Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall, Page 9 of 18  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Datedown Author Category Type Specific Subject
  198   Wednesday, April 20, 2016, 10:01 Isaac EarleStandard OperationTarget 1TargetT1/T2 Monitor Electrical Check Complete

Mike Russell from Diagnostics Group has completed an electrical check on the T1 and T2 profile and protect monitors.  He reports that both profile monitors look fine.  The T1 protect monitor looks fine except for a weak or missing signal from the halo monitor.  The T2 protect monitor looks fine.

Note: The protect monitor on the T1-MK2 target was working without issue during the previous running period and was not removed from the beam line during the 2016 shutdown.  The cable for the T1 protect monitor was not disconnected during the 2016 shutdown.

  197   Friday, April 15, 2016, 14:54 Isaac EarleStandard OperationTarget 2TargetT2-MK2 Target Changes & Return to Beamline

On April 11th the T2-MK2 target was flushed with water, then overnight with air at 5psi supply pressure.  The target ladder was in Position 0 for this procedure.

On April 12th the target was pumped using a cold trap and the Varian leak detector for approximately 2 hours.

On April 13th pumping was restarted and the leak detector reached 0.0E-10 Torr*L/s with < 1.0E-3 Torr test port pressure.  A general helium spray was performed with a small response to the mid 10^-9 range and quick recovery (this target was in use all of the 2015 running period w/o any vacuum issues).  Plugs were removed from Positions 1 & 2.  The swagelok threads on the ladder were cleaned with a wire brush then pressurized air.  The sealing surfaces were cleaned using Scotchbrite then blown with air.  Threads and sealing surfaces were inspected with the Nikon level: some minor thread imperfects on the threads and a few small pits on the sealing surfaces were observed.  New 10cm beryllium targets were installed (Position 1:  Target "OCT.06#3",  Position 2: Target "#201").  A leak check was performed using 0.5s bursts of helium at supply pressure 3psi.  Helium was applied at all target positions, delta seal locations, and along the length of both bellows.  No responses observed that were greater than the initial leak check performed before the plugs were removed, therefore the target was deemed water leak tight and ready for use.

On April 14th position measurements for both new targets were taken as per Document-50194, which will be included in the target info sheet to be delivered to Operations.

On April 15th the target was returned to the beamline.  All services were attached, the cooling package started, and vacuum pumped down normally.


Photographs of the Position 4 beam spots as well as the target ladder after new target installation are attached.

  196   Monday, April 11, 2016, 13:54 Isaac EarleStandard OperationTarget 2TargetT2-MK2 Target Transported from BL to HC

The T2-MK2 target was transported from the beam line to the hot cell using the transfer flask.  The target was measured to be 120mSv/hr at 0.5m.  The steel shielding plug was installed in the T2 target hole to reduce upwards shine.

New beryllium target cassettes will be installed on the target ladder before it is returned to the beam line.

  195   Monday, April 11, 2016, 13:51 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherOtherTarget Transfer Flask Hoist Hook Lower Limit Adjusted

 The lower limit of the flask hoist hook has been adjusted.  The travelling nut for the lower limit was rotated 3 notches closer to the upper limit travelling nut which resulted in an additional 1-3/8" travel of the hook at the lower limit.  The door hinges and door cable pulleys were lubricated with WD-40 and actuation of the doors was tested several times.

  194   Thursday, April 07, 2016, 16:44 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherControlsT1/T2 Controls "Assembly Tests" Completed

The T1/T2 Control System "Assembly Tests"  (Document 118467 Release #1, Section 5) have been completed.  The expected result, as written in the document, occurred for every test.  The T2 Shield Thermocouple #3  (B1A:T2:TC3SHLD:RDTEMP) showed slightly erratic behaviour when viewing archived data.  It is uncertain at this point whether or not it will need to be bypassed in the B1A:T2:TGTRDY interlock.

The official commissioning tests (Section 6) are currently on-going.

  193   Thursday, March 31, 2016, 11:48 Isaac EarleStandard OperationTarget 1TargetT1 & T2 Beryllium Target Manufacturing Complete

Manufacturing of a new batch of T1 and T2 beryllium targets has been completed.

