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Message ID: 128     Entry time: Wednesday, February 03, 2021, 12:37
Author: Adam Newsome 
Category: Cyclotron 
Type: Development 
Subject: Ladder Handling Tool - First In-Tank Test (SAS0824) 

The newly developed Ladder Handling Tool (TRH1401), which is used to move the maintenance ladders from the #5 resonator area closer to the centre post, was tested inside the cyclotron tank to perform the actual operation. This is a task that was historically performed by operators, resulting in dose received (typically 0.1 - 0.3 mSv for two people, twice per annual shutdown). This tool completely eliminates the need for people to receive this dose - only a small fraction of this dose is involved for one person in setting up the tool for use.

Overall, the test was deemed successful; both ladders were successfully moved which validated the functionality of the tool. There was difficulty in unlatching the lifting eye interlock for the first ladder (this was expected) but it was eventually achieved without human intervention. After the first ladder was moved, the entire tool was brought out of the tank, and some minor adjustments were made (ex. clutch adjusted). An attempt was then made to move the second ladder, and it was a significant improvement over the first attempt.

Feedback was obtained from this test and work will be performed to improve some aspects of the design (mechanical, viewing, procedural). The tool will be tested at least once more before the end of 2021 shutdown, and we will aim to have the important feedback items implemented by then.

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