Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Evaporator_2, Page 13 of 35  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Target Material Target Oven W.O# Source Status Subjectdown
  14   Monday, April 02, 2012, 16:26 Nikita BernierBeOTarget boat #1 DoneSintering new BeO pellets

John Wong wrote:

John Wong wrote:

Nikita Bernier wrote:

 Thursday, March 29, 2012, 19:17


Target boat contains 3 BeO pellets :

Sample,   Thickness (mm),   Mass (g),  Density (g/cm3)

1    9.06,  1.9713,  1.413

2    9.11,  1.9900,  1.416

3  13.54,  1.9916,  0.956


Samples 1 and 2 are made of BeO powder with 30% PVB which was washed with excess acetone and let to dry on a greased baking sheet (with PAM Butter flavoured). The flakes were then milled for 26 minutes at 400 RPM. It resulted in a very fine grey powder, much denser than the BeO powder with 30% PVB (not washed with acetone) that was used for Sample 3.

The initial settings on Evaporator #2 were 100 A and 0.83 V until the vacuum increased.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 1 A/min, up to 700 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 5.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 6.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum).




 Thursday, March 29, 2012, 22:31:

TGHT tripped off a few times over the past hours.  After changing the Good Vac to 2.00e-5 torr and Bad Vac to 3.00e-5 Torr, the target heater are regulating properly and the max pressure is well maintained below 6.5e-5 Torr [Trip point @ 8.0e-5 Torr].  (see attachment#1: parameter.jpg)

Friday, March 30, 2012, 23:19  

Archive of the target current and vacuum over the past 24 hours.  (see attachment #1: archive_24hr)

Saturday, March 31, 2012, 12:12

The organic materials have been burnt off.  The target heater ramping up is no longer restricted by the vacuum limit. 

Archive of the target current and vacuum over the past 10 hours. (see attachment #2: TGHT@240A). 

 Saturday, March 31, 2012, 22:52

TGHT has stayed at 700A/12.37V, local @ 693A/12.43 = Temp @ 1780C.  

The striptool shows some out-gassing when TGHT reached to 700A. (see attachment #3 marked with black circle: TGHT@700A.jpg)

Increasing TGHT to 750A to see if there is any further reaction...  

Sunday, April 01, 2012, 10:24  

TGHT was ramped up to 750A, local 730A/13.90V.  The pressure has come down to low 10e-6 but not stable;  Some reaction may be ongoing therefore it's causing the vacuum excursion.  (See attachment #4: TGHT @ 750A).  Notice the current readback is not constant and it's slowly decreasing as the voltage readback is increasing.  There might be some resistant building up.

--> Initiating the cool-down process at 2A/min. 

Sunday, April 01, 2012, 19:30  

TGHT has ramped down to 0A, and the pressure is going down (currently at 7.e-8 Torr) with no excursion.  (see attachment #5: TGHT@0A). 

The chamber will be vented tomorrow, and the target materials will be inspected. 


 Monday, April 02, 2012, 16:11

After sintering , the 3 BeO pellets have shrunk and feel robust.

The first sample ate through the Ta target boat, shrank a lot and has white and black marks. We suspect the PAM (mostly made of canola oil) to be responsible for the boat damage and the weird sintering process (see John's posts).

Sample 2 is holding well.

Sample 3, which was not washed with acetone, shows some cracks.


Sample,   Thickness (mm),   Mass (g),  Density (g/cm3)

1    -----,  0.6254,  -----

2   5.81,  0.9229,  1.032

3   8.89,  1.1073,  0.809


The average mass before sintering was 1.9843 g. After sintering, 0.8852 g. Thus the average mass loss is 0.9757  (49.0%).


We are starting a new batch of treated powder washed with acetone without PAM.




  188   Friday, May 01, 2015, 10:50 Laura Lambert 40282-4TARGET BOATIn progressSintering four different ZrC samples

 Friday, May 01, 2015, 10:27

Four different samples of ZrC are loaded into a target boat.