The job was completed under Machine Shop Work Order #41527.  Eleven 12mm T1 targets (TBP1683) and seven 10cm T2 targets (TBP1691) were completed (exhausting all stock of the leftover EDM'd target housings).  The target window profiles (TBP1695) were laser cut at an outside shop for greater precision and to save time.  The target window assemblies were electron beam welded to the target housings (TBP1687 & TBP1692) by Bob Welbourn.  The remainder of the tube welds were completed by George Sun.  Assembly of the Swagelok fittings, target inspections, hydrostatic testing, and final helium leak checks as specified on the assembly drawings were performed by Isaac Earle.  In addition to these tests, one spare target housing was pressure tested to 275psi (the max pressure of the regulator of target jig TBP1721).  The target windows bulged at this pressure, but did not rupture.

The attached spreadsheet has details on target measurements and test results.  The target serial numbers (listed in the spreadsheet) have been engraved on the 90 degree elbow of each target on both the entrance and exit side.  Detailed photographs were taken of each target which are stored on Isaac Earle's hard drive (too large to attach).

If the 2015 target replacement plan is followed (See E-Log #168), these targets should last for at least 10 years.


  192   Thursday, March 24, 2016, 15:38 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1TargetT1/T2 Beryllium Target Test Jig Fabrication Complete

Fabrication of the T1/T2 beryllium target testing jig (TBP1721) was completed today by Dan MacDonald.  With a target installed across the test ports, the inside volume pressurized with air to 103psi, and both ball valves closed, there was no noticeable drop in pressure over a 16 hour period.  This result was deemed satisfactory for use of the jig for hydrostatic testing of new targets.



  191   Thursday, March 24, 2016, 14:46 Isaac EarleOtherOtherOtherTNF / 500MeV Resin Cans Removed from Storage Pit #1

Three used TNF / 500MeV system cooling system resin cans were removed from the Meson Hall target storage pit (two from Hole #1, one which was stored below block #1).

Two new active cans will be returned to Hole #1 after the TNF resin is changed in a few weeks time.

  190   Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 16:50 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 2ControlsPreliminary Testing of T2 Control System Complete

Preliminary testing of the new PLC control system and EPICS interface was completed today for the T2 target, T2 cooling package, T2 collimators, and T1 thermocouples.  All systems behaved as specified.

Review of the commissioning plan is currently underway.

A scanned copy of the test plan is attached.

  189   Monday, March 07, 2016, 18:22 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1ControlsPreliminary Testing of T1 Control System Complete

 Preliminary testing of the new PLC control system and EPICS interface was completed today for the T1 target, T1 cooling package, and T1 collimator.  All systems behaved as specified.  This test did not include testing of any T1 thermocouples which will be included as part of the T2 test program to follow.  This is not considered system commissioning, which will follow after all preliminary testing is complete and the commissioning plan document has been released.

A scanned copy of the T1 test plan with notes is attached.

  188   Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 13:03 Isaac EarleRepairOtherOtherTarget Flask 2-Ton Hoist Chain Twist Corrected

 A 1/2 turn twist in the target flask hoist chain has been corrected to address a deficiency observed by inspectors by Gordon Crane.  This was accomplished by first holding the flask door yoke at the top position using rope slings, then lowering the hook block spider approximately 6", then lifting the stationary end of the hoist chain approximately 2" using the Meson Hall main crane to make the top of the chain slack.

A missing cotter pin for the counterweight on the RH HC Lab overhead crane was also installed.

  187   Wednesday, February 03, 2016, 17:35 Isaac EarleStandard OperationTarget 2CoolingT2 MRO Work

The following work was performed at the T2 cooling package and target between Jan 25 - Feb 3, 2016:

- Cuno water filters removed (2), and new filters installed
- Target water solenoid, H.E. secondary side solenoid, Collimator A solenoid, and Collimator B solenoids removed and replaced with new 24V DC versions
- All thermistors removed and replaced with Type K thermocouples
- All Proteus paddle wheels, o-rings, and paddle wheel pins replaced (5 sensors total)
- Target side #6 Hansen QD fittings replaced
- All air QD fittings (6 total) for profile monitor actuation were replaced, some of the flexible hosing was replaced (cracking), and the flexible hose assemblies were checked for gross air leaks
- Top surface of the cooling package resin can support platform was painted (was rusty)
- Resin can swapped (previous resin swap was during Shutdown 2014)
- Target water check valve was removed and tested (working as expected), then reinstalled

  186   Monday, January 25, 2016, 16:54 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 MRO Work

The following work was performed at the T1 cooling package and target between January 18-21, 2016:

