Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
IDdown Date Author Category Type Specific Subject
  41   Monday, June 18, 2012, 16:27 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetT1-MK2 Profile and Protect Monitor Electronics Check

 Bill Rawnsley and Mike Russell performed a 'blip' test on the T1-MK2 profile monitor and protect monitors today.  A possible bad wire at  #9 location in the vertical array on the profile monitor was found (this is two wires above center).  Bill did not think this was a serious concern and beam tuning can be (and has been done in the past) with wires missing.  Otherwise the responses were normal for both monitors and the scope readings were almost identical to when this target was checked in August 2011.

  40   Friday, June 08, 2012, 17:01 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetT1-MK2 Leak Repair Update

 A leak check was performed on the T1-MK2 target in the hot cell today and confirmed successful leak-free installation of the new water supply tubes, delta seal retaining rings, and delta seals on the upper slide plate.  The remaining tasks are to install delta seals on the lower slide plate and have the protect monitor and profile monitor electronics checked by diagnostics group.

  39   Friday, June 08, 2012, 16:52 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetBroken Manipulator Tape Update

 The broken tape on the west side hot cell manipulator was found to be one of two "Z motion slave tapes".  The manipulator can still function normally with only one, however the remaining tape will see twice the load as usual.  It was decided that repair of the manipulator may be delayed until after the T1-MK2 target repair job is complete.  Lifting of heavy objects using the west side manipulator will be avoided until after the broken tape is replaced.

  38   Thursday, June 07, 2012, 18:08 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetHot Cell Manipulator Broken Tape

 A tape snapped on the west side manipulator today while working on the T1-MK2 target repair.  The tape travels through to the slave end, so unfortunately the manipulator will need to be removed from the hot cell for repair.  This is the same manipulator that was just out for a broken cable repair, and I suspect that the tape was accidentally kinked or dislodged from a pulley when the manipulator was disassembled.

  37   Wednesday, June 06, 2012, 08:58 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 2TargetT2 Monolith Leak Check

 While leak checking components in the M20 front end on May 25th, the top of the T2 monolith was also checked by flooding the top of the monolith with helium while it was covered with plastic sheeting.  There was no response on the Varian leak detector indicating no significant leaks from the flange seals, shaft seals, and seals for upper services on the T2 target, T2 protect monitor, M9BB, M20BB, and M8BB/Col.A

  36   Wednesday, June 06, 2012, 08:48 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetManipulator Repair Complete

 Repair of the west side hot cell manipulator was completed and the manipulator was re-installed into the hot cell.  No contamination was found in the lab, on the manipulator support frame, or on any tools.  A 'y' motion lock was also installed on the east manipulator and all accessible pulleys and rollers were lubricated.

  35   Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 15:39 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetWest Side Manipulator Removed from Hot Cell

 The west side manipulator was removed from the hot cell using the new manipulator removal frame.  The operation went smoothly and required about one hour with two operators after everything had been prepared.  No contamination was found on the manipulator thru-tube or slave arm.  Only 50cpm were measured on the wrist assembly of the slave end.

Attachment 1: IMG_0227.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_0231.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_0238.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_0241.JPG
  34   Monday, May 28, 2012, 17:17 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 2CoolingT2 Water Loss Update

 The T2 cooling package, the top of the T2 monolith, and the Hansen water connections which connect the package to the target were inspected and no evidence of a water leak was found.  Kim wipes had been stuffed inside the female Hansen fittings after they were disconnected on April 12th, and these were also completely dry.  I checked with control room and there are no log entries regarding anyone starting the cooling package during the relevant dates.  I also contacted Graham Waters (who sometimes works on the water package controls) and he has not turned on the package since it was shut off on April 12th.

The water level in the expansion tank has not changed since last inspection on May 24th.  I will continue to check the water level daily.

  33   Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:26 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 2CoolingWater Leak From T2 Cooling Package (Disconnected from Target)

 Today I noticed a "NOT OK" signal from T2 water expansion tank warning level sensor.  I checked the water level in the tank and confirmed that the water level in the tank had indeed dropped.  The water package is currently not connected to the target so it is not possible for this water to enter the beam line.  

My initial suspicion is that the female Hansen fittings are leaking.  If this is the case, the water will be leaking onto the top of the T2 monolith.  The water lines were disconnected from the target on April 12, 2012 and at that time the expansion tank level was checked and confirmed to be full.   Approximately 7 liters of water has been lost since that time.  If the leak rate is steady this equates to 166mL per day.

I will investigate further on Monday morning.  If the cause of the leak is not obvious, a thorough investigation will have to wait until the M20 front end is covered as radiation levels are high around the T2 monolith and cooling package areas.  The current water level in the expansion tank has been recorded, and will be checked again Monday morning in order to see if the level is still decreasing and at what rate.

  32   Monday, April 23, 2012, 09:55 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetHot Cell Manipulator Broken Cable

 While working on the leak repair of the T1-MK2 target in the hot cell on Friday April 20th, a cable snapped on the slave end of the right side manipulator.  It is suspected to be the 'Y' shaped cable assembly that actuates the grippers when the lever is pulled on the master end.

