On Monday June 8 the following work was performed by Isaac Earle and Keith Ng:
- EHDT beamline vented
- Band clamp and o-ring seal removed
- Flanges cleaned with methanol and Kimwipe
- Flanges inspected visually: clean and scratch free
- New seal prepared as per TEL5568 from old 1997 batch of seals (as decided at Friday June 5 meeting)
- Seal cleaned with methanol and Kimwipe
- Seal installed remotely following procedure attached to Ariel E-Log #18 (install went smoothly, no catching of clamp jaws)
Rocking the clamp back and forth while tightening seemed to be a good technique to avoid jaws catching on outside of flanges
Clamp began getting stiff with around 5/8" of gap remaining to stop ring. It gradually got stiffer as travel progressed until reaching hardstop
- Inspected visulally close up: all appeared normal
- Vacuum pumped at 10:15am, Leak check performed around 11:30am - Leak tight
- Will leave the BD under vacuum for a few days, then attempt to vent, repump, and repeat leak check (which caused failure before)
- RH bridges removed to allow water lines in north-west corner to be reinstalled