Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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  ID Date Author Category Type Module Target/Number Subjectdown
  2643   Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 15:06 Adam NewsomeFacilitiesStandard Operation  Safety Walkaround Complete - SHC/NHC Area

A safety walkaround for July 2024 was completed for the B2 level by A. Newsome. No deficiencies to report.

Results can be found in the master spreadsheet

  2132   Thursday, August 06, 2020, 14:33 Adam NewsomeSpent Target VaultDevelopment  Safety Group Relay Interface Installation

A relay contact-based interface module was installed in between Safety Group's storage vault door enable junction box and Remote Handling's control module for the vault door.

The purpose of this module, which contains a diode bridge and relay, is to isolate the safety system from the control module to prevent back-voltage on the safety system which can damage the PLC's power supply.

In the new configuration, rather than receiving a 24 VDC signal from the safety PLC, this signal activates the relay, whose normally closed contacts supply 24 VDC (from internal) to the safety relay inside the control module. Wiring was modified inside the control module to account for this change.

In investing how to achieve the same functionality as before this change, it was determined that the control module's electrical schematic was not correct and did not reflect the actual wiring. A new schematic was created for this based on the actual wiring, including new changes.

The system was tested by locking out the target hall, and verifying that:
- No failure occurred on the power supply for the safety PLC
- This new relay actuated when the target hall was locked out (i.e. received signal from PLC)
- This new relay correctly supplied 24 VDC to the safety relay within the control module, allowing for the Opto-22 control unit to output control signals to the motors


Note: currently the soft limit switches for the vault door close/open have been bypassed. This is not a safety issue; the door can still be fully opened and closed remotely (but the open override and close override buttons are rendered useless). The bypass will be rectified in the coming weeks and this e-log will be updated accordingly.

Edit (Aug. 13, 2020): the issue regarding the limit switches has been resolved. The entire system is functioning as it was prior to the safety interface installation.

Attachment 1: IMG_20200806_091438.jpg
  2125   Thursday, July 16, 2020, 10:20 Adam NewsomeSafe Module ParkingMaintenance  SMP: Annual Electrical Inspection

An electrical systems check was performed on the SMP by Adam Newsome and Travis Cave. Overall, there were no issues to note. The following is a summary of the inspection (Work Permit I2020-07-16-1):

- Checked condition of wiring for physical/radiation/UV damage
- Checked for cable tray debris or damage
- Checked inside control panel: components and wiring, labeling
- Verified camera views
- Checked connectors for damage
- Checked pendant for damage and verified labeling intact
- Checked limit switch wiring and condition

  1904   Thursday, April 04, 2019, 14:49 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP vacuum vessel support roller friction check

With the SMP vacuum vessel now installed inside the shield box, a test was performed to measure the torque required to rotate the vessel.  At a moment arm distance of 2.0m a force of 89N was required to rotate the vessel (with no module installed) resulting in a torque of 178Nm.  Based on this, the coefficient of rolling resistance (CRR) was calculated to be 0.007;  This is fairly close to available data for similar applications such as cast iron wheels on steel rail (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_resistance).  The CRR used for design of the SMP drivetrain was 0.054 which was based on empirical data for a similar product.  Because this is significantly higher than the friction of the as-built system the drive-train components are stronger than required and should have no problem rotating the vessel when loaded with a module.

Further details and calculations included in the attached PDF.

Attachment 1: CRR_check_for_as-built_SMP_-_April_4_2019.pdf
  1990   Monday, September 30, 2019, 11:27 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP vacuum vessel modifications completed

The SMP vacuum vessel welds were reinforced to match the specifications on IRH1710 Rev D.  In addition a tube stub was added on the side of the vessel for installation of a PRV.  The relief valve installed was Accu-Glass 113150, with 2psi setpoint (not the MDC 420036 model specified on IRH1710 Rev D).  The drawing will be updated to reflect this.

Welding was performed in the TRIUMF machine shop.  A larger capacity forklift was rented to move the vessel back and forth between the shop and the Meson Hall loading bay where the main crane was used to flip the vessel between welds.