- Cuno water filters removed (3), and new filters installed
- Target water solenoid, H.E. secondary side solenoid, and Collimator A solenoids removed and replaced with new 24V DC versions
- All thermistors removed and replaced with Type K thermocouples
- All Proteus paddle wheels, o-rings, and paddle wheel pins replaced (5 each)
- Target side #6 Hansen QD fittings replaced because internal seal had failed and fittings were leaking when disconnected (2)
- Profile monitor copper air supply line leak was repaired
- All air QD fittings (6 total) for profile monitor actuation were replaced, the air restricting valves were tuned, and the flexible hose assemblies were checked for gross air leaks
- "T8" temp sensor was found to be located on the CuALCW common return line, not on the Col A supply line as labeled on XTPAGE.  Position was swapped


Total dose for this work was 0.17mSv for Isaac Earle, and 0.10mSv for Keith Ng

  185   Monday, January 18, 2016, 17:19 Isaac EarleStandard OperationTarget 1CoolingT1 & T2 Packages Drained; BL1A Holding Tank Released

 The T1 and T2 cooling packages were drained to the BL1A holding tank on Jan 8 2016.  The volumes were 100L and 80L respectively.  Before starting there was 350L of water in the holding tank from the 500MeV system which Steve Sapriken drained in September 2015.  The T1 and T2 systems were sampled and delivered to RPG.  After receiving permission from RPG to release all 3 portions of water it was pumped into the city sewer on Jan 18, 2016.

  184   Thursday, December 17, 2015, 13:31 Grant MinorDevelopmentOtherTargetT1/T2 Target Cassette - window / end cap manufacturing change (WO 41527)

Isaac Earle has recently been managing the fabrication of some new Be target cassettes for the T1 / T2 Meson Hall target ladders (WO 41527).

The machine shop has outsourced the cassette tubes to an external shop for wire EDM cutting, as it produces a much more repeatable and consistent wall thickness without the need for delicate forming and welding.

However, the legacy end-cap design TBP1690 calls out a thin-wall formed frame to help brace the window in place and provide material to fusion weld the rim of the end cap to the cassette tube.  The legacy design frame is extremely thin compared to the tube wall thickness, and this mismatch is extremely difficult to EB weld reliably.  If a mistake is made, the entire EDM cassette tube is scrapped.

Bob Welbourn and the machine shop have come up with an improved design for the frame and window with slightly modified forming tools.

The window thickness .003" and tube wall thickness .010" remain the same.  The only change is to the thickness of the welding frame, which is now matched with the tube wall thickness (previously .003", now .010").

Photos of the old (right) and new (left) weld results are attached, as well as the new forming tools created by Bob Welbourn.

The shop is now able to make a confident and reliable weld for the end caps.

I am not sure that the increased frame thickness will have any affect on the beam entry into the target cassette, but my assumption is that this region is not critical.  Now, if the beam does enter that material at the edge of the cap / tube, and the temperature changes during operation, there will be a more secure weld there due to this design improvement.

The machine shop was waiting for the OK to finish welding the end caps into the frames using this new technique / design, and seeing as how the old option was likely to produce more leaking or scrap parts, I gave them the go-ahead to proceed.

Isaac will take care of the drawing and documentation updates when he returns from holiday.

Thanks and regards,


  183   Thursday, November 05, 2015, 17:07 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 2TargetT2-MK1 Profile Monitor Repair and Pos'n 3 Target Removal

The following work was performed on the T2-MK1 target.  The profile monitor and monitor cage on this target were damaged in January 2013, See E-Log #68

Oct 23:
- T2-MK1 target moved from storage pit hole #4 to the hot cell (field measurement was not possible because the pole monitor had issues
- Position 2 and 3 targets photographed (see attached)
- Position 3 target (10cm Be) removed.  This target had accumulated 11.5 months of beam time.  Maximum for T2 targets is 12 months according to new schedule.

Oct 26:
- Position 3 plugged
- Profile monitor cage inspected and photographed. The cage (TBP0106D) and aluminum frame (TBP0101C) were both noticeably damaged (see photos)
- Attempted to insert dummy cassette, went in smoothly
- Moved target ladder through all positions, moves smoothly, micro-switches ok, potentiometer ok
- Motor drive coupling inspected - no issues
- Actuated monitor in and out: traveled fairly smoothly, 40psi required to insert, 20psi to pull back out
- Dummy cassette removed, real replacement cassette inserted (went smoothly)
- Horizontal wires inspected w/ Nikon level, found to be crooked

