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Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 14:28 |
Adam Newsome | Trolleys serviced | Development | Upper Resonator Trolley - Finger Cylinders Replaced |
The two support fingers on the upper resonator trolley were bent due to excessive loading during cylinder toggling.
Fingers were bent back into position such that they are vertical when the cylinder is retracted.
The cylinders used to actuate these fingers were replaced (one was leaking) - replacement allowed for the opportunity for upgrade. The following changes were made:
- Changing reverse spring-return cylinders to double-acting cylinders (formerly American Cylinder 750RVS-2.00, replaced with SMC NCDMB075-0200C)
- Addition of in-line flow controls for both extension and retraction motions
- Tuning of flow control to achieve smooth operation and prevent further damage to the fingers during actuation
The new finger configuration has been tested and is working. |
Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 09:59 |
Adam Newsome | Service Bridge | Development | Bridge Lift Mechanism Refurbishment (Phase 1 of 2) - Complete |
The following items from Phase 1 of 2 of Bridge Lift Mechanism Refurbishment (O504) are complete:
- Replacement of pneumatic tubing
- Replacement of hydraulic cylinders for lifting, and procurement of spare
The newly refurbished system has been tested by Dan McDonald (June 16, 2021) and verified as functioning.
Phase 2 of the refurbishment will include replacement of the hydraulic pump and creation of pneumatic/hydraulic drawings. This is expected to be complete by end of 2022.
[Edit 2024-10-16]: Phase 2 has been completed. See e-log 191 |
Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 12:20 |
Adam Newsome | Infrastructure | Development | Cyclotron RH Control Room: Outlets Installed |
The following outlets were installed by Electrical Services Group in order to facilitate upgrading power supplies for Cyclotron Remote Handling, as per Work Request 5289:
- 2x 15 Amp outlets
- 2x 20 Amp outlets
The four breakers for these outlets are located in the panel adjacent to the main entry door to the electrical lab. The outlets are located in behind the control console. |
Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 15:02 |
Adam Newsome | Carrier | Development | Emergency Trolley Rescue Winch: Installed and Tested |
An emergency trolley rescue winch (TRH1527) was developed for the purposes of retrieving trolleys from the cyclotron tank whose radial drive have failed.
This winch was tested today on the carrier in mockup setting with success by Adam Newsome, Dan McDonald, and Travis Cave. The following is a summary of the test:
- Lower resonator trolley was used with additional 1200 lb loading (total weight: approximately 2900 lb)... this represents the worst-case scenario for rescue
- The drive mechanism was bypassed so wheels could freely rotate (this is standard rescue procedure)
- The winch was mounted so that the alignment angle of the cable was close to 0 degrees
- The winch successfully pulled the entire assembly with no issue – it was pulled approximately 5 metres
An ECO will be released for the drawings for mounting components - no redlines were required. |
Thursday, April 01, 2021, 13:47 |
Adam Newsome | Cyclotron | Standard Operation | Vault Shield Door Closed |
The vault shield door has been closed and seal inflated. The operation was performed with no issue. |
Friday, February 26, 2021, 13:00 |
Adam Newsome | Trolleys serviced | Maintenance | Lower Resonator Trolley - Radial Drive Failure Issue |
On Feb. 24 while practising a training exercise, the lower resonator trolley unexpectedly experienced a radial drive failure. The trolley did not move in either radial direction (this occurred after approx. 5 minutes in the tank, near the centre post, with FTRF jig installed). The trolley was retrieved from the tank manually for investigation. Upon retrieval and testing on the mockup, the radial drive began to work again.
Investigation consisted of:
- Verifying controls signals reaching motor controller
- Verifying power to motor
- Verifying all connectors and cables intact
- Verifying drive components installed and free of damage (shafts, keys, set screws, etc.)
