Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Monday, October 22, 2018, 17:58, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 27252-1, TARGET BOAT, Problems, Processing UC2Flk_22 current-trip-1.jpgcurrent-trip-2.jpg
Monday, October 22, 2018, 17:55 
UO2/C green was prepared , September 24, 2018
Initial UO2 powder used = 50.11 g (Inventory R-01032A, UO2 + bottle = 374.03 g
    Reply  Wednesday, October 24, 2018, 20:01, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 27252-1, TARGET BOAT, Problems, Processing UC2Flk_22 PowerSupply-TempLog.xlsxCT-2.jpg

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
            Monday, October 22, 2018, 17:55 
       Reply  Thursday, October 25, 2018, 09:10, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 27252-1, TARGET BOAT, Done, Processing UC2Flk_22 

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
Entry  Thursday, October 11, 2018, 18:13, John Wong, UC2, , LP-SIS, In progress, Conditioning UCx#25 UC#25_conditioning.JPGUC#25_conditioning-450A.JPG
Thursday, October 11, 2018, 18:06
Target consists of 284 UCx discs, total packing length of 8.0 cm. 
Container was previously coated/sintered with TaC (see elog #417) in Evap#2 with TGHT set to 400A and TBHT 230A, but there was a problem with the
    Reply  Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 10:24, Marla Cervantes, UC2, , LP-SIS, Problems, Conditioning UCx#25 

            John Wong wrote:
            Thursday, October 11, 2018, 18:06
       Reply  Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 10:49, Marla Cervantes, UC2, , LP-SIS, Problems resolved, Conditioning UCx#25 

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
          Reply  Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 10:55, Marla Cervantes, UC2, , LP-SIS, Done, Conditioning UCx#25 OrangeCoat.jpgIonizerTube.jpgClosedSide.jpg

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
Entry  Tuesday, September 04, 2018, 10:18, Marla Cervantes, UC2, 41369-2, , In progress, UCx Fully loaded graphite insert thermal test - FL#1.2 180904-UCxFL1-T2-2.png
 Monday, September 03, 2018, 10:17
Graphite insert fully loaded with UCx was loaded into previously TaC coated target container.
No end caps on Ta target container.
    Reply  Friday, September 21, 2018, 10:22, Anders Mjos, UC2, 41369-2, , Done, UCx Fully loaded graphite insert thermal test - FL#1.2 

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
             Monday, September 03, 2018, 10:17
    Reply  Saturday, September 29, 2018, 20:53, John Wong, UC2, 41369-2, , Done, UCx Fully loaded graphite insert thermal test - FL#1.2 

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
             Monday, September 03, 2018, 10:17
Entry  Saturday, September 29, 2018, 19:04, John Wong, UO2/C, , TARGET BOAT, In progress, Processing UC2_flk_22 striptool_capture.JPGTGHT_tripped.JPGpressure_limiting.JPG
Saturday, September 29, 2018, 18:52
Cast is from Jar#1.  (see process sheet for details)
Target boat contains about 50g UO2 powder. 
Entry  Friday, August 17, 2018, 11:23, Marla Cervantes, UC2, NA, , Done, UCx 1-step casting -Oxidation test 
 Friday, August 17, 2018, 11:17
Four discs of UCx produced with the 1-step casting method were placed in a glass jar.
The mass of the discs was 0.400 g.
Entry  Friday, August 03, 2018, 17:49, John Wong, UC2, , LP-SIS, In progress, Conditioning UCx#24 
Friday, August 03, 2018, 17:44
Target consists of 230 UCx discs, total packing length of 7.1cm. 
Container was previously coated/sintered with TaC (see elog #415) in Evap#2 with TGHT set to 450A/7.5V and TBHT 230A/4.2
Entry  Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 17:44, John Wong, UO2/C, , TARGET BOAT, Done, Processing UC2Flk_21 
Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 17:41
Cast prepared by Marla (see note in Hotlab)
Target boat contained about 50g UO2 powder. 
Entry  Thursday, July 05, 2018, 13:43, John Wong, UC2, , HP-FEBIAD-CTL, Done, Conditioning UCx#23 
Thursday, July 05, 2018, 13:24
Target container was previously coated and sintered with TaC, also wrapped with Ta heat shields (see Evap2 elog# 410).
Loaded 201 discs of UCx with 7.27 cm in length + 5 extra discs for QC samples. 
Entry  Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 12:12, Aaron Schmidt, , , , Problems resolved, Gloves replaced. 
 Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 09:30. Gloves on evap 1 changed out. 
The original right one was otrn. Left was o but worn. Both replaced with new gloves.
Entry  Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 15:39, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Done, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container #15 
 Friday, June 15, 2018, 16:39
35 circles of 14 mm diameter of cast #3 were packed into a graphite sample container.
35 x UO2/C circles = 4.07 g
Entry  Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 10:20, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, In progress, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container #14 
 Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 18:20
35 circles of 14 mm diameter of cast #4 were packed into a graphite sample container.
30 x UO2/C circles = 4.07 g
    Reply  Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 11:09, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Problems, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container #14 

