Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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ID Date Author Category Type Specific Subject Text Attachments
  323   Friday, March 03, 2023, 16:00 Albert KongMaintenanceTarget 2OtherM20 Return to T2 Monolith + Vaccum Leak / T1-T2 Valve Re-inspection We moved M20 back to the T2 monolith
and re did the connections for air + limit
switches + T2 profile monitor air.
  322   Thursday, March 02, 2023, 07:04 maicodallavalleMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingRefilled Expasion TankI have filled the water package on T2 with
DI water. The expansion tank is at 38.1cm.
This may change when the pump is turned on.
  321   Thursday, March 02, 2023, 06:59 maicodallavalleMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingRefilled Expasion TankI have refilled the water package on T1
with DI water. The Expansion Tank is at 37cm.
This may change when pump is turned on.
  320   Wednesday, March 01, 2023, 13:10 Albert KongMaintenanceOtherCoolingT1/T2 Water Cooling Package Heat Exchanger Ball Valve Replacement3x 3/4" swagelok ball valves (2x at
T2 and 1x at T1) were replaced after the
water cooling line was shut off at the BL1A
  319   Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 16:56 Albert KongMaintenanceTarget 2OtherM20 BB moved to meson hall hot cell roofThe M20 beam blocker was moved from the
T2 monolith to the meson hall hot cell with
the remote handling flask (completed ~4pm).
  318   Friday, February 17, 2023, 14:36 Albert KongRepairOtherWater LeakT1/T2 Water Cooling Package Ball Valve Replacement5 and 3 Swagelok ball valves were replaced
from the T1 and T2 cooling packages respectively.
These are compression fit valves,
  317   Thursday, February 02, 2023, 15:14 Albert KongMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 Cooling Package: Leaked Valve InspectionA 0.75" SwageLok ball valve that was
taken out from the T1 cooling package was
inspected (SS-45S12).
  316   Thursday, February 02, 2023, 10:35 Albert KongMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 Cooling Package Draining (Prep for Valve Replacement)Water reservoir in T1 started draining
at ~7.30 am, will leave till tomorrow or
overnight to fully drain. 
  315   Wednesday, February 01, 2023, 14:23 Albert KongMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 Cooling Package: flow test after resin exchange / valve leak check / faulty(?) dial pressure gauge Maico/Eric/Albert:
The expansion tank in T1 was filled
to ~36cm in the morning.
  314   Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 13:49 Adam NewsomeRepairOtherActive SumpActive Sump - Valve V6 LeakingIt was noticed today (2023-01-17) that
the valve V6, used in draining the BL1A Holding
Tank to the Active Sump, was leaky. This
  313   Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 13:46 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceOtherActive SumpFilter Change: RH Active Sump and BL1A Holding Tank Drain OutputThe CUNO filters were changed 2023-01-17

    BL1A Holding Tank drain
  312   Monday, January 16, 2023, 15:06 Adam NewsomeRepairOtherActive SumpRH Active Sump - draining flow rate sensor repairThe flow rate sensor used to monitor the
drain rate from BL1A holding tank to active
sump, located in the active sump area, was
  311   Monday, January 16, 2023, 15:04 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingT2 Cooling Package MRO - 2023 ShutdownT2 Cooling Package MRO began Jan. 16, 2023.
The following maintenance tasks have
  310   Monday, January 16, 2023, 15:01 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 Cooling Package MRO - 2023 ShutdownT1 Cooling Package MRO began Jan. 16, 2023.
The following maintenance tasks have
  309   Monday, January 16, 2023, 09:54 Adam NewsomeStandard OperationOtherCoolingT1 and T2 - Cooling Package DrainedOn Jan. 13, the T1 and T2 cooling package
water reservoirs were drained to the BL1A
holding tank. Water samples were obtained
  308   Thursday, January 12, 2023, 10:36 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1Water LeakT1 and T2 - Cooling Package Water Leaks - Ball ValvesUpon uncovering the T1 and T2 areas to
prepare for regular cooling package maintenance,
it was discovered that multiple ball valves
  307   Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 15:22 Adam NewsomeRepairTarget 2TargetT2 Target Ladder Motor - Coupling FailureIt was reported on Dec. 20, 2022 that when
Operations attempted to run the target ladder
motor, it was unresponsive. A fault report
  306   Tuesday, January 03, 2023, 07:42 Adam NewsomeOtherOtherActive SumpActive Sump - Level CheckThe sump level was checked by Robin Swanson
on Dec. 31, 2022. It was essentially empty
- see attached photo.
  305   Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 11:27 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 inlet pressure transducer replacementA fault was reported June 21, 2022 (Fault
15033) regarding T1 inlet pressure warnings...
  304   Tuesday, October 04, 2022, 09:59 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingT2 cooling package maintenance - mini-shutdown 2022The following maintenance tasks were performed
during mini-shutdown of 2022 with the goal
of resolving the Fault 14966 (target water
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