Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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  IDdown Date Author Category Type Subject
  22   Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 14:57 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentBD Water System Leak Test

A leak test was performed on the beam dump water system on June 9 in the afternoon.

- Pipe segments tested: The entire HAW system except for the expansion tank, air separator and HAW pump
- Test medium: air
- Test pressure and duration: 60 minutes at 50psi with no loss in pressure
- Swagelok joints and VCR joints around the beam dump which had been opened since last test were sprayed with Snoop: no bubbles

  21   Monday, June 08, 2015, 15:23 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentBeam Dump Seal Re-Install

 On Monday June 8 the following work was performed by Isaac Earle and Keith Ng:

- EHDT beamline vented
- Band clamp and o-ring seal removed
- Flanges cleaned with methanol and Kimwipe
- Flanges inspected visually: clean and scratch free
- New seal prepared as per TEL5568 from old 1997 batch of seals (as decided at Friday June 5 meeting)
- Seal cleaned with methanol and Kimwipe
- Seal installed remotely following procedure attached to Ariel E-Log #18 (install went smoothly, no catching of clamp jaws)
   Rocking the clamp back and forth while tightening seemed to be a good technique to avoid jaws catching on outside of flanges
   Clamp began getting stiff with around 5/8" of gap remaining to stop ring.  It gradually got stiffer as travel progressed until reaching hardstop
- Inspected visulally close up: all appeared normal
- Vacuum pumped at 10:15am, Leak check performed around 11:30am - Leak tight

- Will leave the BD under vacuum for a few days, then attempt to vent, repump, and repeat leak check (which caused failure before)
- RH bridges removed to allow water lines in north-west corner to be reinstalled

  20   Monday, June 08, 2015, 15:15 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentBeam Dump Vacuum Leak

- On Thurdsay June 4th the EHDT beamline section was vented by Vacuum Group so that they could install a new pump
- After pumping down again a leak was found at the BD front flange seal around the top of the seal
- The RH clamp and Helicoflex seal were removed and an o-ring seal was installed with a band clamp
- The EHDT section was pumped down and leak check performed - no leaks

- While the EHDT section was vented both flanges were measured and found to be in spec (see attached PDF)
- The clamp jaws were also checked and were in spec (see PDF)
- Seal was inspected: delta fully crushed at bottom, but a visible ridge remained around the top

- A meeting was held on June 5, with Grant Minor, Isaac Earle, Keith Ng, and Bill Paley in attendance.  Meeting minutes copied below:



Meeting Summary:
- We suspect the leak is caused by inadequate seal compression
- The leaks on this installation may be because of the new batch of seals which are thinner (by ~0.006") and have a less pronounced delta  (all the successful installations on 2A are using the old batch of seals)
- It is possible that the recent bench tests performed with the new batch of seals also had very small leaks that were not detectable with the "Star Wars" leak detector
- The clamp must be modified to achieve the manufacturer seal compression spec (currently 0.020" short)
- We will not pursue testing of clamp closure beyond the point where the jaws are concentric (0.685" stop-ring)

- As a temporary measure a seal from the old batch will be installed at the e-dump next Monday (Keith, Isaac, Bill)
- Modified clamp jaws, to achieve design seal compression, will be designed/ordered (Keith), and bench tested (Keith, Isaac/Bill)
- We will pursue purchase of a new leak detector for the lab.  If leak checking is required before then we will borrow a modern detector from Vacuum Group  (Isaac)
- If the old batch seal installation at the beam dump is leak tight, we will still switch to a new seal and modified clamp jaws once development is complete and an opportunity to swap presents itself (Isaac)

Attachment 1: BD_Flanges_and_Clamp_Jaws_Dimension_Check_-_Keith_Ng_-_June_5_2015.pdf
BD_Flanges_and_Clamp_Jaws_Dimension_Check_-_Keith_Ng_-_June_5_2015.pdf BD_Flanges_and_Clamp_Jaws_Dimension_Check_-_Keith_Ng_-_June_5_2015.pdf BD_Flanges_and_Clamp_Jaws_Dimension_Check_-_Keith_Ng_-_June_5_2015.pdf
  19   Tuesday, June 02, 2015, 16:42 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentBeam Dump Water Block RH Test & Installation

Beam dump waterblocks #1 (BD Inlet) and #3 (Upper Pb Inlet) were removed as per the attached procedure on June 1-2.  The following was noted:

- The RH pole tool (TRH1244) and water tool wrench (TRH1243) fit easily over all four water block nuts and was easy to use

- The rubber nut thread tool was sometimes difficult to located in the hole on the water block (WB) lower half body, could be done after a few attempts, perhaps tool locating feature can be improved

- The rubber nut thread tool worked well, but a new one should be made as it is starting to degrade and drop pieces of rubber

- The WB upper halves must be lifted carefully with the pole tool supported well to prevent them from swinging in the east direction due to water hose stiffness

- The gasket/retainer assembly on the WB lower half is likely to become dislodged when removing the WB upper half.

