Monday, March 07, 2016, 18:22, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 1, Controls, Preliminary Testing of T1 Control System Complete
Preliminary testing of the new PLC control system and EPICS interface was completed today for the T1 target, T1 cooling package, and T1 collimator.
All systems behaved as specified. This test did not include testing of any T1 thermocouples which will be included as part of the T2 test program
to follow. This is not considered system commissioning, which will follow after all preliminary testing is complete and the commissioning plan document |
Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 16:50, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 2, Controls, Preliminary Testing of T2 Control System Complete
Preliminary testing of the new PLC control system and EPICS interface was completed today for
the T2 target, T2 cooling package, T2 collimators, and T1 thermocouples. All systems behaved as specified.
Review of the commissioning plan is currently underway. |
Thursday, March 24, 2016, 14:46, Isaac Earle, Other, Other, Other, TNF / 500MeV Resin Cans Removed from Storage Pit #1
Three used TNF / 500MeV system cooling system resin cans were removed from the Meson Hall target storage pit (two from Hole #1, one which was stored
below block #1).
Two new active cans will be returned to Hole #1 after the TNF resin is changed in a few weeks time. |
Thursday, March 24, 2016, 15:38, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 1, Target, T1/T2 Beryllium Target Test Jig Fabrication Complete
Fabrication of the T1/T2 beryllium target testing jig (TBP1721) was completed today by Dan MacDonald. With a target installed across the test ports,
the inside volume pressurized with air to 103psi, and both ball valves closed, there was no noticeable drop in pressure over a 16 hour period. This
result was deemed satisfactory for use of the jig for hydrostatic testing of new targets. |
Thursday, March 31, 2016, 11:48, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, T1 & T2 Beryllium Target Manufacturing Complete
Manufacturing of a new batch of T1 and T2 beryllium targets has been completed.
The job was completed under Machine Shop Work Order #41527. Eleven 12mm T1 targets (TBP1683) and seven 10cm T2 targets (TBP1691) were completed
(exhausting all stock of the leftover EDM'd target housings). The target window profiles (TBP1695) were laser cut at an outside shop for greater |
Thursday, April 07, 2016, 16:44, Isaac Earle, Development, Other, Controls, T1/T2 Controls "Assembly Tests" Completed
The T1/T2 Control System "Assembly Tests" (Document 118467 Release #1, Section 5) have been completed. The expected result, as
written in the document, occurred for every test. The T2 Shield Thermocouple #3 (B1A:T2:TC3SHLD:RDTEMP) showed slightly erratic behaviour when
viewing archived data. It is uncertain at this point whether or not it will need to be bypassed in the B1A:T2:TGTRDY interlock. |
Monday, April 11, 2016, 13:51, Isaac Earle, Development, Other, Other, Target Transfer Flask Hoist Hook Lower Limit Adjusted
The lower limit of the flask hoist hook has been adjusted. The travelling nut for the lower limit was rotated 3 notches closer to the upper
limit travelling nut which resulted in an additional 1-3/8" travel of the hook at the lower limit. The door hinges and door cable pulleys were
lubricated with WD-40 and actuation of the doors was tested several times. |
Monday, April 11, 2016, 13:54, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2-MK2 Target Transported from BL to HC
The T2-MK2 target was transported from the beam line to the hot cell using the transfer flask. The target was measured to be 120mSv/hr at 0.5m.
The steel shielding plug was installed in the T2 target hole to reduce upwards shine.
New beryllium target cassettes will be installed on the target ladder before it is returned to the beam line. |
Friday, April 15, 2016, 14:54, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2-MK2 Target Changes & Return to Beamline
On April 11th the T2-MK2 target was flushed with water, then overnight with air at 5psi supply pressure. The target ladder was in Position 0 for
this procedure.
