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Entry  Mon May 23 15:58:30 2011, Mike Bentley, Routine, General, End of Shift summary 
    Reply  Tue May 24 01:16:37 2011, Tom Davinson, Routine, General, Re: End of Shift summary 
Message ID: 32     Entry time: Mon May 23 15:58:30 2011     Reply to this: 34
Author: Mike Bentley 
Type: Routine 
Category: General 
Subject: End of Shift summary 

 OK - summary of events during this shift.


1.TDCs. We have been sorting offline, and we have now established that between run 66 and run 79, the TDC mode was incorrectly set (not in common stop mode) after a DAQ crash causing broad loci in the E vs T spectra and times of the wrong sign. This was corrected from Run 81 onwards. 

2. The offline sort is behaving very badly and many of the sorts run since yesterday to now are wrong. Make sure you (a) sort on a different machine than the DAQ and (b) make sure that the sort is killed each time you start a new sort and (c) make sure that it is sorting the righrt run number.

3.  We have changed the trigger to a coincidence (S2-1 plus S2-2) OR S2-2 on its own OR PD.

4. We have increased the beam rate to about 120 epA and we stay on this. Trigger rate should be about 7K with 4K live time.

5. We will not change energy until early morning tomorrow, at the earliest. we will make a decision during the next two shifts based on what we see in the sort.


ELOG V2.9.2-2455