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Entry  Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 11:58, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, TiC#4, Electrical check TM3_TiC4_elec_chk_SHC_postbeam.PDF
Electrical check of the TiC#4 on TM#3 post beam at the south hot cell, see attached PDF for details
Entry  Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 15:14, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, TiC#4, Conductor insulator broken close to right TGHT terminal TiC#4_Broken_Insulator.pdf
When the Containment Box was opened today by Chad for a target change, we found the conductor insulator block B (ITD0054) to be broken close to the right
TGHT terminal. Chad was nevertheless able to remove the target. See DocuShare and
attached file for photos.
Entry  Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 15:45, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, TiC#4, Ground Electrode and Extraction Electrode dirty after last run TiC#4_Dirty_GND_and_EE_electrodes.pdf
See attached pdf and DocuShare for more photos. It may be possible
to clean some of it from the Ground Electrode.
    Reply  Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 12:49, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, TiC#4, Conductor insulator broken close to right TGHT terminal ITD0052C_revB.pdf

            Anders Mjos wrote:
            When the Containment Box was opened today by Chad for a target change, we found the conductor insulator
Entry  Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 12:55, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, TiC#4, Object - possibly cable tie found in Containment Box TiC#4_Cable_Tie.pdf
 See attached PDF. The object is not accessible with only the front panel removed. Photos on DocuShare.
Entry  Tuesday, November 06, 2012, 14:00, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, TiC#3, TiC#3 Installed 
TiC#3 sucessfully installed and ready for leak and electrical check.
Entry  Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 09:25, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, TiC#3, Electrical check TM_1_TiC_3_Elec_check_SHC.PDF
TM#1 with TiC#3 target has had the electrical performed on it. See attached PDF for details.
Entry  Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 10:25, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM1, TiC#3, module move 
TM#1 with TiC#3 has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station, move went well.
Entry  Friday, November 09, 2012, 09:20, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM1, TiC#3, Electrical check TM_1_TiC_3_Elec_check_CS_Vac.PDF
Electrical check performed on TM#1 with TiC#3 at the conditioning station under vacuum. See PDF for details.
Entry  Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 10:55, Travis Cave, ITW, Standard Operation, TM1, TiC#3, module move 
TM#1 with TiC #3 moved from the conditioning station to the west target station,  move went well.
Entry  Tuesday, January 08, 2013, 08:48, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, TiC#3, Electrical check TiC#3_Elec_Check_Post_beam.PDF
TM#1 with TiC #3 post beam. See attached PDF for results.
Entry  Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 14:37, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , TiC#3, Spent target move Vault_Storage_January_15_2013.pdf
TiC #3 was moved from the south hot cell in to the vault storage today, it was placed in slot 4B and was in pail #104, it had a reading of 98.7mSv/hr
upon removal from the south hot cell. See attached PDF for vault details.
Entry  Monday, September 23, 2024, 11:35, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM4, TiC #9., vacuum leak check on TM4 service cap in ITW.  
vacuum leak check on TM4 service cap in ITW was done this morning.   leak detector leak rate 0.0XE-9 atm.cc/sec. No leak on TM4 service cap
module top. 
Entry  Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 11:15, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM4, TiC #7 febiad. , TM4 has been moved from TCS to ITW.  
TM4 has been moved from TCS to ITW.  the move is smooth. 
Entry  Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 11:15, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM4, TiC #7 febiad. , TM4 has been moved from TCS to ITW.  
TM4 has been moved from TCS to ITW.  the move is smooth.
Entry  Friday, August 16, 2024, 09:50, David Wang, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, TiC #7 febiad., TM4 has been moved from SMP to SHC. 
TM4 has been moved from  SMP to SHC. The move is smooth.
Entry  Thursday, November 08, 2012, 08:42, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM1, TiC #3, TM1 TiC #3 target heat shield helium pressure check is done. 
TM1 TiC #3 target  heat shield  helium pressure check  is done at conditioning station. Applied 80 psi helium to HS circuit for 5 minutes
. There is no response had been found on leak detector. The leak detector base LR 0.0x E-9 atm.cc/sec, and BP 0.0xE-4 torr. CS and TM1 vacuum are at low
E-6 torr range. The HS circuit is leak tight.
Entry  Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 11:09, David Wang, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, TiC , TM1 heat shield circuit leak check with TiC target at hot cell 
Chad and i did a leak check on TM1(Lp-TiC) heat shield water circuit at south hot cell. There is no leak had been found on it. The circuit  is leak
tight at present. I will do  helium pressure check on this circuit at  conditioning station once the vacuum is good enough.
Entry  Monday, November 03, 2014, 11:16, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, ThO#1, ThO#1 Installed 
ThO#1 has been installed onto TM1 and is ready for leak and electrical checking. High current fasteners torqued to 130 in lbs.
Entry  Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:47, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, ThO#1, Electrical check TM1_elec_check_ThO1_SHC.PDF
TM#1 with ThO#1 electrical check see attatched PDF for details.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455