Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Cyclotron, Page 8 of 10  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Type Subject
  53   Friday, January 30, 2015, 15:02 Travis CaveCyclotronStandard OperationDay four of in tank work

All shields, ladders and pothole covers are in. One rad survey left to do.

  52   Thursday, January 29, 2015, 14:53 Travis CaveCyclotronStandard OperationDay three of in tank work

Over 50% of the shields are in some 700's left and the monitor box covers.

  51   Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 14:33 Travis CaveCyclotronStandard OperationDay two of in tank work

All copper blocker removed from the cyclotron and first radiation survey done. Shields start tomorrow.

  50   Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 14:40 Travis CaveCyclotronStandard OperationDay one of in tank work

Day one of RH in tank work for the cyclotron (shields and blockers stuff like that) many pictures were taken.

  49   Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 11:39 Grant MinorElevation JackStandard OperationLid-Up Report 26 Jan 2015

Lid-up started approximately 10am Monday 26 Jan 2015.

The first attempt to raise the lid was halted at a mechanical counter reading of approximately 1050 because a large discrepancy was observed in the mechanical counter reading at Station 11.  One jog at station 9 was employed leading up to the halt:


Station 9 Jog:

8              732

9              652/735               

10           739



1              1048

2              1052

3              1025

4              1053

5              1026

6              1055

7              1038

8              1042

9              987

10           1051

11           2968

12           1052


All jacks were lowered back to the starting position, and the mechanical counter was replaced at station 11.  The new counter was set to the balance between adjacent stations 10 and 12.

All stations were jogged manually to index the yoke gap at ¼” with shims and the counters were recorded.  It was discovered that station 11 was out by about 30 counts.   Dan Louie wanted to check the discrepancy with the control system so we lowered manually back to start position “A”. 

After Dan’s OK we jogged manually up again to ¼” yoke gap and noticed the same ~30 count discrepancy with station 11.  It was determined that both the counter and the syncro at station 11 were out by about 30 counts with respect to the master.   Maico and Dan de-coupled the syncro and counter box from the output shaft of the jack, and adjusted both the syncro and the counter together until the count on the counter and the control system was adjusted about 30 counts back into the range of the other jacks.


New start “A”:                   ¼” shim - #1       ¼” shim #2

1              44                           115                         116

2              58                           145                         143        

3              44                           137                         133

4              55                           146                         144

5              46                           133                         133

6              47                           127                         124

7              47                           129                         125

8              49                           105                         110

9              62                           129                         126

10           54                           124                         124

11           55*                         162                         157 to 130**

12           55                           116                         114


* 55 set value after counter replacement

** both syncro and mech counter decoupled from jack worm gear shaft and adjusted to 130


The lid-up procedure then started again.  Two jogs of station 9 were required as recorded below, then the system travel from that point forward was smooth.

Station                  Value    Jog #1                   Value    Jog #2

8                              1439                                       3499

9                              1426       1446                       3476       3506

10                           1448                                       3506


The lid up sequence was stopped at 3pm half way through at around 19,000 counts because it was noticed that the new fall protection platform at station 8 would potentially interfere with an overhang in the ceiling for the vault lights. This interference occurs only at that particular station, and the station directly opposite 8.

The interference was measured by Dan McDonald and confirmed (see attached photos).

The platform was removed and lid-up started again at 4pm and was completed by about 4:23 pm.


Final Counts:

1              47393

2              47404

3              47391

4              47404

5              47403

6              47387

7              47401

8              47379

9              47397

10           47403

11           47397

12           47401


Attachment 1: Station_8_Interference_Measurment_26Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 2: Station_8_Lid_Up_without_platform_26Jan2015.JPG
  48   Monday, January 26, 2015, 07:57 maicodallavalleElevation JackMaintenanceFall arrest Platform Railing

All of the Fall arrest Platform Railing has been Collapsed for Cyclotron Lid up.

  47   Friday, January 23, 2015, 10:27 maicodallavalleElevation JackMaintenance2015 Jack Maintenance - Stations #4 and Station #9

The Cyclotron Elevating System Shut Down  work done this year was done on Station #4 and Station #9.


 Work done on Station #4

                       - note the readings on the Station counter and the gap clearance on the Yoke.

                       - Remove all the spares from Station #4 Elevating system (Spares are made up of two Jacks, two Highfield gear reducers,and one electric motor)

                       - Reinstall the complete serviced original Station into Station #4.

                       - Set the noted gap on the Yoke and the same readings on the Station counter.



Work done on Station #9


                        - Note the readings on the Station counter and the gap clearance on the Yoke.

                        - Remove the complete Station #9 Elevating system.

                        - Install the complete Spare Elevation system in Station #9.

                        - Set the noted gap on the Yoke and the same reading on the Station counter.

                        - The complete original Station #9 is taken to the Remote Handing Active Machine shop where each component will be inspected and serviced.(This Station will be ready to be reinstalled during next years Shut Down)



 Electric Motors have been reconnected on Station #9 and #4. We have not been able to test then until all the Interlocks have been satisfied. This may happen on Monday January 26th.