- A tool must be developed for picking up the old gasket w/o damaging the WB lower half gland (could simply be a plastic hook attachement)

- A tool must be developed for placing a new gasket on the lower gland (concept in progress by Keith Ng)

- Installation of the upper water blocks (#3 and #4) may require assistance with a hook tool to get the upper WB in the correct orientation.  The lower water blocks (#1 and #2) should not


See attached procedure for full details and photographs.  More photos and videos of the procedure are stored on Isaac Earle's hard drive.

Attachment 1: BD_Water_Block_RH_Test_Procedure_-_June_2_2015.docx
  18   Thursday, May 28, 2015, 16:08 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentBeam Dump Vac Seal RH Test & Installation

The following work was performed on May 27 & 28, 2015:

- The beam dump 10kW Remote Handling setup was arranged as shown in the attached procedure

- The EHDT split ring clamp was found to be installed too far downstream and the pole tool could not be installed properly;  the position was adjusted

- The cuff of the previously installed used seal was found to be damaged because it was not located properly on the EHDT side flange at the bottom when the clamp was closed.  Thorough inspection (visual from top, camera for bottom) must be used in the future to prevent this from happening again

- Flange gap was measured with the beam dump in far upstream and downstream positions:  .190" and .762" 

- Seal width is 0.255", and cuff width is 0.475", giving 0.297" clearance for installation, and .065" bellows compression when closed 

- EHDT beam pipe was adjusted approximately 0.125" downstream to give more bellows compression with seal installed and the BD advanced upstream 

- New flange gaps: 0.083" and 0.649;  New instillation clearance: 0.174"; New bellows compression: 0.172" 

- Two trial seal installations were performed according to the attached procedure (no major issues encountered)

- A new helicoflex seal was used for the final installation (also according to the procedure).  One of the clamp jaws did not seat properly around the flanges at beginning of travel; this was overcome by backing up 1/4 turn and adjusting the clamp angle to get the jaws seated properly.  After this the clamp closed normally.

- A helium leak check was performed by Anothony Ip from Vacuum Group:  No leaks found!


See attached procedure for full details and photographs (updated document uploaded June 2 to include comments from Ron K.)

Attachment 1: BD_Vac_Flange_RH_Test_Procedure_-_June_2_2015.docx
  17   Friday, May 15, 2015, 11:06 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentBD and Upper Pb Shield Water Hoses Replaced

 The beam dump and upper lead shield flexible hose assemblies have been replaced with smaller diameter versions to allow for easier remote handling.  The new beam dump hoses are TEL5501 (Rev A) & TEL5502 (Rev A).  The new upper lead hoses are TEL5503 (Rev B) and TEL5504 (Rev B).  All Swagelok joints were installed 1-1/4 turns past finger tight as per Swagelok instructions.  The new Swagelok connections have not been leak tested yet.  This will be done after the remote handling test of the vacuum seal and water block which is scheduled to begin on May 27th.

  16   Thursday, May 07, 2015, 16:23 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentRH Clamp Installed with Used Seal

The remote handling 4" marman flange clamp was reinstalled today with a used seal.  It is "Clamp B" as tested in Document-114623.  The purpose of installing the clamp now is to prepare for the upcoming remote handling test of the vacuum joint and one of the water blocks.

During installation it was found that it will be necessary to manipulate both the BD flange and the EHDT beam pipe flange to have the seal mated on both of them.  Clamp installation will therefore be a 2 or 3 person job when done remotely.  The BD can be moved upstream by pushing on the back of the clamp mounting collar.  The EHDT beam pipe can be moved downstream by threading a pole tool into the collar just upstream of the vacuum flange.

If the clamp becomes stiff during early travel it means that the flanges aren't seated in the jaws properly and the position of the clamp or flanges must be adjusted.  Do not back off the clamp drive nut or lift the clamp in this case.  This procedure was followed during today's installation.

