The HE1 Probe was removed from the cyclotron this morning following the procedure in Document-126165 (currently in draft status, to be released after the probe has been reinstalled). The procedure took approximately 2 hours from when the trolley was put into the tank until when it was removed from the tank with the probe. The procedure took from 8am - noon including putting the bridge into the cyclotron, and removing the probe from the trolley into the Probes Group work area on the B2 level.
No major surprises were encountered during the procedure. Camera view screen captures were taken at each step to be added to the procedure.
Possible improvements to the procedure and equipment include:
1. A flow restrictor should be added to the inner-member stop tab air line to slow movement
2. The inboard guide views on both sides (camera views #7 and #8) would be more useful if they were more zoomed in
3. It would be useful to be able to turn off the trolley fluorescent light at the inboard end once the bridge is in the tank (it caused glare in some views)
4. The opposite side latch camera view (camera view #5) seems to not be secure enough and was bumped slightly out of position during trolley move, try to secure better
5. In Section 1 of the report it would be better for a final check of each view with the probe mockup to be done after the trolley has been lowered to the bridge
6. The probe didnt lower freely immediately after unhooking the outboard latch. After slight lowering of the frame and a few up and down movements it became free. It is suspected this is because of too much upward force on the probe from the frame due to the inboard tip being tilted too high. Steps have been added to the procedure to prevent this in the future. Another possible improvement to the equipment would be load cells on the trolley or between the trolley and frame |