-01-26 14:51
End @ 2017-01-26 15:15
Master -18 to 47365
Jack #01 00049 to 47335
Jack #02 00049 to 47332
Jack #03 00045 to 47337/41
Jack #04 00047 to 47334
Jack #05 00049 to 47341
Jack #06 00049 to 47343
Jack #07 00050 to 47348
Jack #08 00046 to 47324
Jack #09 00049 to 47348
Jack #10 00050 to 47346
Jack #11 00052 to 47334/6
Jack #12 00051 to 47341
Metre stick: 2 mm from vault ceiling
The Highfield input shaft on 10L was louder than the other stations while raising the lid.
Lid down
Start @ 2017-03-09 14:44
End @ 2017-03-09 15:25
Master 47365 to 00040
Jack #01 47335 to 00045
Jack #02 47332 to 00043
Jack #03 47337 to 00042
Jack #04 47334 to 00044
Jack #05 47341 to 00044
Jack #06 47343 to 00044
Jack #07 47348 to 00045
Jack #08 47324 to 00043
Jack #09 47348 to 00044
Jack #10 47346 to 00046
Jack #11 47334 to 00048
Jack #12 47341 to 00045 |