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Thursday, December 07, 2017, 13:54 |
Isaac Earle | Development | Other | Other | Waste pails transferred from warm cell storage bunker to rad waste pit |
Six 5 gallon pails were transferred this morning from a temporary storage bunker in the Warm Cell to the Rad Waste Pit for long term storage. The pails contain various BL1A active waste from the East Hot Cell including dozens of irradiated beryllium and graphite targets. The field from the pails ranged from 0.1 to 9mSv/hr at 0.5m. The work was performed according to the clean-out procedure (Document-142965). Photographs and records of the pail contents, field, weight, etc have been uploaded to Docushare Collection #20185 and hard paper copies were given to RPG.
All remaining waste in the east hot cell is too large to fit into 5 gallon pails, so it must be packaged in a 55 gallon drum. Some long items will need to be cut in the cell before hand.
The field on the hot cell roof is now less than 5uSv/hr in working areas, and a maximum of 55uSv/hr at 0.5m above the east hot cell opening. The field was previously > 50uSv/hr in some working areas, and > 200uSv/hr above the opening.
Before and after photos of the hot cell interior are included below:
Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 10:12 |
Isaac Earle | Standard Operation | Other | Other | Five waste pails moved to East Vault Tunnel for storage |
Five 5 gallon metal pails with active waste were moved from the Warm Cell to the Cyclotron East Vault Tunnel today for long term storage. The pails were labeled with radioactive item tags and storage item numbers (1442 through 1446). The pails contain used resin from T1, T2, and STF, as well as one pail with active metal parts. |
Friday, April 13, 2018, 14:21 |
Isaac Earle | Maintenance | Other | Other | M20 beam blocker MRO and T1/T2 final checks |
The M20 beam blocker main shaft seals were replaced as per the T1/T2 target device maintenance schedule. Both air cylinders were found to be leaking past the seals, and the blocker would not actuate in the hot cell even with 100psi (max site air) so they were also replaced. With the new cylinders the blocker actuated smoothly at about 45psi. It is recommended that the air cylinders be replaced every second service (once per 10 years). The blocker was returned to the beam line and smooth actuation and limit switch functionality were confirmed.
The following final checks were performed on T1/T2 devices:
- Lower air amplifier started and tuned to 120psi output
- Air amplifier cycle time measured: 70 seconds for two cylinder turn-overs (1 complete cycle)
- T1 and T2 profile monitor actuation checked: T1 reached in and out limits but speed unknown because target covered; T2 traveled smoothly in and out and reached limits as expected
- T1 and T2 target ladders were moved to the various targets that could be used this running period (#1 for T1; #1, 3, and 4 for T2) - No issues
The T1 and T2 targets are ready for the running period. Shielding can now be replaced over T2.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 11:16 |
Isaac Earle | Standard Operation | Other | Other | South TNF Holding Tank water released |
The water in the South TNF Holding Tank was released today under work permit #C2018-08-28-3. The tank contained approximately 100L from the T1 cooling package (drained Aug 16, 2018) and 350L from the 500MeV system (drained April 23, 2018 by Steve Sapriken). |
Thursday, October 25, 2018, 08:58 |
Keith C Ng | Repair | Other | Other | T1 collimator valve solenoid coil replaced again |
On 23rd October we restarted the T1 and T2 water packages after the mini shutdown and after the site power outage. The rotary collimator was reporting no water flow and it was assumed the valve coil (B1A:T1:SVCOL) had failed again. T1 water package was uncovered the next day (24th) and we went to change the coil. Water flow was returned to the collimator and T1 water package was re-covered.
During the replacement, one of the nearby pressure sensor wires accidentally made contact with a nearby paddle wheel sensor shorting out the output connectors and making the flow read between 8 to 1999 GPM. The offending wire was observed and removed after going back down to have a closer look.
It is not believed the coil failed from the site power outage on the 19th. The water packages had been left off since the beginning of the mini shutdown (2nd of October?).
Thursday, November 01, 2018, 13:57 |
Keith C Ng | Other | Other | Other | nuclear venillation in hot cells not working |
Randomly checked on the nuclear ventilation for the Meson Hall Hotcells and discovered they were not running again (both magnahelic gauges displayed zero). Attempted to restart the fan manually and the control box seems to not be working. Matt McClean has been contacted and they will look into the problem.