- Disassembly and inspection of gearbox
- Running the motor for approximately 3 hours with no load to verify no issues
The cause of the issue cannot be found, however it is suspected a thermal shutdown of the motor or motor controller may have occurred, and after a short delay, the circuit was reset back to a functioning state on its own.
In the future prior to using this trolley it is recommended to test run it, with load, in the mockup to verify radial drive functionality. |
Friday, February 26, 2021, 08:29 |
Adam Newsome | Trolleys serviced | Maintenance | First Turn Radial Flag (FTRF) Jig - Pneumatic Upgrade |
Old fittings and broken pneumatic tubing on the FTRF jig have been replaced with new push-connect fittings and polyurethane tubing. The jig was previously not in a functioning state due to damaged tubing. A pneumatic diagram was created in the process of the upgrade. The tubing will be cleaned up within the next few days and the jig tested. |
Wednesday, February 03, 2021, 12:37 |
Adam Newsome | Cyclotron | Development | Ladder Handling Tool - First In-Tank Test (SAS0824) |
The newly developed Ladder Handling Tool (TRH1401), which is used to move the maintenance ladders from the #5 resonator area closer to the centre post, was tested inside the cyclotron tank to perform the actual operation. This is a task that was historically performed by operators, resulting in dose received (typically 0.1 - 0.3 mSv for two people, twice per annual shutdown). This tool completely eliminates the need for people to receive this dose - only a small fraction of this dose is involved for one person in setting up the tool for use.
Overall, the test was deemed successful; both ladders were successfully moved which validated the functionality of the tool. There was difficulty in unlatching the lifting eye interlock for the first ladder (this was expected) but it was eventually achieved without human intervention. After the first ladder was moved, the entire tool was brought out of the tank, and some minor adjustments were made (ex. clutch adjusted). An attempt was then made to move the second ladder, and it was a significant improvement over the first attempt.
Feedback was obtained from this test and work will be performed to improve some aspects of the design (mechanical, viewing, procedural). The tool will be tested at least once more before the end of 2021 shutdown, and we will aim to have the important feedback items implemented by then. |
Friday, January 22, 2021, 14:30 |
Adam Newsome | Cyclotron | Standard Operation | Lid up operation - 2021 |
The lid up operation took place on Jan. 22, 2021.
The system was not energized well ahead of time to allow to "warm up", as is usually done.
Starting Master Synchro value: 44
After gap set on all jacks, master synchro: 131
Notes on Jacks: Watch Jack 11, cause a few trips during lid down but was able to run again without jogging synchros
Jack 5 and 11 had spikes early but no trips
Jack 2 and 3 lagged early and caused trips (but no spikes)
After jogged 2 and 3 back, still had issues with 7,9,11
7, 9, 11 were jogged to match and then ran for half an inch, then 1, 5, 11 showed some spread
Lowered all the way down and spread was much improved (starting Master Synchro reading: 3)
Started raising again and went much smoother
Jacks 7 and 11 showed some occasional noise on readback
stopped to inspect vacuum seal (12:30 - Master Synchro 7016)
No trips on second attempt going up until 40"
Jack 1 kept falling behind, causing Jack 2 to trip
Finished at 2:03PM, Master Synchro at 47406
Meter stick did not reach ceiling (off by 1/4")
The meter stick versus limit switch discrepancy could be due to the stick shifting slightly by accident (due to vibrations or accidentally being bumped by someone). The limit switches were trusted as it would be highly unlikely for them to both disagree with the meter stick simultaneously if there was an adjustment setting issue with them. |
Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 11:35 |
Adam Newsome | Shielding | Maintenance | Shadow Shields Inspection - 2021 Shutdown |
All shadow shields which are remotely placed inside the cyclotron during shutdown were inspected by Adam Newsome and Chris Peterson on Jan. 13, 2021.
