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Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 07:28 |
chad fisher | North Hot-Cell | Maintenance | | | NHC entry summary |
NHC was entered on April 17, 2023 for inspection and maintenance. Summary :
Compressible and non-compressible waste was loaded into a 55 gal drum and removed from the NHC. This same drum will be inserted into the SHC at a later date to be sorted, compressible waste compressed, and drum filled more.
Manipulator remote end tong cables checked. Tong cables didn't show any wear but both east and west had tong cables had hopped off the third highest pulley (see detailed write up . This was fixed by tying the tongs in the closed position to provide slack in the cables then inserting a t-handle through the wrist and offering the cables back onto the pulleys. Cable hopping is most likely due to aggressive ratcheting and releasing of the tong during operation.
Manipulator booting flanges were removed from both manipulators as it was previously found that the booting interferes with access to the inside of the containment box so it could not be used. Flanges were remove to provide even more clearance.
Containment box cover removal arm - linkage fasteners were removed one at a time and blue locktite added then reassembled and tightened appropriately to allow arm to swing freely (see detailed write up) . Lack of locktite during initial assembly was allowing fasteners that pass through bushings into the linkage arms to loosen over time/cycling.
Exhaust pre-filter changed.
Target insertion jig - The target insertion jig was rumored to had a missing fastener. A loose nut was found that appeared to belong to it but after much inspection a location for it could not be found...i.e. all parts appeared to be counted for. During this inspection it was noted that some over the fasteners in the main hinge were loose. Again these were removed one at a time, blue locktite added and fasteners tightened to allow proper movement (see detailed write up).
Window inspected for leak. No sign of any leakage from the "hot" side.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017, 13:45 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC ducting installed |
The new ducting section connecting the existing duct termination in the TCS space to the NHC partition wall has been installed by Smith Sheet Metal contractors. The installation drawing is IRH1618. There was not enough clearance between the duct pipe and the TCS vessel to butt weld the new ductwork as originally intended. Instead a flange was welded to the existing pipe and also to the new section and the two were bolted together. Drawings of the modifications have been provided by the contractor, and as-built drawings will be completed at a later date. There was not time for the contractor to fabricate a gasket for the flanged joint, so one will be installed by TRIUMF at a later date and included in the as-built drawing package. |
Attachment 1: IMG_7688.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_7716.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_7723.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_7721.JPG
Wednesday, August 09, 2017, 16:39 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC drain line into sump identified |
The NHC drain line was tested by pouring approximately 10 gallons of water through the drain grate at the base of the NHC partition wall. Water was seen a few minutes later pouring into the sump labeled "ACTIVE SUMP" from the light coloured pipe on the west side of the inside of the sump. Rob Walker had previously said that the hot cells drain into the sump next to this one which is labeled "SANITARY SUMP", which appears to be incorrect. |
Wednesday, August 01, 2018, 09:47 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC diagnostic signals and control panel tested |
On July 30th the NHC diagnostic signals were tested:
- 9 pin CPC: a shorting plug was installed on the hot side - continuity check results were as expected
- 4 pin CPCs: snake camera installed in both hot side connectors with portable monitor on cold side - both connectors worked as expected
- USB: laptop connected on hot side, USB mouse connected on cold side - worked as expected
- Ethernet: laptop connected on hot side, cold side connected to building ethernet port - connection to network worked as expected
- SHV: a shunt was installed on the hot side - a short circuit was measured from the cold side as expected
with no shunt installed the line was Megger tested: 1.63 G-ohms recorded @ 1000V
The control panel switches for the in-cell receptacles were also tested. Each switch (a - d) worked as expected.
On July 31st the gas supply solenoid valves were tested. 60psi air was hooked to each solenoid inlet. With the valve closed there was no air flow. When each push-button or switch was activated air flow was observed through the correct solenoid. |
Thursday, July 19, 2018, 14:22 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC diagnostic signals - connector and wiring details |
Installation of the diagnostic connections between the NHC hot and cold sides has been completed. The cable bundle was prepared by Travis Cave in the electronics workshop with connectors attached at one end only. Metal fish tape was first ran through the conduit from the cold side to hot side, the non-terminated end of the cable bundle was attached to the fish tape inside the cell, cable pulling lubricant was applied, then the cable bundle was pulled through the conduit to the cold side, and the cold side terminations were then made. For future replacement of the cables and connectors the same method should be used, and a minimum of 6m of cable length. Connector details can be found on drawings IRH1765 (hot side) and IRH1767 (cold side). Conduit is 1" trade size PVC type (PO#3041531). Wiring details for each connector are attached below:
9 pin CPC connector:
Pin 1: Brown
Pin 2: Red
Pin 3: Orange
Pin 4: Yellow
Pin 5: Green
Pin 6: Blue
Pin 7: Violet
Pin 8: Black
Pin 9: No connection
All wires 14 gauge.
