Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 64 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Monday, October 19, 2015, 15:52, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#32, Electrical and leak check ITW-TM2-SiC#32-HP-FEBIAD_Electrical_Check_SHC_(pre).pdf
Entry  Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 10:18, Travis Cave, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#32, Module moved 
Entry  Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 11:58, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Development, TM2, ZrC#7, Extraction Electrode inspection 
Entry  Thursday, February 25, 2016, 09:27, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 has been disconnected in ITW 
Entry  Wednesday, March 02, 2016, 09:51, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, , all water lines on TM2 and TM4 are purged. 
Entry  Wednesday, March 02, 2016, 10:04, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, , Leak check on ITW and TM2. 
Entry  Monday, March 14, 2016, 15:22, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, , 2016 Winter Shut Down Target Hall Schedule 2016_winter_shut_down__target_hall_schedule.pdf2016_winter_shut_down__target_hall_schedule.mpp
Entry  Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 09:20, Travis Cave, ITE, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#32, module moved 
Entry  Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 14:23, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#32, SiC#32 removal Target Module Inspection 20160316_141127.jpg20160316_141146.jpg
Entry  Thursday, March 17, 2016, 14:57, David Wang, South Hot-Cell, Repair, TM2, , TM2 first round leak check in SHC 
Entry  Friday, March 18, 2016, 08:34, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, no target, module moved 
Entry  Friday, March 18, 2016, 09:34, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, , Target Hall schedule for beam schedule 130 (Apr- Sep) Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep_2016.xlsxTarget_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep_2016.pdf
Entry  Friday, March 18, 2016, 09:42, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 vacuum sysytem has been connected at TCS 
Entry  Friday, March 18, 2016, 13:13, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#32, Electrical Check TM2_SiC32_postbeam.PDFTM2_elec_chk_notgt_CS.PDF
Entry  Monday, March 21, 2016, 10:25, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM2, , TM2 Helium pressure Test Result in TCS and ITW 
Entry  Monday, March 21, 2016, 11:30, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM2, , TM2 and TCS vacuum pumps are stopped 
Entry  Monday, March 21, 2016, 15:27, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM2, , TM2 has been disconnected at TCS 
Entry  Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 11:00, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, no target, module moved 
Entry  Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 11:32, David Wang, South Hot-Cell, Repair, TM2, , TM2 Helium spray leak check on GE and MSP lines at SHC 
Entry  Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 15:49, David Wang, Assembly/Bench Test, Repair, TM2, , TM2 Helium spray leak check on solder stems inside service cap on the top of SW silo. 7x
ELOG V2.9.2-2455