The Upper Bearing are needed to be serviced on Station #5 and #10. We wound like to do this work this Shut Down.This work can be done after the Cyclotron lid has come back down after service and maintenance has been done inside the Cyclotron.







  46   Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 16:46 Grant MinorElevation JackDevelopmentUpper Bearing Fall Protect Guardrails TRH1217 Installed on Stns 8,10, 3, 4 & 5

5 x TRH1217 Upper Bearing Service Platform assemblies were installed between January 6th and January 13th at Stations 8, 10, 3, 4, and 5 (see attached photos).

The assembly went very smoothly.  Dan McDonald and Maico Dalla Valle worked together to install the platforms and wore harnesses and lanyards while working on top of the vault crane at each station (see attached photo).

Some notes were observed during assembly:

- There were not enough McMaster Carr 3949T1 3/4" Zinc Plated High Strength Snaps.  Assembly drawing TRH1217 Rev C only calls out 2 of these snaps, but this is incorrect, as 6 snaps are required per assembly.

- The ultra-coated 3/8-16 UNC bolts and nuts ( ref McMaster p/n 91257A634) were found to be very difficult to fasten.  In the future, zinc plated or mild-steel hardware should be used.

Both of the above items must be revised on TRH1217 towards Rev D.

Horizontal DBI Sala lifelines are now installed as well between Stations 8, 9, and 10, and between Stations 4 and 5, to permit access to the stations that do not have a direct ascent up the Cyclotron magnet structure.

All platforms and handrails are now installed on stations 8, 9, and 10 and stations 3, 4, and 5.  This permits full jack and gear reducer service at stations 9 and 4 (as adjacent stations are required for chainfall installation), as well as upper bearing service at all stations with platforms.

Still remaining is the work to drill the holes required for the ceiling mounted Self-Retracting Lifeline units that permit the first ascent and setup of the guardrails at each station.




Attachment 1: Cyc_Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protection_-_platform_install_9Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 2: Cyc_Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protection_-_traverse_wire_9Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 3: Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protec_Stn_8_13Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 4: Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protect_Stn_3_Platform_13Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 5: Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protect_Stn_10_13Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 6: Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protect_Stns_4and5_13Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 7: Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protect_Stns_4and5_Top_View_13Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 8: Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protection_Stn3_13Jan2015.JPG
Attachment 9: Upper_Bearing_Fall_Protection_Stns_3and4_13Jan2015.JPG
  45   Friday, July 04, 2014, 07:21 Dan McDonaldElevation JackStandard OperationCyclotron lid down July-2- 2014

Cyclotron lid down was successfully completed on July 2 2014. Lid went partially down before jack nine had to be jogged to catch up to system. After thirty min of continual system trips Maico Dalla Valle and I Jogged all stations to 42745. Still encountering continual system trips Gord Roy and Dan Louie removed and reset all relays in system, lid proceeded to lower with out problem. Final jack position recording done at 19:45.



Jack   Start Finish  Jog 1   All jacks reset to 42745 from these positions    
1   47366 44     42755            
2   47399 46     42739   Lid down start 18:32      
3   47354 42     42746   Jack reset at 19:00      
4   47398 46     42738   Finished at 19:45      
5   47372 45     42754            
6   47395 44     42744            
7   47372 46     42751            
8   47390 42     42732            
9   47390 46 42755/42739 42739            
10   47397 48 42741   42741            
11   47370 48     42741            
12   47396 48     42743            
  44   Wednesday, July 02, 2014, 16:46 Grant MinorElevation JackStandard OperationCyclotron Lid-Up Report for 27 June 2014

The cyclotron lid was raised on June 27th, 2014.  Start time was 1:05pm end time was 2:17pm (good!) Dan McDonald collected and recorded numbers from the mechanical counters for the lid up sequence, I am entering the data into the e-Log on his behalf.

Below are the mechanical counter values from the start and finish of the lid-up job:

Mech. Counter Values
Jack Start Finish
1 32 47366
2 33 47399
3 28 47354
4 32 47398
5 32 47372
6 32 47395
7 33 47372
8 30 47390
9 33 47390
10 35 47397
11 34 47370
12 32 47396

There were 5 local jogs made to the jacks during the lid up process: 

Jog #1
Station Before Jog After Jog
8 1403 -
9 1387 1407
10 1408 -


Jog #2
Station Before Jog After Jog
2 - -
3 2769 2808
4 2808 -
8 - -
9 2766 2799
10 2798 -


Jog #3
Station Before Jog After Jog
8 6766 -
9 6759 6772
10 6772 -


Jog #4
Station Before Jog After Jog
8 22771 -
9 22764 22770
10 22770 -


Jog #5
Station Before Jog After Jog
8 - -
9 46764 46800
10 46800 -


  43   Monday, April 28, 2014, 10:20 Dan McDonaldService BridgeMaintenanceBridge orbit reduction box

Noticed oil leaking out of reduction box, scan and swipe, disconnect e motor and all related cables from bridge, remove motor and reduction box assembly with over head crane, disassemble reduction box, grease broken down and separated likely cause of leak. Inspect bearings and internals for wear -all good

re assemble with new grease and gaskets (we added two grease nipples to the bearing housing to aid lubrication), test e motor on its own- good. Mount motor and box as unit adjust chain for tension and final test - good

  42   Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 10:45 Travis CaveShieldingStandard OperationLarge shield door on the RH B2 level

The large shield door on the RH B2 level of the remote handling building has been shut.

