Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Friday, May 03, 2024, 12:20, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , Ta#66, Target repacked Target_Index_2024-05-03.pdf

 The Ta#66 target was repacked after the parasitic target was removed it was place in a new pail (#290) and place back in spot 5B of the vault. See attached PDF for further details.

Entry  Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 13:40, Aaron Tam, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, TiC#8, Target removal  13x

 TiC#8 HP FEBIAD removed from TM3

Target sitting in SHC

1 Coil Conductor bolt fell under source tray 

Photo Dump uploaded

Entry  Wednesday, August 01, 2018, 15:12, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, UC#23, Target mounted - water leak on HS line 20180801_180130904_iOS.jpg

The heat shield water lines were not purged ahead of target exchange in the hot cell. This resulted in water leaking onto the new target assembly (heat shield) when the cooling lines were opened at top and bottom (for connecting leak detector). Excess water was wiped up with paper towels.

Entry  Thursday, February 09, 2017, 09:24, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Development, , , Target module window cooling lines at TCS. 

Target module window  cooling lines at TCS has been modified to use spare 2 channel in TCS: WFB1. The old cooling lines used a spare channel in TCS WFB2(HVC channel) are removed and capped. After change, TCS window cooling lines will be interlocked with heaters. The test run on new lines are good. No leak  on all fittings, and signals on flow and temperature are good.   Control people will be noticed on this change for their following up job.

Entry  Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 13:54, Anders Mjos, ITE, Standard Operation, TM4, SiC#37, Target module disconnected 

TM disconnected by David and Yasmine Feb 8th

Entry  Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 13:56, Anders Mjos, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, Ta#55, Target module disconnected 

TM disconnected by David and Yasmine Feb 8th. One of the water couplings were leaking for a short while when disconnected. NCR 10836 submitted by Max

Entry  Monday, July 16, 2018, 17:41, Anders Mjos, ITE, Standard Operation, TM4, UC#22, Target module disconnected TM4_UCx_22#__disconnection_check_list_1.pdfTM4_UCx_22#__disconnection_check_list_2.pdf

The water and electrical connections were disconnected today as protons remained off after power interruption during the weekend. Vacuum is still connected and operating.

 The vacuum system are disconnected 2018-07-17.  See attachment .

Entry  Monday, November 05, 2018, 14:27, Anders Mjos, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, UC#25, Target module disconnected 

Frank and Anders disconnected the water and electrical connections this afternoon after the target was conditioned over the weekend. The heater ramping program ran with the wrong gauge selected, causing the vacuum to go higher than planned. The module will be moved to ITW tomorrow.

Entry  Wednesday, December 05, 2012, 15:53, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, , UCx#5, Target inspection - target tube broken 

The target was inspected today.

It was found that the target tube had broken on both sides of the centre block in the region that contain target material. The Ta-foil heat shield was removed from the let side tube to allow inspection.

Photos can be found on DocuShare:

Entry  Thursday, March 12, 2015, 13:33, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, ThO#1, Target inspection 

Chad, Anders and Alex inspected the target this morning. The target had no significant visible damage to the container. Some material was deposited on the Extraction Electrode.

Phots on DocuShare

Entry  Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 10:15, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, Nb#6, Target inserted into south hot cell 

Nb#6 has been inserted into the south hot cell in preparation for ionstallation onto TM1. During the pre-insertion inspection I noticed that I could see the foil installed into the ionizer tube and that in did not seem to be seated or concentric to the tube itself. I had Anders and Friedhelm check this and they deemed that it was ok.

Entry  Tuesday, June 05, 2012, 12:20, Bevan Moss, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, Ta#38, Target inserted into HC 

Ta#38 has been placed into the south hot cell. Swipes of the tool port were taken there was a count of 600 on the floor and 150 on the walls and top. 

Entry  Wednesday, February 02, 2022, 11:05, David Wang, Crane, Standard Operation, , , Target hall overhand crane annual insepection.  

Tom Kauss finished target hall overhead crane annual inspection today. The crane works fine. He issued new inspection tag and e-logged the job. 

Entry  Thursday, January 03, 2019, 13:41, David Wang, Crane, Repair, , , Target hall crane PLC issue. 

