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  S1287  ELOG logo
Message ID: 54     Entry time: Wed Jul 18 08:29:03 2012
Author: Jessica Tomlinson 
Type: Other 
Category: General 
Subject: Analysis update 

 Energy calibration for S2-2 was done using the pulser data (set 6 of the pulser runs) to calculate the offsets and alpha run R186 to calculate the gains and constant. For S2-1 pulser walkthrough 6 was also used to calculate the offsets and the gains calculated using run 31 which is 21Ne beam scattering from Au/C target. The constants were then calculated by fitting a least squares fit to the alpha peaks from run 186 and the gold scattering peak from run 31 energy vs peak position plot.

TDCs were calibrated with different sources for each detector. For S2-1 the offsets were calculated using the TDC spectra for the 21Ne on Au/C (Run 31) data. For S2-2 the run 23 was used which is a pulser run.

Currently applying equal energy and coincidence cuts to the data and plotting using Monte Carlo to compare to what I am seeing in the data. Plotting things such as Energy in S2-1 vs Energy in S2-2, back strip in S2-1 vs back strip in s2-2, energy sum.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455