The nuclear ventilation is currently not running in the RHMH hot cells. |
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 12:39 |
Isaac Earle | Standard Operation | Other | Other | 55 gallon drum and old M9 service stand moved to Rad Waste Pit |
The following items were moved today from the Warm Cell to the Rad Waste Pit for long term storage:
1. A 55 gallon drum containing various active components from the East Hot Cell. The drum was labelled on the body and lid with the identification number RWC-55-01-2019.
2. The old M9 Q1Q2 service stand, which was removed from the beamline in the 2019 winter shutdown
Photos taken during the move are attached, as well as a copy of the loading record form for the drum. The form has also been given to RPG.
A second drum (RWC-55-02-2019) remains in the Warm Cell, and will later be moved to the cyclotron vault tunnel for storage. It was resurveyed after the first drum was removed and deemed too low-level for storage in the pit (300uSv/hr at 0.5m) |
Monday, January 20, 2020, 16:07 |
Isaac Earle | Other | Other | Other | Second 55-gal drum moved to cyclotron east vault tunnel |
The second (and final) 55 gallon drum containing active items from the Meson Hall East Hot Cell was transported today from the Warm Cell to the Cyclotron East Vault Tunnel. The updated form is attached. |
Monday, February 10, 2020, 14:51 |
Isaac Earle | Maintenance | Other | Other | T1-MK2 target and M9BB moved |
The T1-MK2 target was moved from the hot cell to Hole #5 in the storage pit. The M9 beam blocker was then moved from the beamline to the hot cell for MRO work. A field of 14.4mSv/hr was measured at 0.5m from the beam blocker during removal. |
Wednesday, March 04, 2020, 13:42 |
Ron Kuramoto | Repair | Other | Other | B/L 1A vacuum air leak repair |
A 4” Marmon aluminum blank-off flange and o-ring were replaced on the south port of the T1 target monolith vacuum vessel. This port was accessed from the 1A Service Tunnel were the repair took place.
See the attached pdf file “1AT1 Vacuum Leak Repair-Feb2020” for a summary of the repair. |
Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:13 |
Isaac Earle | Maintenance | Other | Other | M9 beam blocker MRO completed |
M9 beam blocker MRO work was completed in the hot cell today. This included replacement of the main shaft seals and replacement of the air cylinders. Actuation was tested after replacement and the blocker moved smoothly through the full length of travel with approximately 45psi air pressure. It is ready for transport back to the beamline. |
Wednesday, July 06, 2022, 12:49 |
Matthew Gareau | Repair | Other | Other | Helium line damage, and hotcell window oil leaking |
Today myself and Adam Newsome started the leak detection steps for a target exchange and notice that the Helium line was not connected/broken from inside the hotcell.
A new line will need to be installed and the line attached to the helium wand.
This will need to be done when the target has been removed.
We will be installing a temporary line so that we can complete the target exchange first.
The temporary line will be put through the tool port as this seems the most practical and least likely to interfere with operations.
After will will have to schedule some time to install a permanent helium line with some newer flexible tubing.
Also notice at the operator side that there is a small oil leak that appears to be coming from the hotcell window oil.
We have added an indicator(tape with pen marking) to the oil level to see how much we are loosing.
We will have to check the torques of the window bolts to ensure they are adequate.
If there is still an issue we may have to look at replacing the window seal.
Also Chad Fisher was consulted about the possible solutions |
Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 14:36 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Other | Other | BL1A Holding Tank - Level Check |
The water level inside the BL1A active water holding tank was checked today (Aug. 23, 2022). The tank is essentially empty at this time. |
Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 16:56 |
Albert Kong | Maintenance | Target 2 | Other | M20 BB moved to meson hall hot cell roof |
The M20 beam blocker was moved from the T2 monolith to the meson hall hot cell with the remote handling flask (completed ~4pm).
This operation was performed in preparation for M20 maintenance (main shaft o-ring replacement + air cylinder re-lubrication).
RPG surveyors measured 20,000 CPM from swiping the surface of the beam blocker shaft, and measured 25 mSv/hr on contact with the beam blocker.
Fields on the hot cell roof were at 100 uSv/hr at 0.5 meters from the top of the M20 BB. This should reduce drastically with the introduction of lead blanket shielding (see attached pictures).
Friday, March 03, 2023, 16:00 |
Albert Kong | Maintenance | Target 2 | Other | M20 Return to T2 Monolith + Vaccum Leak / T1-T2 Valve Re-inspection |
We moved M20 back to the T2 monolith and re did the connections for air + limit switches + T2 profile monitor air.