  15   Wednesday, May 06, 2015, 14:19 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentEHDT Beam Pipe Section Installed

- On May 4th the EHDT beam pipe section was installed by Mike Vogel of Beamlines Group
- A new Helicoflex seal was used (provided by Vacuum Group)
- 4" RH Clamp was installed by Isaac Earle.  Clamp became stiff in early travel, was backed off, then fully tighetend down to stop-ring (later learned that early stiffness was likely due to lower part of jaw hitting the outside of the flange and it would have been better to jiggle the clamp rather than back off)
- Pump was started on May 4th end of day by Anthony Ip (turbo pump, no ion pump)

- Vacuum level at low 10E-6 Torr by morning May 5th.  Leak check was performed by Anthony.
- Small leak found at top of 4" seal. No other leaks in system.
- Baseline leak rate ~4*10E-8 Torr*L/s.  Reaching plateau of 1*10E-7Torr*L/s when flooded with helium
- Leak is suspected to be caused by beginning torquign clamp then backing off as mentioned above

- Beamline vented and seal removed (will be reinstalled after water hose swap, before RH test)

Attachment 1: IMG_4922.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_4924.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_4925.JPG
  14   Friday, April 17, 2015, 14:37 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentRH Clamp Delivered to Beamlines Group

 A 4" Remote Handling Marman Flange Clamp was delivered to Doug Preddy today to be used to clamp the EHDT beam pipe section to the beam dump during beam pipe installation.

The clamp is one of the two manufactured in 2014, Identified with marker "B"

  13   Friday, March 20, 2015, 11:45 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentLower Half of BD EHDT Shielding Installed

 The lower half of the beam dump EHDT shielding was installed yesterday by Plant Group.  After installation of the service stand plug, the position of the south and east faces of the plug were checked with the laser tracker w.r.t. EHAT MB4.  The south face was within approximately 2mm of nominal, and the east face was approximately 6mm east of nominal position.  It was decided that this positioning was acceptable.  The modified 6 foot block (TSH0387) was then installed with approximately 4mm clearance from the plug according to TSH0293.

Beamlines Group may now proceed with installation of the EHDT section of beam pipe.

Photos and results of the laser tracker measurements are attached.


Attachment 1: IMG_4791.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_4792.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_4795.JPG
Attachment 4: BL_Group_Alignment_Report_-_steel_plug_for_beam_dump.pdf
Attachment 5: BL_Group_Alignment_Report_-_steel_shielding_block_for_beam_dump.pdf
  12   Friday, February 06, 2015, 13:32 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentTEL5079 Hose Modification

When the EHDT shielding service stand shield plug was installed in January it was found that the Beam Dump Outlet Hose (TEL5079) was interfering with the plug.  The following remedial action was taken:

- Upper lead water blocks disconnected and upper lead shield removed w/ hose assemblies and upper half of water blocks attached
- BD hose assembly TEL5079 removed by disconnecting Swagelok fittings
- A 1-1/8" spacer was added between the ceramic break and the 45 degree elbow
- The finished assembly was helium leak checked:  no leaks
- Final dimensions of the hose assembly were recorded for drawing updates (Isaac's notebook)

- All water blocks were disconnected (previous install used gaskets only w/o retainers so that a leak check could be performed)
- New gaskets manufacutred by Dan McDonald on Feb 2 (TEL4263)
- Gaskets cleaned w/ acetone and put into retainers (nice fit)
- Sealing surfaces on lower and upper half of BD water blocks cleaned with acetone, gaskets, installed, and torqued to 60ft*lbs w/ torque wrench and crows foot wrench
- TEL5079 reinstalled.  Swagelok nuts tightened to same rotational position as initial install
- Upper lead shield reinstalled (Feb 3)
- Upper lead water block sealing surfaces cleaned, blocks installed and torrqued to 60ft*lbs as w/ BD blocks

Before installation of upper lead water blocks I attempted to move, install, and uninstall the upper half of the water blocks using a 4' pole tool.  The blocks were fairly hard to manipulate due to the stiffness of the 1" hose.  The original design was to use a 1/2" hose, but we switched to 1" hose during a very rushed part of the project because of shorter lead times for 1" hoses.

As there is currently no beam planned for the next 4-6 weeks I will investigate replacing the upper lead shield and beam dump flex hoses with smaller diameter more flexible hoses.


  11   Monday, December 22, 2014, 14:21 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentWater System Leak Checked

This morning Bill Richert pressurized the beam dump water cooling system with 30psi air and held for 2 hours.  He reported no change in pressure which indicates the flexible hose connections installed last week are leak tight.