The inspection consisted of:
- Verifying feet were damage-free, welds intact (note: only outer feet were checked due to the large amount of effort that would be involved in shuffling shields around to check each foot)
- Inspection of lifting eyes
- Tightening all critical bolts - many of these bolts were slightly loosened from years of vibration (approx. 1/4 turn)
- General check for other miscellaneous damage
It is believed that all shields are fully acceptable for use, except ones which are clearly marked otherwise from previous years.
The inspection was prompted by a shield which had significant damage last year which could have resulted in a high-dose scenario if it were to get stuck inside the cyclotron. That shield has since been repaired. It is suggested that this inspection take place once every year or two years. |
Monday, November 09, 2020, 09:17 |
Adam Newsome | Infrastructure | Development | New crane pendant: B2 level crane |
A new remote crane pendant was installed to replace the existing wired pendant on the B2 level of Remote Handling building (basement area - vault access). Two remote pendants exist (spare). The previously used pendant will be kept, at least temporarily, as a backup if needed.
The pendant was installed by M. Faragher, and tested by M. Faragher and T. Cave. It is fully functional.
TRIUMF Work Request 5684 describes the upgrade in more detail. |
Thursday, November 05, 2020, 15:38 |
Adam Newsome | Infrastructure | Development | New crane pendant: B1 level crane |
A new remote crane pendant was installed to replace the existing wired pendant on the B1 level of Remote Handling building (electrical lab). Two remote pendants exist (spare). The previously used pendant will be kept, at least temporarily, as a backup if needed.
The pendant was installed by M. Faragher, and tested by M. Faragher, A. Newsome, and T. Cave. It is fully functional.
TRIUMF Work Request 5684 describes the upgrade in more detail. |
Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:57 |
Adam Newsome | Cyclotron | Development | Cyclotron Mockup: Orbital Position Pendant Upgrade |
The pendant used for controlling the orbital motion of the bridge mockup was upgraded. Features of the new pendant include:
- One cable to controller (formerly two cables required)
- Ergonomic and robust form factor of pendant
- Easily modifiable button/contact setup, with spare button space
- Extended cable to reach anywhere in the room
Pictures attached show before and after. |
Sunday, April 05, 2020, 13:24 |
Dan McDonald | Elevation Jack | Maintenance | Elevating system station swap 2019-2020 |
Station 11-12 where swapped for station 13-14 during 2018-2019 shutdown. Once lock out and motor disconnect was complete we commenced removal of spares and installation of original equipment. Station 13 was swapped in for station 3 and the upper bearing was serviced. In addition to regular maintenance we built and installed a cover for the void in between station 10-11, this void in shielding measured approx 2'x4'. RH borrowed a demo Milwaukee 1' cordless impact from Motion industries. Our goal in trying this tool was to compare break out force between it and a pneumatic 1' impact in the hopes of removing all pneumatic tooling from our elevating system work. We tried it against a number of bolts and found it comparable with a 75% weight savings. In the past number of years we have made investments in tooling, equipment and safety gear in the drive to remove hazards and mitigate risks. |
Saturday, April 04, 2020, 10:03 |
Dan McDonald | Trolley | Development | Addition of DC motor controller mounts |
Upper and lower resonator trolleys received mounting plates and brackets to accommodate DC motor controls for updated drive motors. |
Saturday, April 04, 2020, 09:47 |
Dan McDonald | Cyclotron | Standard Operation | Lid down operations |
Lid down operations for 2019/2020 shutdown went ahead as planned on March 10th 2020 with Dan Louie and Arthur Leung absent due to a conference. Please see attached file for station counter numbers. Station two right side Highfield gear box was making intermittent growling from outboard bearing, this station is next on scheduled maintenance and will be inspected post removal next shutdown. Station 3 has spare jack set 13 in place, using Operations thermal camera we where able to observe higher than normal running temperatures from right side gear box. Upon removal next year we will investigate bearing end play tolerances as this is the suspected cause of heat. |
Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 15:04 |
Adam Newsome | Trolley | Repair | Upper resonator trolley: cylinders for Ex 2C tasks |
Cylinder 4 on the upper resonator trolley was not fully functional when removing Ex 2C during 2020 shutdown. It worked occasionally. Upon inspection it was determined that it was binding when extend was attempted. This cylinder was replaced Feb 5, 2020 (model: American Cylinder 562SVS-2.00).