After welding the vessel was leak checked using a blank-off plate (helium leak tight).  The vessel was then returned to the Target Hall, the top flange IRH1755 was re-installed, and the TCS shield plug was installed on the flange.  The vessel was pumped down over the weekend using the SMP vacuum pump, and reached 8mTorr by Monday morning.  A helium leak check was performed in the Target Hall:  baseline leak rate 0.0E-9 atm-cc/sec, 0.0E-4Torr port pressure, no response to generous helium spray on PRV and around both seal locations for the top flange.

Remaining re-assembly of the SMP will now proceed.

  1946   Thursday, July 04, 2019, 08:57 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP vacuum system installed

 July 3:

- Assembled exhaust line flexible hose and fittings as per ISK0529 Rev D then leak checked: 1.4E-1 Torr test port pressure, 1.1E-7 atm-cc/s leak rate, no response to helium spray at both ends of flexible line (all vacuum fittings purchased from Kurt Lesker under Requisition #1046936)
- Connected exhaust of SMP vacuum pump to nuclear ventilation duct using flexible hose assembly as per ISK0529 Rev D
- Installed convectron gauges at pump inlet as per ISK0529 Rev D 
- Installed TCS plug block (IRH1646) in SMP
- Connected plug block vacuum port to SMP pump using flexible corrugated hose
- Connected SMP:CG1 to portable pressure display: ~700Torr 
- Turned on SMP:MP1 at 4:17pm, after approximately 25 minutes was down to 75 Torr, at 1hr 40 minutes was 90mTorr, left pumping over night
July 4:
- Pressure at 4mTorr at 8am, will leave pumping longer to see if it gets any lower
- Submitted Work Request #5239 to PLC Controls for wiring of the pump and convectron gauges and integrations with EPICS
  1955   Friday, July 26, 2019, 15:43 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP vacuum control system completed

 The SMP vacuum control system has been wired and setup to be controlled from EPICS.  Backing valve control (SMP:BV1) was tested by connecting to the turbo pump solenoid on TM3 located in the silo directly north of the SMP.  The SMP pump (SMP:MP1) was turned on and off through the EPICS interface and responded as expected.  Both convectron gauges (SMP:CG1 and SMP:CG2) responded as expected when the pump was turned on.  The readings from the two gauges were consistent throughout the mili-Torr range.

The work was done by Ray Mendoza under WP I2019-07-24-4 (work request #5239).



  2014   Friday, October 25, 2019, 06:43 David WangSafe Module ParkingDevelopmentTM3 SMP vacuum

TM3 was moved into SMP Oct 25 morning.  After two nights pumping down, SMP CG1 read 30mtorr this morning.  The pump is stopped. SMP will be vented soon for TM3 moving back to silo. 

  2016   Monday, October 28, 2019, 12:00 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP shielding attenuation measured & compared to theoretical values

The attenuation of the SMP shielding was measured as part of SMP commissioning (Document-170404, R1, Section 4, Test #8)

The field on the shutter side of TM3 was measured without any shielding as it was removed from a storage silo.  At 0.5m from the edge of the module the maximum field was 5.00mSv.  After installation into the SMP the maximum field outside the SMP shielding at 0.5m from the edge of the module was found to be 27uSv/hr. The resulting attenuation is 185x

Expected attenuation was calculated by Joe Mildenberger assuming that the majority of the activated components in that module are either copper or aluminum.  With 6" of steel shielding (SMP shield vessel plus vacuum vessel), the attenuation factors were found for the following isotopes: 


Na-22 (created in Al): 115

Co-60 (created in steel (Fe) or Cu): 70

Mn-54: (created in steel (Fe) or Cu): 200


Based on these figures, the measured result of 185 seems to be reasonable.

  2010   Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 16:26 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP shield box grounding

A braided grounding strap was attached to the aluminum gear box support on the SMP shield box structure, and grounded by attaching it to the exterior of an electrical conduit located in the south-west corner of the B2 area at the top of the silo in that corner.  The braiding was also connected to the stainless steel support structure for the SMP vacuum pump.