Target hall crane did not work properly after power outage during Christmas time. The only movement could be operated is crane rotation. Power is supplied crane. The control board on N-S, E-W and up-down movement showed  F51 error code which is tripped limit.. All these clues pointed to a PLC control problem.  Don dale was asked for help. He used the crane control PLC program on an old computer  in RH control room reset the PLC system. Everything works fine after his reset.

Entry  Friday, January 27, 2023, 07:11, David Wang, Crane, Standard Operation, , , Target hall Crane annual inspection has beend done. 

Tom Kauss inspected target hall crane yesterday. The crane works fine. Tom has this inspection record in his file. The inspection tag has been issued.

Entry  Friday, January 27, 2023, 07:15, David Wang, Crane, Standard Operation, , , Target hall Crane annual inspection has beend done. 

Tom Kauss  finished TH crane annual inspection yesterday. The crane woks fine. Tom has this inspection record in his file. The crane inspection tag has been issued for 2023.

Entry  Thursday, October 24, 2013, 15:43, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, Ta#41, Target conductance Ta#41_electrical_measurement_TGHT_in_SHC.pdf

The conductance check on the electrical check was found to be outside of accepted values for the TBHT at 7.0 mOhm. A successful attempt to reduce the conductance was made by re-tightening the bolts on the TGHT legs in the SHC. Grant operated the manipulator and torqued the bolts to about 1/8 of a turn with the air ratchet. The conductance across the TGHT (A-B) could be improved from 7.0 mOhm to 6.2 mOhm by re-tightening the bolts. The value is still somewhat higher than usual, but was deemed to be acceptable. Measurements attached.

    Reply  Thursday, October 24, 2013, 15:54, Grant Minor, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, Ta#41, Target conductance 

Anders Mjos wrote:

The conductance check on the electrical check was found to be outside of accepted values for the TBHT at 7.0 mOhm. A successful attempt to reduce the conductance was made by re-tightening the bolts on the TGHT legs in the SHC. Grant operated the manipulator and torqued the bolts to about 1/8 of a turn with the air ratchet. The conductance across the TGHT (A-B) could be improved from 7.0 mOhm to 6.2 mOhm by re-tightening the bolts. The value is still somewhat higher than usual, but was deemed to be acceptable. Measurements attached.

1. TGHT leg bolts were loosened, and resistance was measured very high, as expected.

2. TGHT leg bolts were then tightened, loosened, and tightened again, and the resistance improvement was then measured (from 7.0 mOhm to 6.2 mOhm).

3. Another attempt was then made to loosen and tighten to see if there would be further improvement.  The right bolt was loosened, but the left bolt was found to be quite stiff and was left as-is (not fully loosened) for fear of breaking the supporting insulator.  Both bolts were then re-tightened, and resistance was checked to be about the same as achieved during the previous loosening / tightening attempt (step 2 above).

To tighten the bolts in all cases: the air ratchet was used first to turn the bolts "air tight" (air pedal only, no manual force) and then with the air pedal held down, manual torque was applied to turn no more than 1/8th of a turn.

    Reply  Friday, October 25, 2013, 14:09, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, Ta#41, Target conductance TM#4_Ta#41_elec_test_SHC.PDF

Anders Mjos wrote:

The conductance check on the electrical check was found to be outside of accepted values for the TBHT at 7.0 mOhm. A successful attempt to reduce the conductance was made by re-tightening the bolts on the TGHT legs in the SHC. Grant operated the manipulator and torqued the bolts to about 1/8 of a turn with the air ratchet. The conductance across the TGHT (A-B) could be improved from 7.0 mOhm to 6.2 mOhm by re-tightening the bolts. The value is still somewhat higher than usual, but was deemed to be acceptable. Measurements attached.

 The full electrical check was done on October 25th 2013. The results are in the attached PDF. The higher value of the conductance was dealt with see Anders Mjos elog entry for those details.

Entry  Monday, October 03, 2011, 11:54, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, UCx#2 - TaC#1, Target change UCx#2-TaC#1 

UCx#2 has been removed from Tm1 and put in a bucket with a slow argon feed and a lid placed lossely on top.


TaC#1 ITW has been installed and is awaiting testing at the cell.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455