Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 193     Entry time: Thursday, March 31, 2016, 11:48
Author: Isaac Earle 
Category: Standard Operation 
Type: Target 1 
Specific: Target 
Subject: T1 & T2 Beryllium Target Manufacturing Complete 

Manufacturing of a new batch of T1 and T2 beryllium targets has been completed.

The job was completed under Machine Shop Work Order #41527.  Eleven 12mm T1 targets (TBP1683) and seven 10cm T2 targets (TBP1691) were completed (exhausting all stock of the leftover EDM'd target housings).  The target window profiles (TBP1695) were laser cut at an outside shop for greater precision and to save time.  The target window assemblies were electron beam welded to the target housings (TBP1687 & TBP1692) by Bob Welbourn.  The remainder of the tube welds were completed by George Sun.  Assembly of the Swagelok fittings, target inspections, hydrostatic testing, and final helium leak checks as specified on the assembly drawings were performed by Isaac Earle.  In addition to these tests, one spare target housing was pressure tested to 275psi (the max pressure of the regulator of target jig TBP1721).  The target windows bulged at this pressure, but did not rupture.

The attached spreadsheet has details on target measurements and test results.  The target serial numbers (listed in the spreadsheet) have been engraved on the 90 degree elbow of each target on both the entrance and exit side.  Detailed photographs were taken of each target which are stored on Isaac Earle's hard drive (too large to attach).

If the 2015 target replacement plan is followed (See E-Log #168), these targets should last for at least 10 years.


Attachment 1: T1_T2_Be_Target_Documentation_(2016_Batch).xlsx  15 kB
ELOG V2.9.2-2455