Note: T2 profile monitor electronics sparked when we moved M20 out initially. (Update: Shengli Liu from probes group performed a test on the T2 profile monitor electronics on Mar24 and found that they are working properly)
M20 started leaking when we tried to bring it to vaccum - from the monolith o ring seal and not the main shaft seal - will look to correct on monday.
Verified through measurement that the replacement o ring was the correct size (#268 0.139" diameter compared to the 0.131-0.137" that was remved - likely shrunk over use).
Update (Mar 06, 2023): M20 was lifted ~5 in above the monolith flange and we identified that the leak was caused due to damage to the o ring (image attached).
The o ring likely damaged when M20 was brought into contact wit the monolith flange, lifted up again, and brought down for a final time before vaccum check.
The above procedure was done because the flask tends to stall close to the lowermost position and prevents unlatching unless lifted systems are lowered fully.
This will be noted in updated procedures.
T1/T2 valves were not leaky still (only a few droplets) - pending T2 cooling system pump on for final leak verification. |
Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 14:25 |
Albert Kong | Maintenance | Other | Other | T1/T2 Air Amplifier Spool O-Ring Servicing |
Today we re-lubricated the o-rings on the top air amplifier for T1/T2, and replaced the o-rings on the bottom air amplifier with new and also lubricated o-rings.
We used Haskel lubricant #50866.
The bottom air amplifier spool assembly was noticably dirtier than the top (see attached). and we noticed some worn spots on the o-rings. This was not the case with the top air amplifier spool (it has not been used outside of testing since being fully serviced in 2012).
Replacing the o-rings did not result in any perceptible change to the cycle rate and sound of either air amplifier (~50 sec/cycle, same sounds made by the piston before and after servicing).
We initially planned to also remove the sleeve on the amplifiers (see image) but could not do so easily. We will contact Haskel to get some input regarding how best to remove the sleeve.
The plan is to perform a full teardown of the lower air amplifier next shutdown (2024).
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 15:05 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Other | Other | Safety Walkaround Complete - Meson Hall HC/WC Area |
A safety walkaround for July 2024 was completed by A. Kong.
Results can be found in the master spreadsheet
Major deficiencies:
- Identified a 1/2 ton chain hoist missing an inspection tag. Mechanical Services will need to be informed about this.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019, 15:35 |
Keith C Ng | Repair | Other | M9 | M9 project post shutdown summary |
Completed work at m9 beam line:
- Removed existing service stand and associated cable and water services. Legacy b1 water services still need to be removed for future magnet installation. Old service stand is currently in warm cell waiting for disposal.
- M9 Q345 and vacuum roughing line were cleaned by CMMS group.
- M9 B1 is disconnected but remains in beam line ready for removal and refurbishment for 2020 shut down. Relevant ports have been sealed off.
- New Q1 Q2 baseplate was test fit and did not fit with guide post bolted in place, interferes with T2 port blank off plate.
- 3d lidar scans of magnet space were done.
- Leica tracker data was taken of the holes in the poured in place concrete pad.
Photos from shutdown are on remote handling group folder, under "\\trwindata\groups\remote handling\Photos\2019\2019 m9 project" |
Friday, February 28, 2020, 09:06 |
Isaac Earle | Development | Other | M9 | M9 Q1Q2 service stand floor plate installed |
The M9 service stand floor plate (TB23351) was installed in the M9 pit yesterday. Prior to installation all 5 threaded inserts were tested using a 1/2"-13 stud tool on an RH pole. The west most hole (shown in red below) had damaged threads and the stud could only be threaded in 2 turns. All other locations (shown in green) had usable threads with 6-8 full turns possible with the stud tool. The plate was installed using RH floor plate bolts (TB23382) at all four locations with viable threads. The bolts were torqued to 30 ft*lbs which on a bench test was shown to fully compress the belleville washer. The standard torque spec for 1/2"-13 stainless bolts (43 ft*lbs) was not used to allow easier disassembly in the future.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:29 |
Isaac Earle | Development | Other | M9 | M9 Q1Q2 service stand foot plate installed |
The M9 Q1Q2 "foot" plate (TB23363) has been installed over the floor plate. A nominal gap between the plates of 1/2" was set before lowering the plate, it was then leveled using the three adjustment bolts resulting in a larger gap. After leveling, the plate was lifted to remove the spirit levels and lock the position of the leveling bolts. The plate was then re-lowered and the tiedown bolt assemblies (TB23383) were installed using 50ft*lbf of torque (about the maximum practical amount with standard 20' pole tools) |