Oct 27:
- Cassette frame nuts (TBP0108C-2) loosened and monitor frame adjusted until horizontal wires horizontal, nuts re-tightened and torqued
- Vertical and horizontal measurements of profile monitor position measured - All within 1-2mm of previous measurements in 2010
- Although some physical damage to frame is visible it still positions monitor in correct location and seems to be fully functional, therefore will use if electrical is ok

Oct 28:
- Electrical check performed on profile monitor by Mike Russell
- All 26 wires visible.  Screenshot of scope taken (see attached)
- Moved to position 5 to stretch bellows, and air left running through target overnight to dry

Oct 29:
- Cold trap filled with LN2, pumping with new leak detector started
- Test port at E-1 Torr range after 30s, E-2 after 1.5mins, E-3 range after 3mins, 0.0E-10 torrL/s leak rate after ~10mins, TP at <1.0E-3Torr after ~15mins
- Leak check performed with 3psi helium applied w/ ~0.5s bursts at all target locations, bellows, top of vac flange, and Hansen fittings
- Small leak found at left bellows lower weld (expect is negligible for water use), no response from all target locations (see attached scan of leak check notes), deemed water leak tight

Nov 3:
- Plumb bob measurements taken
- Vertical and horizontal measurements of Pos'n 2 target taken
- Target ladder moved to position 0, profile monitor secured in IN position to prevent damage during move

Nov 5:
- Target returned to storage pit hole #4
- Field of 53mSv/hr measured at ~0.3m (attempted 0.5m measurement, but was a little close)


The T2-MK1 target is now fully functional and ready for use.  The 10cm Be target in position 2 has not seen beam.

Note that the target window welds show some uneveness (see photos), but not expected to affect performance b/c leak tight.  The elevations sheet will be updated and filed in the T2 Binder in the Meson Hall HC Lab Office.


  182   Tuesday, October 13, 2015, 10:52 Isaac EarleStandard OperationTarget 1TargetT1 & T2 Target Ladder Moves

 The T1 and T2 targets were both moved from Position 0 to Position 4 at approximately 2:30am on Saturday October 10th using the portable control box.  Operations had tried to move the T1 target to position 4 using the old control system but for unknown reasons it would move to any position except position 4 and the portable control box had to be used.  The portable control box should continue to be used for T1 and T2 target moves until the new control system is installed in the 2016 shutdown.

  181   Friday, October 09, 2015, 15:52 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetT1-MK2 Protect Monitor Replacement and Inspection

When the damage to the T2 Protect Monitor was found to be caused by flying debris from a vacuum spike (see e-log #179), it was decided that the T1 Protect Monitor should also be replaced.

Oct 8:

- The T1-MK2 target was transported from the beam line to the hot cell after the T2 target was returned to the beamline (see e-log #180).  The T1 target was 38.9mSv/hr at 0.5m

- The T1 target was inspected in the hot cell: profile monitor looked ok, protect monitor damaged with holes and dents on upstream side (see attached photos), position 4 target looked ok with beam spots roughly centered (see photos)

- The old protect monitor was removed in the hot cell and a new monitor supplied by Probes Group was installed (previously undocumented brass spacers were seen over the monitor cassette alignment pins on the target)

- The T1-MK2 profile and protect monitors were checked by Probes Group at the hot cell --> both ok

- Measured elevation of the new T1-MK2 protect monitor: 1831.1mm on entrance side (previously 1831.0 --> ok)

- Position 4 target entrance side elevation checked: 1832.9mm (previously 1831.9mm --> 1mm discrepancy)

- Position 4 exit side elevation measured: 1832.4mm (previously 1832.1mm --> ok)

- Protect monitor exit side elevation measured: 1833.7mm (previously 1833.3 --> ok)

- T1-MK2 target returned to beamline at approximately 5pm, no problems

- Vacuum pumped down quickly and it was decided that a leak check would not be necessary

Oct 9:

- All target services attached

- T1 target moved to Position 0 using remote control box

- T1 package started, no change to T1 vacuum

- T1 profile monitor and protect monitor electronics checked by Probes Group from mezzannine --> both ok

- T1 motor drive cable conected to controller in 1A racks.  The T1 ladder can be moved from the 1A racks mimic panel (T2 still requires portable control box)

- Actuation of the T1 profile monitor was tested --> actuated properly, no change in vacuum

- T1 cooling package expansion tank level checked: no change

- The T1 area is ready to be covered

  180   Friday, October 09, 2015, 15:18 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 2TargetT2-MK2 Check at Hot Cell and Motor Drive Cable Replacement

