Mon Sep 24 07:16:18 2012, Jessica Tomlinson, Other, Other, Analysis update   
Energy vs Time plots
I updated the monte carlo written by Alex to include time and also created new SRIM tables for 250 Torr rather than |
Tue Dec 4 05:40:10 2012, Jessica Tomlinson, Other, Other, analysis - single strip E vs t 6x
I have attached some single strip energy vs time plots to show that the structure seen in the collective E vs t plots is in each strip.
Attachments 1 and 2 show two different strips in S2-2 with no cuts. You can see that the 3 loci are different to one another in the single strips
as well as in the combined S2-2 E vs t plot shown in attachment 3. Attachement 3 is plotted after applying the following cuts: equal energy in the front |
Mon Apr 4 01:34:54 2011, Jamie Brown, Routine, General, Proposal
See attached. |
Mon May 23 09:59:23 2011, Mike Bentley, Routine, General, End/Dtart of Run Summary (BRF/MAB)
Ran all night OK, currently 14epA, H2 stable, DAQ stable
1. Analysis of S4200 in offline sort lead to conclusion that specttrum is dominated by protons, 8MeV punchthrough visible??.Not many events at |
Mon May 23 15:58:30 2011, Mike Bentley, Routine, General, End of Shift summary
OK - summary of events during this shift.
1.TDCs. We have been sorting offline, and we have now established that between run 66 and run 79, the TDC mode was incorrectly set (not in common |
Tue May 24 01:16:37 2011, Tom Davinson, Routine, General, Re: End of Shift summary
1.TDCs. We have been sorting offline, and we have now established that between run 66 and run 79, the TDC mode
was incorrectly set (not in common stop mode) after a DAQ crash causing broad loci in the E vs T spectra and
Tue May 24 08:18:23 2011, Mike Bentley, Routine, General, end of shift summary
We have been running smoothly all night. Only problem is that the DAQ occasionally does not start properly after a stop-go. The dead-time goes
to nearly 100%. This happened twice in the night,. and a second stop-go did the trick. Needs looking at.
Tue May 24 20:45:12 2011, Mike Bentley, Other, General, Update for during the day 24th May, wednesday 
W decided at 8.00 to stop, check the tune, retune and get back going. This has nearly, finished but it is a very long process indeed - note for
future - this takes AT LEAST 12 hours, if one is systematic about it. |
Tue May 24 23:59:16 2011, Jennifer Fallis, Lars Martin, Routine, General, Shift summary
Buncher problem was resolved around 22:00 (driver module needed to be replaced).
Checked current on FC0 and trigger rate, around 4000 presented. We then started a run, only got 20 acquired,
stoped and restarted a run, then all relevant numbers seemed normal.
Wed May 25 03:15:44 2011, Brian, Routine, General, Start of run summary and TDC problems
Summary at start of run
Read through the runbook and end of run summar and the situation appears to be:
1. The check of the tune showed it was OK, although a bit of beam (or halo) clipping 4mm collimator |
Wed May 25 07:09:17 2011, Brian, Routine, General, End of run summary (yes, a bit early, but done all I can think of!)
Running status
Everything seems to be running OK. ADC and TDC spectra look OK. Chamber pressure has stabalised. Detector leakages stabalised
Beam now up to 60pnA with trigger rate about 4,000/s and accepts about 3,000/s |
Wed May 25 18:05:55 2011, Mike Bentley, Routine, General, Report on day shift and changed energy - now at 3.98 MeV/u
All ran smoothly.
As a test, ran for a short period at 1200 midday to run without S2-2 in the trigger. Finished that at 1339.
After discussion with Alison, Alex, Brian, Chris - we decided to change energy to 3.98 MeV/u. This started at 1340. |
Thu May 26 02:54:10 2011, Derek and Naomi, Routine, General, Thu 0-8am shift summary
For run 123:
Beam outage for ~15 min but not stopping run. |
Thu May 26 23:46:40 2011, Sarah and Brian, Routine, General, Thu 16:00-00:00 summary
Started 19:05:03 |
Thu May 26 23:57:34 2011, Derek, Routine, General, Friday 00:00 - 08:00 Summary
Sarah informed me that Jamie was performing the sorting and saving of spectra differently and didn't know what exactly to do so I will not be performing
any sorting.
Fri May 27 23:13:01 2011, Alex Rojas, Routine, General, Shift summary
No major problems presented, A pluser walk was performed at the begining of the shift run161 S2-1 front, run162 S2-2 front, run163 S2-1 back and run165
S2-2 back.
Runs 166, 168, 169 are void due to bad scaler reading |
Sat May 28 07:46:09 2011, Lars Martin, Routine, General,
Beam current dropped to 85 epA at the start of the shift, operator checked for reasons and decided to change
stripper foil. That brought the current back up, but it started decreasing again, so from run to run slits were
gradually opened further to keep FC0 current at about 100 epA.
Wed Jul 18 08:29:03 2012, Jessica Tomlinson, Other, General, Analysis update
Energy calibration for S2-2 was done using the pulser data (set 6 of the pulser runs) to calculate the offsets and alpha run R186 to calculate
the gains and constant. For S2-1 pulser walkthrough 6 was also used to calculate the offsets and the gains calculated using run 31 which is 21Ne beam scattering
from Au/C target. The constants were then calculated by fitting a least squares fit to the alpha peaks from run 186 and the gold scattering peak from run |
Fri Nov 16 07:12:32 2012, Jessica Tomlinson, Other, General, 4.11 MeV/u analysis 6x
I have sorted the 4.11MeV/u data runs (the ones which had the common stop mode on the TDCs) and applied the following cuts:
There must be a hit registered in each side of the detectors.
equal energy must be deposited in both sides of the detectors.
Low energy cut is applied to each detector.
Must have a hit in the TDC for the front strips.
Must have multiplicity |
Fri Nov 16 07:23:26 2012, Jessica Tomlinson, Other, General, S2-1 plot that would fit on previous elog
Attachment 1 shows S2-1 energy vs time with a gate on energy in S2-2 being greater than 9MeV i.e. See previous elog also posted today for explanation.