Lab Maintenance
Laser cutter
Target Production
RH-Meson Hall
Evaporator_2, Page 20 of 34 |
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Thursday, February 29, 2024, 07:40, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TiC, , LP TUBE, Done, 240228TiC conditioning
Wednesday, April 03, 2024, 06:46, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TiC, , LP TUBE, Done, 240402TiC
Thursday, April 04, 2024, 12:07, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TiC, , LP TUBE, Done, 240404TiC sintering/conditioning
Monday, May 27, 2024, 07:12, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, SiC, , LP TUBE, Done, SiC (PAA dispersant experiment)
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 22:55, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, SiC, , LP TUBE, Done, Repeat of SiC experiment with mixed only casts
Wednesday, June 05, 2024, 07:18, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, SiC, , LP TUBE, Done, sinterin experiment 240604
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Thursday, August 08, 2024, 11:17, Marla Cervantes, C, 44139-5 SK, LP TUBE, Done, Graphite foils conditioning
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Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 07:23, Marla Cervantes, C, 44139-5 SK, LP TUBE, Problems, EVAP2 Calibration - Vanadium
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Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 16:22, Marla Cervantes, C, 44139-5 SK, LP TUBE, Problems resolved, EVAP2 Calibration - Vanadium
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Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 16:24, Marla Cervantes, C, 44139-5 SK, LP TUBE, In progress, EVAP2 Calibration - Vanadium
Wednesday, October 02, 2024, 19:24, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TiC, , LP TUBE, Done, sintering TiC Experiment
Saturday, November 23, 2024, 11:11, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, ZrC, , LP TUBE, Done, ZrC 24E9T1 + std conditioning and sintering
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 12:26, John Wong, SiC, 38481-2, HP-SIS, Done, Re-condition the HP-SIS SiC target
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Friday, May 18, 2012, 12:19, Nikita Bernier, SiC, 38481-2, HP-SIS, Done, Re-condition the HP-SIS SiC target
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Friday, May 18, 2012, 13:17, John Wong, SiC, 38481-2, HP-SIS, Done, Re-condition the HP-SIS SiC target
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 12:15, Nikita Bernier, SiC, 38481-2, HP-SIS, Done, Re-condition the HP-SIS SiC target
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 15:26, John Wong, SiC, 38481-2, HP-SIS, Done, Re-condition the HP-SIS SiC target
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Monday, June 11, 2012, 12:26, John Wong, SiC, 38481-2, HP-SIS, Problems, End caps vaporized
Wednesday, August 21, 2013, 12:30, John Wong, Ta, 38817-10, HP-SIS, Done, Conditioning Ta target
Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 13:49, Laura Lambert, Empty, 38817-8, HP-SIS, Done, Sintering TaC coating container for TiC