Connector PN: Amp 211768-1
Cap PN: 208652-1
4 pin CPC connectors:
Pin 1: Coax RG-179
Pin 2: Red (18 gauge)
Pin 3: Black (18 gauge)
Pin 4: No connection
Connector PN: Amp 206430-1
Cap PN: 208800-1
Connector: IRH1769 (customized "Kings 1709-1" connector)
5m long powered USB 3.0 cable
Connector: IRH1770 (customized "TE Connectivity PC4B0100-15NY-1-C" connector)
Wires installed in the following order when viewing the back side of connector with PN lettering right-side-up:
Blue |
Blue/White |
Orange/White |
Orange |
Green/White |
Green |
Brown/White |
Brown |
Connector PN: Tyco 1546877
Cap PN: 208652-1
Thursday, November 22, 2018, 14:38 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC design approved by High Voltage Engineer |
To satisfy RS 101 from the NHC requirements specification (Document-131915) Tomislav Hurskovec was consulted regarding high voltage safety. After a verbal discussion on various aspects of the NHC design he confirmed that the design satisfies high voltage safety concerns.
A copy of his confirmation e-mail is attached in PDF format.
Attachment 1: NHCHV.pdf
Friday, January 04, 2019, 14:38 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC cameras tested |
The NHC module support flange cameras (4 total) as well as the NHCSA camera were tested today and confirmed to be working properly. All cameras were angled and focused properly, and displaying clearly on the monitors in the ISAC RH Control Room. Photos of the control room monitors are attached below.
Wednesday, July 05, 2017, 15:36 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC and SHC nuclear ventilation flow sensors installed |
Installation of new flow sensors and transmitters for the NHC and SHC duct lines was completed in the target hall today. The sensors are Dwyer DS-300-8 in-line sensors for 8" pipe; The transmitters are Dwyer MS0121 magnesense differential transmitters with 4-20mA output. The transmitters will be wired to the new PLC control system when the upgrade is done.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 15:22 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC air and gas supply lines - test and leak check |
Testing was completed today on the NHC air and gas supply lines. For each line a Staubli plug was installed on the fitting inside the hot cell, the line was charged with compressed air (50psi for gas lines #1, #2, and #3; 100psi for the air lines #4 and #5). All connections inside and outside the cell were checked for leaks using Snoop including connections for the solenoid valves. No leaks were found. Correct operation of the solenoids was confirmed as well as correct plumbing (no lines crossed). |
Wednesday, September 07, 2016, 11:39 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC North / South Wall Gap Measurements |
Measurements were taken today of the NHC north/south wall gap at the location where the NHC/TCS partition wall will be installed (43.375" from the NHC west wall). A HILTI PD40 laser range meter was used for the measurements. They were taken at 10", 34", 62", 90", 118", and 142" from the floor which matches the top of each cross-beam. The results are below:
10" from floor: 102.44"
34" from floor: 102.40"
62" from floor: 102.48"
90" from floor: 102.63"
118" from floor: 102.28"
142" from floor: 102.24"
Based on these results a partition wall plate width of 102.00" will be used for the bottom two plates, and 102.25" for the upper three plates in order to keep the gap on each side approximately 1/8" |
Thursday, September 15, 2016, 11:05 |
Isaac Earle | North Hot-Cell | Development | | | NHC / SHC feedthrough panel removed |
The sheet metal panel covering the NHC/SHC feedthrough port was removed today using a slide-hammer to pull out the concrete anchors (this oversized panel would have interfered with the NHC partition wall). 50cpm was found on the inside of the panel, 100cpm on the NHC side lip of the feedthrough, and 350cpm on the face of the shielding bricks in the feedthrough. Various dimensional measurements of the feedthrough were taken which will be added to the partition wall Solidworks model (IRH1609). The panel was bagged for disposal and a temporary 20"x20" panel was put over the feedthrough and secured with duct tape. A permanent panel with anchored supports that is compatible with the NHC partition wall will be designed and installed at a later date. A swipe of the NHC walls and floor picked up 30cpm after completion of the job. |
Attachment 1: original_panel.JPG
Attachment 2: panel_removed.JPG
Attachment 3: temp_panel.JPG
Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 14:53 |
Carla Babcock | North Hot-Cell | Maintenance | TM4 | | Multipin connector alignment pin on TM4 module loose |
The pin on TM4 has become loose again, making it very difficult to remove the multipin connector with the last target, C#4. For the installation of the next target, UCx#41, we will drill out the hole on the target side bracket so that it doesn't contact the multipin pin. Will try to remove this pin by force in January, or if needed change out the whole multipin bracket. |
Wednesday, January 04, 2012, 13:49 |
Travis Cave | Spent Target Vault | Standard Operation | | | Moving the spent targets to mini storage. |
Well the first of this year's lucky winners to win a fabulous one way trip to Chalk River are as follows. UC#1, UC#2, Ta#25, Ta#26, and Ta#37. First these lucky winners will get to stay several days and night in the lovely all inclusive mini vault before being loaded in to their very own private F-308 flasks to be whisked away off to fabulous Chalk River. |
Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:48 |
