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  RH-ARIEL  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 16     Entry time: Thursday, May 07, 2015, 16:23
Author: Isaac Earle 
Category: 100KW Beam Dump 
Type: Development 
Subject: RH Clamp Installed with Used Seal 

The remote handling 4" marman flange clamp was reinstalled today with a used seal.  It is "Clamp B" as tested in Document-114623.  The purpose of installing the clamp now is to prepare for the upcoming remote handling test of the vacuum joint and one of the water blocks.

During installation it was found that it will be necessary to manipulate both the BD flange and the EHDT beam pipe flange to have the seal mated on both of them.  Clamp installation will therefore be a 2 or 3 person job when done remotely.  The BD can be moved upstream by pushing on the back of the clamp mounting collar.  The EHDT beam pipe can be moved downstream by threading a pole tool into the collar just upstream of the vacuum flange.

If the clamp becomes stiff during early travel it means that the flanges aren't seated in the jaws properly and the position of the clamp or flanges must be adjusted.  Do not back off the clamp drive nut or lift the clamp in this case.  This procedure was followed during today's installation.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455