The SiC#29 CTL target has been taken apart with the help of Isaac and Chad. Electrical measurements were done between Target and Heat Shield as the target was disassembled. Work was done on October 2nd, 4th, 7th and 8th.
The megger showed about 30kOhm at 50V with the following changes
- Bolts for CTL block loosened
- Above bolts removed
- CTL block pulled away from Heat Shield
- CTL block removed
- Heat Shield lid removed
- Bolts for target removed
- Shims between target and insulators
The megger showed about 50kOhm at 100V with the following changes
- Target removed. Measured between cathode restraint and HS.
The megger showed OL at 540V with No 3 insulator removed. A measurement on No 3 insulator while it was sitting on the HS showed 70kOhm at 120V confirming that the insulator can no longer hold voltage.
While taking off the coil retainer plate, Chad noticed that all bolts were not tight.
Photos are available on DocuShare. |