On April 12th the target was pumped using a cold trap and the Varian leak detector for approximately 2 hours. |
Wednesday, April 20, 2016, 10:01, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, T1/T2 Monitor Electrical Check Complete
Mike Russell from Diagnostics Group has completed an electrical check on the T1 and T2 profile and protect monitors. He reports that both profile
monitors look fine. The T1 protect monitor looks fine except for a weak or missing signal from the halo monitor. The T2 protect monitor looks
fine. |
Friday, April 22, 2016, 14:45, Isaac Earle, Other, Other, Active Sump, RH MH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump Water Released
The Remote Handling Hot Cell Lab Active Sump has been released to city sewer following the procedure in Document-64834. The water was close to
the sump high limit switch (approximately 5800L). Before release the water was sampled, tested, and approved for release by RPG. The tritium
analysis form has been filled out and returned to RPG,. |
Friday, May 13, 2016, 15:04, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2-MK2 Position 4 Adjusted to +1.5mm Offset
The T2-MK2 target at Position 4 has been adjust to approximately +1.5mm offset. This causes the ladder to be moved downwards, raising the beam
spot location on the target window. The potentiometer ratio at this offset is approximately 0.810 (> 0.8059 nominal ratio for position 4, and
therefore closer to Position 5) |
Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 11:00, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2-MK2 Target Moved to Position #1
Position #4 on the T2-MK2 target has now reached the maximum beam time. The target was moved to Position #1 at the nominal elevation. This
target should be used for the remainder of the 2016 running period. |
Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 09:25, Isaac Earle, Development, Other, Controls, T1/T2 EPICS System With-Beam Testing
With-beam commissioning tests were completed today by Tony Tateyama and Isaac Earle. The test results are attached in PDF format. These
tests are described in Section 7 of the Commissioning Plan (Document-118467 Release #2). These tests were not part of the official commissioning,
but intended as an additional check of system functionality with beam on, and to confirm that the CCS current protection system performs as expected. |
Tuesday, June 28, 2016, 08:32, Isaac Earle, Other, Other, Active Sump, RH MH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump Overflow
A call was received from the MCR at approximately 21:30 on Monday June 27th to report that active drains in the east end of the Meson Hall were
backing up and overflowing. I came in and found the leak coming from a broken spray nozzle in a sink in the rad waste area. The leak was stopped
at which point there were puddles between 1-2m diameter around the active sump top flange, the drain directly south of the warm cell water windows, and |
Tuesday, June 28, 2016, 16:28, Isaac Earle, Other, Other, Active Sump, RH MH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump High Level Sensor Test
The high level sensor for the Meson Hall Hot Cell Lab Active Sump was tested today and worked as expected. When the sensor is tilted (as
occurs when the water level rises above it) an audible alarm sounds in the hot cell lab, and the Safety Panel in the MCR also alarms with "MHESA B1
RCR1 RM 6 WARN" displaying NOT OK. This alarm sounds every 3 minutes in the MCR until the PLC outside of the RCR lab is reset. When the |
Wednesday, July 06, 2016, 13:31, Isaac Earle, Other, Other, Active Sump, Active Sump RCR Lab and MCR Alarms Not Working - Suspect Controls Issue
Further tests were done on the active sump high level float switch today. The switch was triggered 1 time by filling the sump, and approximately
8 times by tilting the sensor manually. A local alarm sounded in the hot cell lab each time, but only one time in the RCR Lab and MCR (this occurred
on the final trial). Fault report #9099 has been submitted to Controls Group. Although the existing float sensor did cause a local alarm when |
Tuesday, August 30, 2016, 14:09, Isaac Earle, Development, Other, Controls, T1/T2 PLC Code Update
A new version of the T1/T2 PLC code has been uploaded to the PLC CPU. The main change in the new version is a fix to a bug related to the
target MK# which may have caused the previous CPU crashes. The EPICS interface now needs to be updated so that no target information is displayed
on the EPICS screens when there is no target installed, or jumpers for both MK1 and MK2 are detected. This must be tested during the next maintenance |
Thursday, September 08, 2016, 17:26, Isaac Earle, Development, Other, Active Sump, New Active Sump High Level Switch and Electronics Installed
To address the deficiencies identified in E-Logs #204 and #205 the old active sump high level switch was replaced with Omega LV164SS model (316SS stem
and float, 4' length, standard mount) using adaptor flange TRH1316 to mount to the top flange of the sump. A new electrical box was also installed
(circuit diagram attached in PDF format). The circuit was designed by Don Jackson and wired by Travis Cave. Connection to the RCR Lab PLC was |
Friday, September 30, 2016, 16:54, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 1, Target, T1-MK2 - New Beryllium Targets Installed
The following work was performed on the T1-MK2 target assembly during the September 2016 Mini-shutdown:
Monday Sept 26: |