  41   Monday, March 03, 2014, 15:07 Grant MinorElevation JackStandard OperationCyclotron Lid-Down Report Monday 3-March-2014

The Cyclotron Lid Down was successfully completed today on Work Permit C2014-03-03-6.

The system only tripped twice on the way down.  Both trips were at Station 9, at the following Master Syncro readings: 43194, 39198.

Oil was observed on the Jack #1 platform, but it was determined that it was coming from the crane when it's parked in the beam-on position, and not actually from the elevating system.

The final counter readings after the lower limit was reached were recorded:

Final Lid-Down counter readings
Station Reading
1 32
2 33
3 28
4 32
5 32
6 32
7 33
8 30
9 33
10 35
11 34
12 32

The Master Syncro was recorded at 28.  All station yoke gaps were very loose on the .25" shim, which makes sense, as they are about 70 thou lower than the starting position before lid-up this year (100 counts at each station).

The system was NOT re-indexed.  The decision was made to wait until lid-up next year to re-index.  The lit should be raised until the Master is at about 100 counts, then the yoke gaps checked and adjusted as required.



  40   Monday, March 03, 2014, 13:09 Travis CaveCyclotronStandard Operationshields

all shields, porthole covers and ladder out and copper blockers in. Some conmination was found on the pads of the ladders (about a 1000 count or so) and was removed.

  39   Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 14:55 Travis CaveShieldingStandard Operationshields

More shields have been removed from the cyclotron only 16 remain. I was also noted that the lift trolley is making an odd noise and will be looked at after the shutdown.

  38   Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 15:00 Travis CaveShieldingStandard Operationshields

Started on the removal of shields.

  37   Friday, February 21, 2014, 15:58 Bevan MossCyclotronStandard OperationOld Monitor Box Removed, New installed

During the electrical test the was no contact.  To help investigate further the Montitor box was removed from the Cyclotron. It was found to have zero counts. The issue is believed to have to do with the fit of the box but confirmation of the writing harness continuity needs to be completed. This will continue on Monday. 


Bevan Moss wrote:

 One of the beam spill monitor boxes was removed and placed into a lead coffin. The fields around the coffin prior to the monitor being placed in were 145 uSv/hr just above the box and 33.5 uSv/hr inside of it. A swipe was taken inside the box at this time and a count of zero was found. The tray for the monitor box was then placed into the coffin and the monitor removed from the cyclotrons. The field above the coffin with the monitor box was 1.0 Sv/hr. Safety hinted that it may be possible to put this in the decay storage tunnel. The copper block was then returned to the coffin. The fields above the the coffin were now 9 Sv/hr. The lid was returned to the coffin and returned to it storage place. The new monitor box was then installed into the Cyclotron. The box only hung up on the pins once and there was some slight difficulties unlatching. From previous experience once fully unlatched a slight tap in the latch direction seems to allow it to release easier.  Overall the installation was considered very smooth. 


  36   Friday, February 21, 2014, 11:05 Bevan MossCyclotronStandard OperationOld Monitor Box Removed, New installed

 One of the beam spill monitor boxes was removed and placed into a lead coffin. The fields around the coffin prior to the monitor being placed in were 145 uSv/hr just above the box and 33.5 uSv/hr inside of it. A swipe was taken inside the box at this time and a count of zero was found. The tray for the monitor box was then placed into the coffin and the monitor removed from the cyclotrons. The field above the coffin with the monitor box was 1.0 Sv/hr. Safety hinted that it may be possible to put this in the decay storage tunnel. The copper block was then returned to the coffin. The fields above the the coffin were now 9 Sv/hr. The lid was returned to the coffin and returned to it storage place. The new monitor box was then installed into the Cyclotron. The box only hung up on the pins once and there was some slight difficulties unlatching. From previous experience once fully unlatched a slight tap in the latch direction seems to allow it to release easier.  Overall the installation was considered very smooth. 

Attachment 1: IMG_1346.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_1345.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_1344.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_1343.JPG
Attachment 5: IMG_1342.JPG
Attachment 6: IMG_1341.JPG
Attachment 7: IMG_1339.JPG
  35   Friday, February 07, 2014, 10:50 Travis CaveCyclotronStandard Operation2C install

2C has been installed into the cyclotron.

  34   Friday, January 31, 2014, 10:07 Travis CaveCyclotronStandard Operation2C removal

2C has been successfully removed from the cyclotron and is now currently sitting in the B2 level of the RH building. A tank access was needed to feel the stuck QDL.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455