  10   Friday, December 19, 2014, 14:05 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentBeam Dump & Lead Shielding Design Documentation

 As there likely won't be an opportunity to properly document the design of the beam dump insert and cooled lead shielding in design notes, a list of design reviews, released on Docushare is provided below.  These provide a reasonable overview of the design process for each item.  In addition the attached PDF of scanned notes provides detailed information on the lead shielding design.  Further notes, ANSYS documents, meeting minutes, concept reviews, etc, can be be found on Isaac Earle's hard drive.  Released drawings for each completed design are available on the PDM Works Vault.


DR-P0104-35 (Document-110856):   Design Review for the e-Linac 100kW Tuning Dump Pb Shielding

DR.P0104-23  (Document-104081):   E-Linac 100kW Tuning Dump Water Cooling Package Concept Design Review

DR-P0104-41:   Design Review for the Tuning Dump Local Shielding (10kW De-Rated)

DR.P0104-24 (Document-104082):   E-Linac 100kW Beam Dump Insert Design Review

DR.P0104-32  (Document-109104):   E-Linac 100kW Beam Dump Shielding Design Review

Attachment 1: Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf
Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf Cooled_Lead_Shielding_Scanned_Design_Notes_(Isaac_Earle).pdf
  9   Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 16:36 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentUpper Pb Shield and Water Hoses Installed

 The upper lead shield was installed this morning.  Also the water hoses for lower lead shield, beam dump, and upper lead shield were all installed.  See attached photos and hose installation information PDF.

Attachment 1: BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf
BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf BD_Hose_Install_Notes.pdf
Attachment 2: IMG_4407.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_4408.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_4410.JPG
  8   Friday, December 05, 2014, 10:43 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentLower Lead Shield Drain Line Installed

A 1/8" SS tube was routed from the Swagelok fitting on the front of the lower lead shield to the service stand water catch tray as shown in the attached photos.

The tube was routed to fit in the cut-out and chamfered corner gaps of block TSH0387 in the de-rated EHDT shielding assembly TSH0293.

Attachment 1: IMG_4383.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_4384.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_4385.JPG
  7   Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 10:45 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentBD Signals Traced from Service Stand to Junction Box

On Dec 2 the cables from the BD service stand area to the junction box were traced to establish which sensors correspond to which cable number in the junction box.


The beam dump thermocouple probe cable numbers are as follows (as labeled on the beam dump and the TC block upper half):
TC#1: T44,  TC#2: T55,  TC#3: T11,  TC#4:  T22,  TC#5: T66,  TC#6: T77

The service stand water sensor cable numbers are as follows:
Inside Tray, East Side: 44
Inside Tray, West Side: 22
Under Tray, East Side: 33
Under Tray, West Side: 11

  6   Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 10:36 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentUpper half of BD water blocks installed; Bypass loops installed

On December 2 the upper half of the RH water blocks were installed (4 total) using a 0.030" thick 6061-T6 Al shim torqued to 60ft*lbs as was tested in Document-114260.

Bypass loops for testing the cooling system piping were installed as shown in the attached photo.



  5   Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 10:16 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentInstallation of Lower Lead Block and Beam Dump Insert

On November 28th the lower lead shield was installed with 3/8" shimming at the front end, and 11/32" shimming at the rear end.  The south and east faces were aligned as flush as possible with the lower center block.  The beam dump insert was then placed on the rails in the lower lead shield.

Laser tracker measurements were performed by Michael Vogel, and he reported that the beam dump was 1.7mm high at the rear, and 0.8mm high at the front.

The lower lead shield was lifted, and 1/32" shimming was removed from the front, and 3/32" from the rear.  The block was then placed precisely using the laser tracker with targets on the beam dump insert.

After placing the lower lead shield, Michael aligned the beam dump by shimming and adjusting the rail track, and was able to get all fiducial points within 0.2mm of the nominal position.

  4   Wednesday, November 26, 2014, 17:50 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentInstallation of Lower Center Block (TSH0461)

Painting and relabeling of the modified lower center block (TSH0461) was completed on Monday Nov 24.  The height of the modified block was measured at the four corners using a tape measure and found to be approximately 533mm at all corners.

