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Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 15:52 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | N/A | Further HV Testing |
Further HV testing was completed today from ~2:00 until 3:00. The resistivity of the water was 11.7 - 12.7 Mohm. The EE was turned on to 1500 V and had a leakage current of 1.465 mA with a inline and ballast resister of 20 kohm and 1 Mohm respectively. In addition to this all of the CB were turned on to 500V. The voltage on the source tray with all bias items tied together and the voltage was then raised to 30kV in 5kV steps. It was then raised until 37kV in 1kV step at which point the first spark was detected. Steps were then reduced to 500V until 39.5kV was achieved. Sparking was noticed when stepping up from one voltage to the next and steps were reduced to 100V. At 39.7 kV there were several sparks and the voltage was held for 8 minutes until there had been at least 4 minutes since the last spark. Voltage was increased to 41.2 kV at 292.97 uA when a spark caused the HVCLTBHT paddle wheel flow sensor to trip. Flow was affected but the interlock was tripped due to noise and as a result the BIAS and EE voltage dropped to zero. At this point the required data had been collected and it was decided to shut the station down. RGA scans were taken during the test and are attached. The edited data with graphs is attached in the excel folder. PNG1 was not monitored as it has failed.
The rga application is available at
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 13:48 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | N/A | EL testing |
This morning the Einzel Lens was tested on TM3 as the intention is to reuse this piece of equipment. The EL was able to achieve 39.9kV at ~1.35mA before a major spark happened and the power supply turned off. Also during testing the penning gauge suddenly shot up after a spark, it did not recover and had been acting strange in previous test, it was decided to ignore its value and continue testing but it should be replaced in the future. When I went to save the strip tool data I tried to save it as SDDS binary data out of curiosity and the tool crashed, it turns out this is on old feature and doesn't work anymore. A file was created but I cannot recover any of the data. If I do manage to do so I will will attach it later. Attached is the RGA and Archiver data.
Other items of note:
Voltage was increased in 1000V increments until ~32kV when it started to have sparks. Increases were then reduced to 500V until 38kV when it sparked and further reduced to 100V increments where it worked until 39.9kV
There is a inline and ballast resistor on the EL circuit values of each respectively are 145Kohm and 200 Mohm
The rga application is available at
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 11:19 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | N/A | HV Test All common |
A HV test was conducted yesterday on TM3. There was no target and all items were tied to common or ground. The conductivity of the water ranged from 7.1 to 7.5 Mohm. 40kV @ ~600uA without continuous sparking was achieved. The Strip tool was run but something went wrong with the export and the vacuum gauge data is missing. I have attached the file for reference and the pulled data from the achiver (only logs every 300 seconds). RGA scans were taken periodically during the test nothing unexpected was measured but we also do not know what normal looks like. The RGA application is available at Other items of note include significant sparks disrupts the communication between the computer and the RGA, the PNG1 gauge and its controller, and TP2 local readout screen. |
Monday, April 22, 2013, 11:35 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Repair | TM3 | N/A | TCS:DIF2 broken |
The flow meter on the primary side (TCS:DIF2) of the conditioning station is broken. I investigated and there is flow, the gauge is not fouled, and the PLC does read back when current supplied. The gauge is also reciving 24V but the output is 0V and 0mA. I will contact ESC and the supplier. |
Monday, April 22, 2013, 11:31 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | N/A | Cooling Package Started |
Cooling Package was started at 9:25 this morning inlet conductivity is 0.08 Mohm at 22.9C. Resistance reached 5.33 Mohm by 11:30 |
Monday, April 22, 2013, 09:33 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Repair | TM3 | | Leak check TM3 at conditioning station |
TM3 leak check at conditioning station without target: TM3 all air to vacuum seals have been leak checked . They are all good. Water lines TAR(+-), TUBE(+-), GAS, MSP , COIL2(+-), EE, HS(1,2) , GE,and WINDOW have been helium pressurized to 70 psi for 2 minutes each . No response had been found on leak detector. They are leak tight.. Leak detector BR, BP 0.0xE-4 torr. TM3 and CS vacuum: PNG15.2xE-6 torr, IG1 8.8xE-7 torr,IG2 2.8xE-6torr, IG1S 1.3xE-6 torr. |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 15:25 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | N/A | Turbo Pumps Started |
Bevan Moss wrote: |
Both Turbo Pumps are now operational.
Turbo pumps 1 and 2 both found randomly off, have been restarted |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 13:32 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | N/A | Turbo Pumps Started |
Both Turbo Pumps are now operational. |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:51 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | N/A | Roughing Started 10:48 |
With the Turbo pump replaced I have started roughing at 10:48 |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:48 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Maintenance | TM3 | N/A | Turbo Pump 2 replaced |
Turbo Pump 2 has been replaced on TM3. I got a count of 350 on the sleeve of my tank suit. |
Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:48 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Maintenance | TM3 | N/A | Turbo Pump 2 replaced |
Turbo Pump 2 has been replaced on TM3. I got a count of 350 on the sleeve of my tank suit. |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 15:17 |
Bevan Moss | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | N/A | Turbo Pumps Failed |
Both Turbo pumps on TM3 have failed. They were both attempted to start in soft mode. TP2 could only achieve ~19kpm and TP1 ~10kpm. I have turned off the scroll pump and vented through the turbo pumps. |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 10:59 |
Travis Cave | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | no target | module move |
TM#3 with no target has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station. Move went well. The fields around the module was 1.6mSv/hr. |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 10:35 |
David Wang | ITE | Standard Operation | TM4 | | I moved 5 shielding blocks back to ITE. |
5 shielding block had been moved back to ITE. The ITE is configured to take proton beam. |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 09:26 |
Travis Cave | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | no target | Electrical check |
Electrical check was performed on TM#3 with no target nothing was wrong was found, but our megger does not go above 1000 volts so any problems above this value would not be seen, see attached pdf for details.
Also the 55 pin(top) double 9 pin (bottom) connector was tested as well. When it was meggered to 60kV common more then 50% of the lines failed, when those line were identified with a resistance package two were unable to be indentified. The wiring for this double 9 pin connector should be removed to prevent HV problems. New wiring is not physically possible to re-install in its place, see the PDF for the wiring details. |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 09:02 |
chad fisher | South Hot-Cell | Repair | TM3 | | TM3 ready for conditioning station |
The heat shield circuit blank offs have been re-installed and front cover replaced. TM3 is ready to move to the conditioning station for testing. |
Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 11:20 |
chad fisher | South Hot-Cell | Repair | TM3 | | TM3 Referb. start |
Front containment box cover has been removed and heat shield circuit blank offs removed in preparation for installation of dummy target.
image #1 - initail view after front panel removal.
image #2 - Heat shield circuit blank offs removed.
Ready for baseline electrical tests and 9 pin cinnector tests. |
Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 11:10 |
Travis Cave | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | no target | module move |
TM#3 has been moved from the NE Silo to the south hot cell, move went well. |
Monday, April 15, 2013, 11:00 |
chad fisher | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | | Items for TM3 dummy target installation |
New gaskets and fasteners have been inserted into the south hot cell in preparation for installing the dummy target onto TM3 tomorrow. |
Friday, April 12, 2013, 10:32 |
David Wang | ITW | Repair | TM1 | | ITW EXIT1 tank to module o-ring leak check. |
I leak checked new installed ITW EXIT1 tank to module o-ring.No leak had been found . Also ,TM1 primary vessel air to vacuum seals had been checked at the same time. There was no response had been found on leak detector. |