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
             Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 18:20
       Reply  Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 12:25, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Done, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container #14 

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
Entry  Monday, June 04, 2018, 11:29, Marla Cervantes, UC2, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Done, Conditioning B13 and 2sc 
 Friday, June 01, 2018, 11:20
Target boat was previously coated with TaC and sintered.
Two small C-inserts of ~2cm length were placed on Ta boat
Entry  Friday, May 25, 2018, 15:38, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Done, Carbonizing full length 1-step UCx target #2 
Friday, May 25, 2018, 15:34 
D-shaped discs were cut from cast 3
A 13mm punch was used to punch out discs from pre-cut strips using the old method.
Entry  Friday, May 18, 2018, 18:38, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Done, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container #13 180519-B13-Current_trip_off.JPG
 Friday, May 18, 2018, 18:32
35 circles of 14 mm diameter of cast #3 were packed into a graphite sample container.
40 x UO2/C circles = 4.58 g
Entry  Friday, May 11, 2018, 12:36, Marla Cervantes, UC2, 41369-2, LP-SIS, Done, UCx Fully loaded graphite insert thermal test - FL#1 180511-FL1_520A.png
 Thursday, May 10, 2018, 16:00 
Graphite insert fully loaded with UCx was loaded into previously TaC coated target container.
No end caps on Ta target container.
Entry  Tuesday, April 17, 2018, 12:45, Laura Lambert, UO2/C, 40282-2, TARGET BOAT, Done, Processing UC2Flk_20 
 Tuesday, April 17, 2018, 10:30
UO2/C green was prepared April 12th, 2018
The cast peeled off the glass nicely April 13th, 2018
Entry  Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 11:46, Laura Lambert, UO2/C, 40282-2, TARGET BOAT, In progress, Carbonizing first full length 1step UCx target 
 Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 11:35
D-shaped discs were cut from cast 2, the same as the last sample of 1stepUCx [see elog i.d. 197]
A 13mm punch was used to punch out discs from pre-cut strips using the old method.
    Reply  Monday, April 09, 2018, 16:51, Laura Lambert, UO2/C, 40282-2, TARGET BOAT, Problems, Carbonizing first full length 1step UCx target evap1_trip.JPGevap1_trip_archive.JPG

            Laura Lambert wrote:
             Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 11:35
       Reply  Monday, April 09, 2018, 16:53, Laura Lambert, UO2/C, 40282-2, TARGET BOAT, Problems resolved, Carbonizing first full length 1step UCx target 

            Laura Lambert wrote:
          Reply  Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 14:49, Laura Lambert, UO2/C, 40282-2, TARGET BOAT, Done, Carbonizing first full length 1step UCx target 

            Laura Lambert wrote:
Entry  Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 14:52, Laura Lambert, UC2, 42218-13, LP-SIS, Done, Conditioning UCx#22 
 Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 14:43
Target container was previously coated with TaC and sintered.
Container is wrapped with 3 layers of Ta-heat shield, including the center block
Entry  Monday, March 12, 2018, 11:14, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-2 , TARGET BOAT, Done, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container _#12 
 Monday, March 12, 2018, 9:13
35 circles from cast#2 of 14 mm diameter were packed into a graphite sample container.
35 x UO2/C circles = 5.21 g
Entry  Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 11:44, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Problems, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container _#11 Carbonization-current_trippoff2.JPGTa-Boat.jpgC-Container.jpg
 Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 11:39
35 circles of 14 mm diameter were packed into a graphite sample container.
35 x UO2/C circles = 5.74 g
    Reply  Friday, March 02, 2018, 16:35, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Problems resolved, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container _#11 

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
             Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 11:39
       Reply  Friday, March 02, 2018, 16:35, Marla Cervantes, UO2/C, 40282-1, TARGET BOAT, Done, Carbonizing UO2/C discs for 1stepUCx in graphite sample container _#11 

            Marla Cervantes wrote:
ELOG V2.9.2-2455