  1865   Monday, February 11, 2019, 10:26 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP shield box and vacuum vessel moved to Target Hall

  On February 8th the SMP shield box (IRH1675) and the vacuum vessel (IRH1806) were both raised from a horizontal to vertical orientation in the ISAC-1 Experimental Hall.  Hamilton "Mini-Mite" S-MM2-43FS caster wheels were then installed on the base of the shield box and it was lowered down the hatch to the B2 level.  The vacuum vessel was then lowered into the shield box, supported by the rollers, as designed.  The shield box and vessel combination were then moved south along the steel plated floor until positioned under the hatch leading to the Target Hall.  Movement along the floor was achieved by pushing the back of the vessel with an electric fork truck and pulling from the front with a cable winch attached to a plate mounted in the floor in the SHC service area, centered east/west between the Ante Room doors.  The fork truck alone was sufficient to move the assembly on the smooth section of the plates, but the winch was needed on the section paitned with textured grit.  The vacuum vessel was then lifted into the Target Hall and placed in a temporary storage location in the silo area.  The shield box was then lifted, casters removed, and then lifted up into the Target Hall.  It was a very tight fit with the tubing which has been installed on the SHC and NHC ducting for the new flow meters, but the move was completed without causing damage.  The shield box was placed on the B2 level in the Target Hall where some final tapped holes will be added on the exterior before moving to the final installation location.



Attachment 1: 20190208_091133.jpg
Attachment 2: 20190208_095126.jpg
Attachment 3: 20190208_105902.jpg
Attachment 4: 20190208_112619.jpg
Attachment 5: 20190208_113012.jpg
Attachment 6: 20190208_114833.jpg
  1903   Monday, April 01, 2019, 14:56 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP shield box and vacuum vessel installed in final location

 Last week drilling of the additional required holes in the SMP shield box was completed in the Target Hall.  This morning the shield box (IRH1675) was moved to its final installation position in the silo area on the B2 level.  The vacuum vessel (IRH1806) was then installed inside the shield box.  The center of the vacuum vessel is 2-3" north of the south travel limit of the crane.  Photos as well as measurements of the final position are attached below.











  1944   Thursday, June 20, 2019, 15:09 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP motor wiring inspected by electrician

The AC wiring for the SMP motor was inspected by Randy Boehm (TRIUMF electrician) as recommended by Franco Mammarella (TRIUMF electrical engineer).  After inspecting the system Randy required the following changes:

  1. AC wiring inside the control panel be increased to 16awg minimum (14awg preferred)
  2. Wiring between the control panel and motor control box be increased to 14awg
  3. Power cable to the motor be increased to 14awg
  4. Current rating for MS connectors be checked and replaced if below 10A
  5. Prefer that motor control box components be relocated to the control panel to reduce number of AC wires and connections (preferred but not mandatory)
  6. A dedicated ground wire is required in the cable going to the motor (if not already in place)

After these changes have been made the inspection will be repeated.


July 31, 2019 update:

Items 1, 2, 3, and 6 from above were completed.  14awg wiring was used for wiring inside the control panel (Item 1).  Current rating for the MS connectors was checked and is over 10A (Item 4).  Motor control box components were not relocated to the control panel at this time (Item 5).

Randy repeated his inspection today, and approved of the updated 120V wiring.

Adam updated the SMP electrical and control schematics (IRH1868-1874)

  1857   Friday, January 11, 2019, 13:59 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP motor selection decision

SMP drivetrain design work is currently underway.  Alejandro has selected a suitable 1200:1 reducer which will give a vessel rotation speed of 0.21rpm with a 1725rpm motor (deemed sufficiently close to the SHC rotation speed of 0.17rpm).  The reducer however is only rated for 0.33hp, and Allon's analysis recommended we use a motor of at least 0.4hp

From his calculations the expected power required to turn the loaded vessel is 0.2hp (see Document-161943, p3).  The higher figure of 0.4hp in his final recommendations comes from the power rating of a 40 tooth sprocket (the driver sprocket) with a No. 50 roller chain operating at 10rpm (the lowest speed shown on the table) - meaning this driver sprocket arrangement can handle up to 0.4hp.  We discussed this on the phone on January 4th and agreed that a 1/3hp motor could be used which will match the reducer Alejandro selected, and will supply sufficient power given that calculations indicate only 0.2hp is required.
Once the vessel is installed in the shield box a test will be performed to determine the actual torque (and power) required to turn the vessel.  If the value differs significantly from the calculated value the design will be revisited.
  1921   Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 16:06 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP module support flange installed and leak checked

