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  S1287  ELOG logo
Message ID: 40     Entry time: Wed May 25 07:09:17 2011
Author: Brian 
Type: Routine 
Category: General 
Subject: End of run summary (yes, a bit early, but done all I can think of!) 

Running status

Everything seems to be running OK.  ADC and TDC spectra look OK.  Chamber pressure has stabalised.  Detector leakages stabalised

Beam now up to 60pnA with trigger rate about 4,000/s and accepts about 3,000/s

Have spent some time looking at sorted spectra and put notes in the runbook, along with a copy of an email from Tom with some suggestions.  Need someone who can change the sort programme. The key is probably in getting the plot of Tdiff vs Esum calibrated [Tdiff is time difference between S2-1 and S2-2 signals and Esum is the sum of their energies].  The problem is that the TDC signals have not yet been lined up.  We also need to understand the features we see in the E vs t plots, including the puzzeling feature that one of the loci has its "blob" of events at a different energy than the others.

My feeling is that we should continue to run ast this energy, while continuing to refine the sort to try and confirm we can select out the (a,p) events of interest.

Worth thinking as to whether we should take more beam (it is available.


ELOG V2.9.2-2455