While the T2 monolith was uncovered for T2 Protect repair (see previous e-log), it was decided that the T2 target should be moved to the hot cell to address issues discovered last week with target ladder movement (see e-log #175)


Oct 7:

- T2-MK2 target was moved from the beamline to the hot cell after the T2 protect was reinstalled (the target measured 896mSv/hr at 0.5m)

- The target was inspected in the hot cell: profile monitor looked normal, two beam spots (one higher, one lower) were observed on the entrance window (see photos), the spot on the exit window was low but not quite touching the weld

- T2 profile monitor was checked by probes group at the hot cell --> ok

- Ladder movement was checked by cycling through all target positions twice using the portable control box.  This revealed that the drive motor is actually functioning properly and the fault lies elsewhere

- Tested T2 motor drive cable from 1A racks to beamline with Dave Cameron.  Found Pin B has 190kOhm short to building ground.  Attempts to fix the cable at both ends were unsuccessful and spare wires in the bundle could not be used because there is a break in the cable at an unknown location and use of wire colours in both sections is inconsistent

- Checked entrance side elevation: 1839.0mm with potentiometer at 16.19kOhms.  This is consistent with previous measurement of 1838.7mm.  This confirms that pot, motor, and drivetrain for ladder movement are all ok.

Oct 8:

- Decided to run new cable for target motor drive  (already had on hand for T1/T2 controls upgrade in 2016 shutdown).  The cable is labeled T2TGTMTR-DRV.  It was first tested at the hot cell and then installed by Doug and Ron

- The T2-MK2 target was returned to the beamline.  A camera and monitor setup was used to watch the target entering the hole remotely which greatly reduced dose  (inserting the target requires multiple iterations to get alignment correct, so dose is typically higher than when removing devices from the monolith)

- T2 profile and protect monitors checked by Probes Group from the mezannine --> both ok

- Pumping on T2 volume began late morning, leak was found at T2 protect flange (see previous e-log), after correcting this the vacuum pumped down normally.  A helium leak check was performed on all flanges on the T2 monolith --> no leaks found

Oct 9:

- All services attached to target

- T2-MK2 target moved to position 0 using the new cable and the portable control box

- T2 cooling package started (no change to vacuum)

- T2 cooling package expansion tank level checked - the tank was only ~1/3 full, suspected leak through disconnected female hansen connection.  Tank was refilled to normal level using ISIS water

- Plant Group began replacement of blocks over T2 late morning

  179   Friday, October 09, 2015, 14:56 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 2OtherT2 Protect Monitor Replacement

On Monday Oct 5th a decision was made to uncover and remove the T2 Protect Monitor due to faulty readings.  The monitor had been behaving strangely since the September shutdown, and had been getting worse over time.

- Blocks were removed over T2 starting Monday afternoon.  It is necessary to remove the narrow 12' block and two 6' blocks west of the T2 plug block in order to fit the flask frame in for protect monitor removal

- The monitor was moved to the hot cell by 7pm on Monday.  Pierre was operating the crane and there were no issues with the move.  (monitor measured 15mSv/hr at 0.5m)

Oct 6:

- Monitor inspected: a thin piece of foil was found jammed into the entrance side of the monitor (see photos) & a heat or burn mark was seen on the exit side above and to the south of the plate gap.  It is suspected that this material traveled down the beamline at high speed when there was a vacuum burst during the September shutdown.  In light of this information it was decided to remove the T2 target and T1 target as well (see following e-logs)

- Monitor elevation measured: 1835.8mm (april 2015 measurement was 1836.1 --> ok)

- Old monitor cassette removed, new one installed.  Elevation checked: 1832.2mm - did not match, removed, decontaminated, and returned to Probes for adjustment

- Adjusted monitor installed, elevation checked: 1835.8mm --> ok

- Electrical check done by Probes group at hot cell: found left plate shorted to ground

- Cassette removed, decontaminated, and repaired by Probes Group

- Cassette reinstalled, and electrical check repeated --> ok

Oct 7:

- Monitor elevation re-checked: 1836.2mm --> ok

- T2 protect returned to beamline, bolts installed, cables connected

Oct 8:

- Vacuum pumped on T2 volume after T2-MK2 target returned (see next e-log):  Only reached 2 Torr and a leak was heard coming from T2 protect flange.

- T2 protect was unbolted and lifted ~1in for cleaning of the flange base and o-ring

- The T2 volume then pumped down normally

- A helium leak check of all flanges on the T2 monolith was done by Vacuum Group --> no leaks found

ELOG V2.9.2-2455