Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  Thursday, June 21, 2012, 13:38, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Cooling, T2 Water Package Started 

 The T2 water package was reconnected to the target and started after being shut-off since April 12, 2012.  The M9 and M20 groups do not anticipate having to vent the T2 volume, so the package will be left running in preparation for BL1A start-up in early July.  There was no change in T2 vacuum levels during start-up, and therefore no water leaks into the vacuum volume.

The T2 expansion tank water loss observed on May 24 (Meson Hall E-Log #33) seems to have been a one time event, possibly caused by someone starting the T2 water package while the target was disconnected.  The level of the tank has been checked regularly since the water loss, and there have been no further drops in the level.

Entry  Tuesday, July 03, 2012, 13:23, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2 Plug Block Replaced & Beam Blockers Tested 

The T2 plug block was replaced and the M9 and M20 beam blockers were tested.  The plug block did not interfere with the travel of the beam blockers.  There was no change in the T2 vacuum during BB actuation.

Initially there was some confusion about how to actuate the beam blockers.  The following was learned:

- The M9 beam blocker is no longer part of a safety system because there are separate blockers for the M9A and M9B channels
- The M9 beam blocker does not need to be 'enabled' before actuation
- The M9 beam blocker can be actuated from the M9B ASU panel located on the B2 level
- The M9 beam blocker cannot be actuated from the control room.

- There are no additional blockers in the M20 beam line, so the M20BB functions as a safety system and must be lowered before the M20 area can be accessed
- The M20BB must be 'enabled' by controls before it can be actuated
- The M20BB can be actuated from the control room or the M20 ASU on the B2 level


Entry  Monday, July 09, 2012, 17:17, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, BL1A Start-Up Prep 

 - T1 & T2 targets switched to "remote" control
 - Both target ladders were moved to Position 3 (12mm Be)
 - T2 Q1 flow interlock defeat was removed (only required when target ladder is in position zero)
 - The targets are now ready for BL1A start-up (up to 10μA this evening)

Entry  Thursday, November 22, 2012, 17:22, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Active Sump, RH Lab Active Sump Released 

 On Wednesday November 21 at approximately 9am the level of the Remote Handling active sump was inspected and found to be at approximately the 7000L level.  The high level alarm sounds at approximately 5800L.  The high level alarm had been silenced by somebody, and RH staff had not been notified.  It is unknown when the high level alarm was reached.  The total sump volume is 7200L (which if exceeded will cause active water to spill on the lab floor).  The sump was previously inspected about 3 weeks prior, and the level was observed to be well below the high level sensor.  The recent increase in volume was from the RCR lab in the MHESA basement.

The sump contents were sampled and approved for release by RPG.  Sump contents were released on November 22nd using the procedure written in Document #64834.

A sign was put up next to the high level alarm silence button indicating that RH staff must be contacted if the alarm is silenced.

The high level sensor was tested and found to be working properly.

Entry  Tuesday, January 08, 2013, 09:27, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, BL1A Air Amplifier turned off for duration of shutdown. 

 The BL1A air amplifier has been shut down by closing the air supply valve on the device. The air amplifier supplies high pressure air (110psi) to the following devices: M9BB, M20BB, T1 Profile Monitor, T2 Profile Monitor, T2 Collimator, Septum Polarity Switch

Entry  Friday, January 11, 2013, 15:48, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, BL1A Tunnel Accessed IMG_0801.JPGIMG_0802.JPG

 The BL1A tunnel was accessed to drain and sample T2 cooling package water.  A puddle of water was noticed in the South TNF area around the drain by the boot-box.  No water was found in the BL1A tunnel.  Photos attached.

Entry  Monday, January 14, 2013, 16:55, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, Target Move & Damaged Profile Monitor 

The T2-MK1 target (spare T2 target) was transported from the hot cell to the storage pit today.  

While the flask was being aligned to the storage pit locating pins, the base of the flask bumped the top of one of the alignment pins.  This was caused by a slight misalignment between the flask locating hole and the alignment pin at the moment when the flask was lowered.  This caused the target to swing within the flask and hit the inside wall of the flask.  

While the target was being lowered into the storage pit hole, it was observed that the profile monitor cassette had become loose from the impact and was protruding from its frame.  The target was raised back into the flask and transported back to the hot cell for inspection.

While lowering the target into the hot cell, the profile monitor cassette was protruding so much from its frame that it hit the target support ring on the hot cell turn table.  This caused the profile monitor cassette to come completely out of its frame and fall onto the hot cell table.  The cassette was damaged from the fall and appears to be unusable.  Probes Group is in the process of assembling a new cassette, which should be ready within the next few days.  They have requested that the damaged cassette be given to them so they can salvage parts (the cassette has not seen beam and should not be active).