The block was lowered to the E-Hall and aligned on Tuesday Nov 25.   No cantilever lift was required because the catwalk above the hatch had been removed.  During the block installation one of the crane cables was contacting the concrete on the edge of hatch opening.  Future installations should use a long sling or cable to prevent this.  Photos of the installation are attached.  Beamlines Group assisted with alignment using their laser tracker.  Vertical alignment was achieved using 3x3" metal shims of various thicknesses placed at 4 corners of the block.  North-south, east-west alignment was achieved by installing based on marks drawn on the E-Hall floor by Beamlines group.  After initial placement, measurements were taken with the laser tracker, and the position was adjusted.  The nominal positions of the beam dump according to installation drawing TSH0372 are:

East Face: x=-5926.3mm from EHBT CoP
South Face:  y=2223.6mm from EHBT CoP
Top Face: z=-208.0mm from EHBT CoP

The laser tracker measurements of block position after final placement are as follows:

East Face: x = -5926.2 ~ -5926.9mm
South Face: y = 2220.9 ~ 2224.7mm
Top Face: z = -209.6 ~ 211.6mm

The East face is within 0.6mm of nominal position which is excellent (note that the east-west direction cannot be corrected using the alignment rail track).  The south face position is within 2.7mm.  This is fine because adjustment can be made to the north-south position of the rail track.  The top face of the block is a maximum of 3.6mm below the nominal position which is also fine, as the lower lead shield block can be shimmed up to it's nominal position.  Data from Beamlines Group is attached (note that 19.05mm must be added to each measurement to account for the distance from target base to center).  The location of the measurement points on the top face are as follows.


                 North Side
| 6                  4                  2 |
|                                           |
| 5                  3                  1 |

We will aim to have the bottom of the lower lead shield at z = -204.8mm (this leaves nominal 2mm space to be shimmed under the rail track to bring the BD flange center to beam height).  Therefore the following thickness shims should be placed on the top of the lower center block.

Position 1: 5.8mm (suggest 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32" shim = 5.6mm)
Position 2: 5.9mm (suggest 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32" shim = 5.6mm)
Position 3: 6.8mm
Position 4: 6.0mm
Position 5: 5.1mm (suggest 1/8 + 1/16" shim = 4.8mm)
Position 6: 4.8mm (suggest 1/8 + 1/16" shim = 4.8mm)

Position 3 and 4 do not need shims, as the outer four corners should be adequate.

Attachment 1: Beam_Dump_Lower_Center_Block_Alignment_-_Nov_25_2014_(from_Darren_Blom).txt
south face
	       X	        Y	        Z
1	2205.2026	5957.3323	-303.2810

2	2205.6678	5958.5229	-538.5356

3	2203.4544	6661.3894	-290.0266

4	2203.9498	6689.3282	-525.2800

5	2201.8569	7334.6527	-292.9990

6	2202.5887	7360.9978	-547.9410

east face
	        X	        Y	        Z
1	2244.4638	5907.1393	-392.0822

2	2415.6983	5907.4958	-374.6703

3	2582.7607	5907.8437	-378.7617

 	        X	        Y	        Z
1	2248.4401	5960.5064	-191.5043

2	2587.3149	5952.5831	-191.6397

3	2259.9793	6731.8832	-192.5399

4	2561.7468	6719.6038	-191.7711

5	2259.9131	7157.1300	-190.8176

6	2558.7737	7188.2135	-190.5219
Attachment 2: IMG_1110.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_1125.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_4297.JPG
Attachment 5: IMG_4303.JPG
  3   Friday, November 21, 2014, 13:37 Isaac Earle100KW Beam DumpDevelopmentDestructive Testing of 1" MDC Ceramic Breaks

Testing was performed on the ceramic water breaks to be used on the beam dump water hose assemblies.  The ceramic breaks are a custom MDC product with the following description:  3kV ceramic break, 1" OD tube 0.083" wall thickness, 2" length, 304SS tube stub each end, 250psi water rating (see TRIUMF PO#  TR199315).

A load was applied perpendicular to the part, 12" away from the center of the ceramic, and increased incrementally until failure.  Two parts were tested, which failed at 125lbf and 170lbf. Equivalent to 125ft*lb and 170ft*lb when converted to torque.  Test data, photos of the failed specimens, and a more detailed description of the test setup are attached.

The purpose of the tests was to gain an understanding of how fragile the ceramic parts are.  The results show that the ceramic breaks should be able to withstand the expected loads caused by the flexible hoses being pulled as the RH water blocks are installed or removed remotely using pole tools, however this operation should still be done cautiously.  The ceramic breaks are at risk of failure if a torque of over 100ft*lb is applied, such as if someone were to stand on the ceramic breaks or the attached hose.


Attachment 1: Ceramic_Water_Break_Test_#1.docx
Attachment 2: Ceramic_Water_Break_Test_#2.docx
Attachment 3: Test_#1_Broken_Sample.JPG
Attachment 4: Test_#2_Broken_Sample.JPG
ELOG V2.9.2-2455