The SMP module support flange sub-assembly (IRH1755) was installed today according to drawing IRH1683.  Dow Corning 111 sealing compound was used to keep the o-ring adhered to the lower groove during transportation and installation.  The TCS shield plug (IRH1646) was then installed on the SMP module flange which has vacuum connections for leak checking.  Vacuum was pulled on the SMP vessel using the Varian 979 leak detector.  After approximately 3.5 hours of pumping the test port pressure was at 2.4E-2 Torr and leak rate was 7.9E-8atm*cc/s.  Helium was configured with the regulator set at 10psi and flow rate of >10 bubbles per second in Windex and then applied slowly around the perimeter of the vacuum flange (IRH1686) and it's mating components on both  the top and the bottom.  There was no response on the leak detector indicating the seals on both sides of the module flange are leak tight.














  2745   Thursday, January 09, 2025, 11:46 David WangSafe Module ParkingStandard OperationTM4No targetSMP is under vacuum for TM4 storage during shut down.

 SMP:MP1 is started with SMP BV1 is opened. SMP is under vacuum for TM4 storage during shut down.

  2007   Tuesday, October 15, 2019, 16:42 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP flange alignment tested using shield plug

 As a preliminary test in preparation for SMP commissioning, one of the steel module shield plugs was installed into the SMP to check the positional and rotational alignment procedures.  The following is a summary of the steps performed:

  1. Shield plug lifted with crane and rotated to an arbitrary (non-orthogonal) position
  2. Using the crane pendant the shield plug was roughly aligned over the SMP and lowered until the base was within 15cm of the top of the flange
  3. The SMP flange was rotated to roughly match the orientation of the shield plug 
  4. Precise positioning of module achieved visually from within the Target Hall using crane for NESW position and SMP for rotation
  5. Module lowered into SMP vessel (not resting on base of vessel)
  6. Target Hall crane was then set to "Test Mode" and operated from the crane control room
  7. Crane position with the module centered in the SMP vessel was recorded as E-W: 18.5495m,  N-S: 4.9065m
  8. The shield plug was lifted from the SMP, moved to an arbitrary location in the Target Hall, and set to a different arbitrary rotational position
  9. The SMP flange was returned to the "centered" position
  10. The shield plug was moved to the previously recorded location over the SMP and lowered to within 15cm of the top of the flange (using cameras)
  11. Steps 3-5 were repeated using only camera views to achieve alignment (SMP rotation was controlled using the pendant with instructions by phone from the crane room operator because the module for remote control currently requires a part to be changed)

Official commissioning of the SMP will now be planned as per the commissioning plan Document-170404









  2639   Friday, July 12, 2024, 08:51 Riley SykesSafe Module ParkingMaintenance  SMP chain guard

 SS washers were added to all slotted holes on SMP chainguard cover plate

  1970   Friday, August 23, 2019, 14:27 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP camera video cabling installed and tested

 Installation of the video lines for the SMP cameras was completed yesterday according to IRH1670 Rev B.  All four cameras were confirmed to be displaying properly in the crane control room.  The cameras are powered from an outlet wired to circuit 35/37 on Panel #443 (located in the NHCSA).  This is independent from the power supply for other existing camera systems in the Target Hall.  The SMP turntable was rotated through the full range of motion (reached CW and CCW limits) and the cable routing and reel take-up system performed as expected.

  2037   Thursday, December 12, 2019, 14:39 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP assembly shifted 1.0" north

The SMP assembly was shifted approximately 1.0" north today by pushing it, braced against the south wall, using a 100 Ton capacity air lifting bag supplied by Beamlines Group.  The move was one of the action items identified at the Gate 4A/4B close-out review.  During commissioning of the SMP, TM3 was installed into the vacuum vessel, which required the crane to be all the way at its south limit, so the move is to provide some margin for future use, particularly if TM1 is put in the SMP as the extent of its shielding is slightly larger than the other modules.


One of the air fittings for the lid actuation cylinder on the north side was damaged during the move.  It was replaced and correct functionality of lid actuation was then confirmed.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455