The other three cylinders were inspected and all of their shafts appear significantly bent. Replacement cylinders will be ordered and these will be replaced to prevent further issues.
Edit: all cylinders have been replaced as of Oct 8, 2020
Note: the solenoid valves that control these cylinders are quite dated and are leaky. The layout, plumbing, and wiring could also be improved. One of the cylinders' default position is extended which suggests a wiring/plumbing issue. I will look into replacing these as well, and creating pneumatic circuit documentation.
This e-log will be updated when replacement is completed. |
Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 12:44 |
Adam Newsome | Cyclotron | Development | Cyclotron Small Object Retrival Tool - Intial Test |
The small object retrieval tool was tested in the cyclotron tank for the first time. At this time, there are no known accessible objects that were requested to be retrieved. The tool was tested in order to gain confidence in functionality for future tasks, when needed.
The test performed involved navigating to a bucket full of extraction foils, inserting the tool inside the bucket, grabbing a foil and raising it, then releasing it back into the bucket. The tool/cameras were operated by Travis Cave and Adam Newsome.
Testing was deemed successful, with no proposed modifications for the tool.
This tool has multiple suction cup attachments that can be used in order to retrieve various objects. Other groups will be advised to contact Remote Handling prior to performing a retrieval task so that we can test picking up a similar object on the mockup and verify that it will work. Examples of some objects that have been tested in the mockup include: small screws, cable ties, gloves, foam pieces, plastic pieces, papers, rulers, and pens. |
Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 12:37 |
Adam Newsome | Cyclotron | Development | Cyclotron Vacuum Cleaning Tool - Initial Test |
The vacuum cleaning tool (TRH1366, vacuum cleaning configuration) was tested in the cyclotron tank. The following test were performed:
1. Access to areas of interest - are we able to reach certain areas?
- Magnet face: yes
- Inside cryopanels: yes (checked around swipe mark # 32)
- D-gap: yes, plenty of clearance and simple radial move to vacuum
- Ex 1A area: yes
- Tank seal: yes
2. Vacuum cleaning of metal debris underneath Ex 4:
- Some debris that had been present in the tank for many years was vacuumed
- The task was performed with ease by Travis Cave and Adam Newsome
3. Vacuuming of tank seal test:
- Starting at 0 degrees, the tank seal was vacuumed while orbiting until 180 degrees
- It was determined that the vacuum nozzle fit within the physical confines of the area in question, and a rotation function need not be added
- The vacuuming was performed with ease by Travis Cave, with only orbital motion and radial adjustments to account for the D-shape of the tank (as was done with the previous vacuuming method)
* See attached photo. Duct tape and 3D printed part used as described below. Future vacuuming to be done with proper nozzle part. *
Overall the consensus is that this vacuum cleaning tool will be used going forward. The only adjustment deemed necessary at this time is revising the nozzle shape to be smaller in length to fit easier into the areas in question. This was tested with a 3D printed prototype with drawings to be released for this change before next shutdown. |
Monday, February 03, 2020, 11:06 |
Adam Newsome | Cyclotron | Development | Porthole Cover Handling Tool - Initial Test Report |
The suction-cup based porthole cover handling tool (TRH1366) was tested for the first time inside the cyclotron as part of the regular porthole cover moving task (Jan. 29, 2020). The tool was operated by Adam Newsome and Travis Cave.
All functionality worked as expected (compliance, sensors, suction, blowoff). Camera views were sufficient. No changes were suggested by any of the operators or spectators. The tool will be used again when removing porthole covers towards the end of 2020 shutdown.
Overall, this test was deemed a success, and the tool a suitable replacement for the existing system. |