The target was inspected and photographed and then transported to storage pit hole #4.  It is possible that the profile monitor frame was also damaged.

This mistake can be avoided in the future by working much more carefully and slowly when locating the flask on alignment pins and by completely removing all flask swing before lowering the flask.

Entry  Monday, January 21, 2013, 16:18, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2 Cooling Package Water Released 

The T2 cooling package water was drained to the BL1A active sump, refilled, cycled, and drained again.  Samples of T2 cooling package active water was given to RPG, tested, and approved for release.

On January 21 at approximately 4pm the full volume of the sump (280L) was released to the city sewer.

Entry  Friday, April 12, 2013, 13:28, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Cooling, Cooling Packages Leak Tight 

 The T1 and T2 expansion tanks were filled on Monday April 8th.  There was no change in the level when inspected today (April 12th).  Visual inspection of the packages also found no leaks.

Entry  Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 16:43, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2 target installed; Vacuum leak-tight; Monitors OK; T2 ready for beam 

The T2-MK2 target was transferred from the storage pit to the beam line yesterday (April 16th).  The field was measured to be approximately 165mSv/hr at 0.5m from the target ladder (after approximately 5 months of cool down time).  Vacuum was started this morning and has pumped down normally (1ACG4 at 11mTorr after ~5 hours) indicating that the target is leak tight.  

The T2 profile monitor and protect monitor were 'blip' tested by Bill Rawnsley and Mike Russel from the racks on the Meson Hall mezzanine today.  The response from both monitors appeared normal.

T2 profile monitor and M20 beam blocker actuation were tested from the MCR, both devices actuated smoothly and all limit switches registered properly.

The T2 target is now ready for beam and the T2 monolith may be covered.

Entry  Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 16:45, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, T1-MK1 Target Leak Checked 

 The T1-MK1 target was leak checked on April 15th at the T1 monolith by Ron Kuramoto and Edi Dalla Valle.  No leaks were found.

Entry  Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 14:05, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Active Sump, RH Lab Active Sump Level Sensor Inspected 

A notification was received that the RH lab active sump level sensor is due for annual inspection.  The sensor was tested and is working properly.

The water level was observed to be only a few inches below the sensor level.  Ken Buckley was notified and someone from his group will sample and drain the tank according to the procedure in Document-64834

Entry  Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 15:38, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Water Leak, Suck Tube Drained and Rinsed IMG_1276.JPGIMG_1291.JPGIMG_1295.JPGIMG_1296.JPGIMG_1297.JPG

The suck tube vessel was drained, rinsed, and transported to the active sink area in the Meson Hall Hot Cell Lab.  There are no longer high fields from the suck tube and it is ready for future use.  The filter, tubing, and flange used for filtering the active water were removed and bagged and are currently stored in the south-east corner of the warm cell.  This bag measured up to 12mSv/hr on contact.  There are small black particles visible inside the bag.  The filtered water was sampled and will be released if approved by RPG.  The bucket with the active water is stored in the active sink boot-box area.


Photos attached.

Entry  Friday, January 17, 2014, 10:10, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Cooling, T1/T2 Cooling Packages & Air Amplifier Shut Off 

 In preparation for Edi to vent the BL1A vacuum volume, the T1 and T2 cooling packages were both shut off.  They will remain off until vacuum is restored in BL1A in a few weeks time.  This afternoon, water will be purged from the T1 and T2 targets using compressed air so that stagnant water is not sitting in the targets for an extended period of time.

The air amplifier was also shut off and will remain off for the duration of the shutdown.  The lower of the two amplifiers was operating during the last running period.

Entry  Friday, January 17, 2014, 15:41, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, Water Purged from T1 & T2 Targets 

Water was purged from the T1 and T2 targets using compressed air.  The water is stored in a labeled bucket on the BL1A blocks near the T2 cooling package.  The bucket is approximately 100µSv/hr on contact and 10µSv/hr at 0.5m.  Isaac's coveralls had 500cpm on them after this job and were dropped off at active laundry.  Keith had no contamination on his coveralls.

Entry  Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 15:41, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Water Leak, Water Drained From Suck Tube Released 

 After approval from RPG, the water drained from the suck tube, which was stored in a bucket in the RH lab active sink area, was released to the active drain.  Even after rinsing, the bucket still had a slight field from the base, so it has been labelled and will be kept in the active sink area.

Entry  Thursday, February 06, 2014, 17:05, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Cooling, T1 & T2 Cooling Package Filters Changed 

Water was drained from the T1 and T2 cooling packages, samples taken, and delivered to RPG.

