The expansion tank in T1 was filled to ~36cm in the morning.
We contacted the control room to test flowrates in the T1 cooling loop after new installation of resin in the demineralizing line.
Epics interlocks tripped immediately as pump was turned on (flow too low or pressure to high) due to new resin.
Turning on the pump repeatedly extends the delay before system trips, until eventually the pump can run continuously.
Flowrate through demin line initially too high (~2.5 gpm), adjusted flow control valve to bring it to ~1.4 gpm (setpoint at the time ~0.4-1.5 gpm).
When the pump was turned on initially, saw physical pressure gauge (dial type) bottom out/make greater than 1 full rotation (>50 Psi).
No connection between the physical dial to EPICS so no cause for immediate concern.
All valves are more leaky than when the pumps are off - leaks definitely not due to depressurization.
Attached: photo of the likely 'faulty' dial pressure gauge.