The target repair job cannot continue until the manipulator is repaired.  The repair job may take up to a full week, and will require space in the Remote Handling lab as well as use of the house crane, therefore the job will have to be scheduled strategically to avoid interfering with the M20 Q1/Q2 magnet repair which is on critical path and also requires use of the crane.

  31   Thursday, April 12, 2012, 15:19 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 2TargetT2 Target Water Drained

 In preparation for extended periods of the T2 volume being vented during the M20 repair, the T2 water package was shut-off, the water lines were disconnected from the target, and the cooling water was removed from the target using compressed air.

  30   Wednesday, April 11, 2012, 17:02 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 2TargetT2 Vacuum Interlock & Expansion Tank Level Sensor

 The problem with the T2 vacuum interlock was fixed by restarting the "Crate TG1" control panel microprocessor.  The T1 and T2 vacuum interlocks were retested several times and are functioning properly.  Fault report #5907 was returned.


Graham Waters investigated the faulty signal from T2 expansion tank warning level sensor.  The problem was found to be a loose cable at the panels.  The connection was restored and the level sensors are now displaying correctly.

  29   Thursday, April 05, 2012, 15:22 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1TargetT1 & T2 Profile and Protect "Blip" Test

 Diagnostics group completed their "blip" signal response tests on the T1 and T2 profile and protect monitors.  A small amount of leakage was observed on the T2 profile monitor, but was not thought to be a significant concern.  All other results were normal.

  28   Thursday, April 05, 2012, 12:14 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetT1 & T2 Profile Monitors

Controls Group replaced the wiring and wire harness for the profile monitor limit switches on T2.  The monitor was actuated remotely and functioned properly.

The T1 profile monitor was also tested and actuated properly.  The T1 monolith is now ready to be covered so that blocks may be removed from the M20 area.

  27   Wednesday, April 04, 2012, 15:51 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 2TargetBL1A Update

Vacuum interlock defeat jumpers were removed for T1 and T2.  The interlock was tested by venting the T1 and T2 volumes.  Both packages registered a vacuum trip, however only the T1 package shut off.  A fault report has been filed to investigate this.


Controls group identified that issues with remote actuation of the profile monitor at T2 was due to a short-circuit on limit switch wires on the target assembly.  The relevant wiring assembly was removed from the target and controls group is preparing a replacement.


This morning it was noticed that the warning level indicator for T2 expansion tank displays as tripped on XTPAGE.  The level was checked in the tank and has not moved (is well above the warning level float).  I will investigate further and contact controls group if a solution is not forthcoming.

  26   Tuesday, April 03, 2012, 15:55 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1TargetT1 Ladder Position Look-up Tables Updated

 Graham Waters has activated the appropriate target ladder position look-up tables for the T1-MK1 target which was installed in the beam line yesterday.

  25   Monday, April 02, 2012, 15:18 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetT1-MK1 Installed in Beam Line

 The T1-MK1 target was transferred from the storage pit to the beam line.  Services were hooked up and the cooling package was started (operating normally).

Target ladder documentation and elevation values for the new target were delivered to operations.

  24   Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 13:14 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetWater removal from T1 monolith

All water was removed from the base of the target hole in the T1 monolith using a suction tube device and wypalls.  Video inspection was performed and revealed standing water in the unused 4" beam line pipe facing south as well as on the bellows on the M13 beam line.  (Photos attached)

Vacuum group is currently pumping down on the T1 volume to remove the remainder of the water.

Attachment 1: downstream.jpg
Attachment 2: south.jpg
Attachment 3: upstream.jpg
Attachment 4: M13.jpg
  23   Friday, March 23, 2012, 14:50 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1TargetT1 Target Leak - Update

The T1-MK2 target was transferred from the beam line to the hot cell.  Water was seen in the bottom of the target pipe confirming that the leak is from the target.  The lower cone of the target assembly was submerged in the water and came up dripping wet.  The profile monitor, protect monitor, and two of the target cassettes were also wet.  As it is not possible for those to be submerged, water was likely spraying from either the bellows flanges, or somewhere on the target ladder.  It is estimated that 15L - 20L of water leaked from the target in total.

Inspection, leak checking, and repair on the target will begin next week.  We will suck up as much of the water in the beam line as possible from the top of the monolith using a suction device designed for this purpose.  The remainder will have to be pumped out by vacuum group.

  22   Thursday, March 22, 2012, 13:58 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 1CoolingT1 Package Water Leak - Update

 Vacuum group pumped down on the T1 & T2 volumes (because there is no cold trap on the T1 pump) for approximately 1 hour this morning.  A significant amount of water was found in the base of the cold trap which confirms our suspicions of a water leak on the T1 target.

Tomorrow we will transfer the T1 target from the beam line to the hot cell for inspection, leak checking, and repair.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455