ID |
Date |
Author |
Category |
Type |
Module |
Target/Number |
Subject |
Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10:56 |
Travis Cave | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | UC#30 | Module move |
TM#4 with UC#30 has been moved from ITE to the south hot cell. |
Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 10:56 |
chad fisher | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | UC#31 P2N | Uc#30 removed UC#31 P2N installed |
UCx#30 has been removed from TM#4 and put in a can with argon. 5(10) pin connector had to have guide screws removed to be uninstalled.
UCx#31 P2N installed. |
Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 14:28 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | UC#31 | TM4 UC#31 Electrical check and HS leak check |
Tm4 UCx 31# electrical check result. See attachment. |
Attachment 1: TM4_UCx31_elctrical_and_leak_check_at_SHC..pdf
Attachment 2: Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer.pdf
Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 09:54 |
Travis Cave | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | no target | Module move |
TM#3 is now in the south hot cell. |
Monday, October 19, 2020, 12:52 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM2 | C#2 | TM2 electrical and leak check at SHC |
TM2 electrical check and leak check are done at SHC with C#2 target installed. The results are good. |
Attachment 1: Tm3_bunker_set_up_018.JPG
Tuesday, November 03, 2020, 10:52 |
Travis Cave | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | UC#31 | Module move |
TM#4 with UC#31 has been moved from the east target station to the south hot cell. |
Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 10:17 |
Adam Newsome | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM2 | | Module Move |
TM2 has been moved from ITW to the South Hot Cell.
Reading at ITW: 114 mSv/hr
Reading at SHC: 85 mSv/hr |
Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 15:28 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM2 | Nb#6 | electrical check and HS leak check. |
Everything looks good. A still short to P before target installation. We will float P,Q as before on module top. |
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2020-11-18_Mail_-_David_Wang_-_Outlook.png
Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 09:05 |
Adam Newsome | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | | Module Move |
TM3 has been moved from the Silo to the South Hot Cell. |
Thursday, December 10, 2020, 15:07 |
Adam Newsome | South Hot-Cell | Development | TM3 | | TM3 Move |
TM3 was remotely moved from the conditioning station to the South Hot Cell. No containment box. |
Friday, January 08, 2021, 09:40 |
Travis Cave | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | Ta#61 | Module move |
TM#4 with Ta#61 has been moved from the east target station to the south hot cell. |
Monday, January 25, 2021, 10:57 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Repair | TM4 | | TM4 steers short investigation. |
Cables were disconnected for steers in containment box. The Megga measurement (500V) result from the top of the module:
Left to right: OL, left to top OL, left to bottom OL, right to top OL, right to bottom OL, Top to bottom OL. And all of them to ground are OL. No short on cables from module top to steers itself. The short should be inside the steers. It will be confirmed with directly test on steers. |
Friday, March 12, 2021, 11:36 |
Travis Cave | South Hot-Cell | Maintenance | | East Entrance Module | Entrance module move |
The East Entrance Module has been moved from the East Target Station to the South Hot Cell. |
Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 09:47 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | | TM3 has been moved from TCS to SHC. |
Frank and I removed Tm3 from TCS to SHC. The move is successful. |
Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 10:32 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | | Remotely remove TM3 from SHC to silo |
On 2021-04-19, Frank and I remotely removed Tm3 from SHC to silo . The moving is successful. |
Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 10:34 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | | Remtely remove TM4 from Silo to SHC. |
On 2021- 04-20, Tm4 is removed from Silo to SHC. The moving is smooth. |
Thursday, April 22, 2021, 08:41 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Repair | TM4 | | TM4 steerer electical check at SHC and TH. |
Using SHC electrical test cables routed to to TH, We tested TM4 steerer 4 polarities. At 100v megga test, left, right , up and down to ground are all OL. TM4 steerer has no short. |
Monday, April 26, 2021, 13:02 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Repair | TM4 | | TM4 new steerer cable installation. |
New steerer cables are installed in TM4. Cables are properly routed in containment box and service cap top. After job, TP2 is installed back onto module top. |
Thursday, June 03, 2021, 08:20 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM2 | | Remotely remove TM2 from silo to shc |
Remotely removed Tm2 from silo to SHC. The moving is smooth. |
Thursday, June 03, 2021, 08:33 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | UCX32# P2N | P2N UCX 32 on TM4 electical check and leak check at SHC. |
Both electrical check and leak check (HS and Window lines)results are good. See attachments
Correction: It should be UCx#32 P2N instead of UCx33# in check list attached . UCx#33 is on TM2 in ITW |
Attachment 1: P2N_UCX33#_target_electrical_chek_at_SHC_2021_0601.pdf