All filters on the T1 and T2 cooling packages were changed except for the T1 demin. line filter which is hard to access and could not be properly drained.  This filter will be changed next shutdown when the area is more accessible while the resin cans are being changed.

The field from each filter was measured after removal:

T1 Target Water Filter:  180μSv/hr @ 0.5m, 8.26mSv/hr on contact
T1 Collimator A Filter:   0.86μSv/hr @ 0.5m, 0.61μSv/hr on contact  (same as background)
T2 Target Water Filter:   185μSv/hr @ 0.5m, 10.5mSv/hr on contact
T2 Demineralizer Water Filter:   2.10μSv/hr @ 0.5m, 30.0μSv/hr on contact


9000cpm were measured on Isaac's coveralls after completing this work, most likely from laying on the concrete blocks next to the cooling packages to access the filters.  Keith's coveralls had 300cpm.  Both pairs were bagged and taken to active laundry.  The filter cartridges on Isaac's respirator had 700cpm.  RPG was notified and Danka will do a gamma spec on the respirator filters.

The T1 and T2 cooling package water will be released after approval from RPG.

Entry  Thursday, February 13, 2014, 14:27, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2 Target Moves 

The T2-MK1 target was moved from the beam line to the target storage pit in position 4.  The target was measured to be 30mSv/hr at 0.5m.  The move went smoothly.

The T2-MK2 target was then moved from the hot cell to the beam line.  The target was 151mSv/hr at 0.5m.  For reasons unknown the target was slightly out of rotation when lowered into the beam line, and could not be fully lowered because the alignment pins were out of position.  It was not possible to twist the target while it was supported by the flask, so 2" aluminum standoffs were placed on the monolith flange, and the target was lowered onto the standoffs.  The target was then lifted without using the flask, the standoffs removed, the target rotated to match the locating pins and then lowered onto the flange.  It is possible to adjust the rotation of the lift T flange on this target if the misalignment is found to be caused by the target and not the flange.

The new target information sheet was delivered to Ops, and XTPAGE 7L was updated.  Graham Waters was notified of the change so that he can update the potentiometer look-up values in the control system.

The target flask catch tray was cleaned using a wet wipe which had 11,000cpm on the 44-2 meter and 300cpm on the RM14 meter.  After cleaning, a dry swipe of the tray inside had 0 counts on the 44-2 and 100cpm RM14.

300cpm contamination was found on Isaac's coveralls and 150 on Ron's.  There was 6000cpm found on Ron's booties.  He had been working on the blocks around the T2 monolith, but had not been down to the monolith itself.  A request will be made for Plant Group to paint the blocks around the T2 monolith.

Entry  Monday, March 24, 2014, 18:14, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Cooling, T2 Cooling Package & Air Amplifier Started 

Bill Rawnsley completed an electrical check of the T2 profile monitor today from the Meson Hall mezzanine - All OK.  

The T2 cooling package was refilled and started.  There was no change to the T2 vacuum when starting the package.  While running, the package was visually inspected for water leaks - no leaks found.  

The lower air amplifier has also been started and is operating normally (the o-ring seal of the moisture trap on the amplifier inlet required cleaning and lubricating to seal properly).

David Cameron and Mike Russel completed an electrical check of the T2 protect monitor last week - All OK.

On the control panel on the mezzanine the "monitor in" lamp is currently illuminated which is incorrect (the monitor is currently out, and proper actuation of the micro switches was checked).  This problem started last year and did not seem to cause issues during 2013 running period.  

Operators were unable to move the T2 profile monitor to the in position from the control room.  This may be caused by a separate interlock that is not satisfied, or may be a new controls issue.  To confirm that the T2 target assembly is not at fault, power was supplied directly to the profile monitor air cylinder solenoid valve and the monitor traveled into position normally.  This will be investigated further before blocks are replaced.

Entry  Thursday, April 03, 2014, 10:19, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Cooling, T2 Cooling Package Resin Can Replaced T2_Conductivity.jpg

The resin can was removed from the T2 cooling package and transported to the warm cell.  A replacement can with fresh resin was then installed.

A 12' sling and the standard four bridle was used to prevent the crane hook block from hitting the mezzanine railing on the south side.

The T2 package was started and inspected for leaks - none found.


Although T2 resin can replacement was scheduled for the 2015 shutdown, a decline in conductivity (with beam off) was observed since the cooling package was started in mid-march.
(See attached XSTRIP plot showing gradual decline and then increase after resin can swap)

The T2 resin can will now be scheduled for replacement every 2 years (rather than 3).  It is still unknown whether the T1 resin can will also need replacing every 2 years.



ELOG V2.9.2-2455