Travis Cave | Spent Target Vault | Standard Operation | | | Moving the spent targets to mini storage. |
Five targets were moved to the mini storage today in preparation for transfer of the targets to the F308s later next week. The moves went well. See the attached files for the vault and mini storage details. |
Attachment 1: Mini_Vault_Storage_May_25_2012.pdf
Attachment 2: Vault_Storage_May_25_2012.pdf
Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 11:51 |
Travis Cave | Spent Target Vault | Standard Operation | | | Moving the spent targets to mini storage. |
Five spent targets have been moved from the storage vault to the mini storage vault. The five targets are as follows: SiC #25, Ta #34, Ta #32, Ta #31, Nb #4. See the attached PDFs for full details. |
Attachment 1: Vault_Storage_November_14_2012.pdf
Attachment 2: Mini_Vault_Storage_November_14_2012.pdf
Thursday, June 04, 2015, 07:44 |
Dan McDonald | Assembly/Bench Test | Development | TM2 | | Movement of TM2 source tray to alignment area in ISAC |
Once the test stand was vented and all lines purged Anders Mjos and myself jigged up the water blocks and proceeded to remove the TM4 SiC#31 target used during the testing, Einso lens and steerer. Once these components where removed we transferred the source tray to the transport plate and moved it to the alignment area. |
Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 16:35 |
Bevan Moss | South Hot-Cell | Repair | TM1 | UCx#2 | Move, inspection and repair |
On August 22nd TM1 was vented with Argon in the conditioning station. It had been pumping with just the roughing pump over the weekend so the UCx#2 target would not be exposed to oxygen. The move went without incident and took roughly an hour to complete. Once at the hot cell the panel was removed by Tom Lyth and a leak check completed with Bevan, David Wong, Grant Minor, and Tom Lyth present. The connections to source tray were checked starting at the top. Each connection was checked on either side of the VCR and at the center through the hole in the nut. For both connections on the source tray there was no response from the leak cart which was at a pressure of 0.0 x 10^-4 T and had a baseline leak rate of 0.0 x 10^-9 atm cc / sec. The leak check then proceeded to VCR connections on the Target. A leak was found on the upper VCR connection of the target and was repeatable. This leak was detected at the hole of the VCR nut connection by priming the line with helium and placing it next to the hole in the VCR connection. Response time was between 5 and 10 seconds to a maximum of 2.6 x 10^-8 atm cc / sec. The lower connection also appeared to have a small leak rate of 4.4 x 10^-9 atm cc/ sec but could be a result of helium drift. Unfortunately the target is not design to be repaired with manipulators and required the target to be removed from the south hot cell and repaired in the anteroom. The anteroom was prepared for the target by lining much of it with plastic so to prevent the spread of contamination. Once the target was in the anteroom it was leak checked again, the base pressure was 0.0 x 10^-4 and the base leak rate was 0.0 x 10^-9. A response from the upper connection again was detected in the 10^-8 range but no leak was found in the lower connection. It was attempted to tighten the joint to stop the leak but this caused it to increase to the 10^-7 range. This increase in leak rate is as expected from past experience because copper gaskets are used rather than silver plated ones. The heat shield cover was loosened and the gaskets from from both joints were replaced with the silver plated ones. The target was then leak check and passed with no response once again with a full pump down. The target was had an electrical checked with the megger and was within spec. The target was then placed in an argon bag and returned to the hot cell. The bag was damaged went placing it in the hot cell and there were not any acceptable options for leaving the target over night. The target was removed and and placed in 2 bags filled with argon for over night.
On August 23rd the target was removed from the argon bags that were still inflated and returned to the hot cell. The target was re-installed on the target module by Grant Minor, Tom Lyth, an Bevan Moss. One VCR gasket fell off during the first attempt and it appeared that the right target leg may have been slightly bent at some point. Other than that the installation went smoothly but slowly. The heat shield line was then leak checked once again by Grant, Tom, David, and Bevan and no response was detected from the source tray or target VCR connections, the base leak rate and pressure once again achieved the minimum detectable levels. The target module passed the electrical check with the megger, this test was completed by Bevan and Pierre Bricault. The module was then moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station. Roughing was started at 3:00 and the turbo pumps were turned on at 3:45. The module was left to pump over night. |
Attachment 1: 2011-08-23-17-41-40.UCx_Leak_August_22_2011.jpg
Tuesday, October 04, 2011, 14:13 |
Travis Cave | ITW | Standard Operation | TM1 | TaC#1 | Move ot TM#1 |
Move of TM#1 with the TaC#1 target has been moved from the south hot cell to the west target station. |
Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 13:08 |
Travis Cave | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM1 | | Move ot TM#1 |
TM#1 has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station. Move went well. |
Thursday, April 12, 2012, 09:38 |
Travis Cave | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM1 | no target | Move ot TM#1 |
TM#1 has been moved from the NE silo to the Conditioning Station. |