Sample A: ZrC + NO graphite / hand cut

Sample B: ZrC + NO graphite / laser cut

Sample C: ZrC + graphite / hand cut

Sample D: ZrC + graphite / laser cut

A picture showing the different samples is attached [one face-up/ one face-down sample of each side-by-side]

Each sample consists of ~20-25 discs, stacked together and wrapped in graphite sheet [see attachment for photo]

The target boat is wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shield.

EVAP1 pumped down overnight.

HS water valves were opened this morning, no leaks detected.

IGP1 = 5.5e-7 Torr.

Tapping up TGHT manually to 30A...

 Friday, May 01, 2015, 10:54

Tapped up manually to 30A.

Over the course of 20min the vacuum climbed to IGP1 = 1.0 e-5 Torr.

Backed off TGHT to 20A to allow vacuum to stabilize.

Waited ~10min.

Vacuum dropped to IGP1 = 6.5e-6 Torr.

Tapped back-up manually to 30A.

Waited ~45min.

Vacuum stable, IGP1 = 1.2e-5 Torr.

Initiating auto-ramp at 0.1A/min for the TGHT with a max setpoint of 300A / 5.00V.

Good Vacuum = 3.00e-5 Torr. Bad vacuum = 4.00e-5 Torr.

 Monday, May 04, 2015, 11:17

IGP1 = 2e-7 Torr.

TGHT = 274A, 4.75V

Ramp-up limited to 275A due to max voltage being set at 5.0V

Increased max voltage to 10V

Tapping up manually to 1800C and recording data.


  189   Monday, May 04, 2015, 17:26 John Wong 40282-4TARGET BOATIn progressSintering four different ZrC samples

Laura Lambert wrote:

 Friday, May 01, 2015, 10:27

Four different samples of ZrC are loaded into a target boat.

Sample A: ZrC + NO graphite / hand cut

Sample B: ZrC + NO graphite / laser cut

Sample C: ZrC + graphite / hand cut

Sample D: ZrC + graphite / laser cut

A picture showing the different samples is attached [one face-up/ one face-down sample of each side-by-side]

Each sample consists of ~20-25 discs, stacked together and wrapped in graphite sheet [see attachment for photo]

The target boat is wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shield.

EVAP1 pumped down overnight.

HS water valves were opened this morning, no leaks detected.

IGP1 = 5.5e-7 Torr.

Tapping up TGHT manually to 30A...

 Friday, May 01, 2015, 10:54

Tapped up manually to 30A.

Over the course of 20min the vacuum climbed to IGP1 = 1.0 e-5 Torr.

Backed off TGHT to 20A to allow vacuum to stabilize.

Waited ~10min.

Vacuum dropped to IGP1 = 6.5e-6 Torr.

Tapped back-up manually to 30A.

Waited ~45min.

Vacuum stable, IGP1 = 1.2e-5 Torr.

Initiating auto-ramp at 0.1A/min for the TGHT with a max setpoint of 300A / 5.00V.

Good Vacuum = 3.00e-5 Torr. Bad vacuum = 4.00e-5 Torr.

 Monday, May 04, 2015, 11:17

IGP1 = 2e-7 Torr.

TGHT = 274A, 4.75V

Ramp-up limited to 275A due to max voltage being set at 5.0V

Increased max voltage to 10V

Tapping up manually to 1800C and recording data.


 Monday, May 04, 2015, 17:24

Samples have been heated at 1800C for >2 hours. 

Vaccum at 4.3e-7 Torr, TGHT 475A/9.1V. (Direct Vol = 5.3V).

Initiated cooling down process.  Chamber will be vented tomorrow.

 Tuesday, May 05, 2015, 10:22

TGHT reached to 0A. Chamber has already vented. 

Samples will be taken out for examination.


  191   Friday, May 08, 2015, 15:56 Laura Lambert 40282-4TARGET BOATDoneSintering four different ZrC samples

John Wong wrote:

Laura Lambert wrote:

 Friday, May 01, 2015, 10:27

Four different samples of ZrC are loaded into a target boat.

Sample A: ZrC + NO graphite / hand cut

Sample B: ZrC + NO graphite / laser cut

Sample C: ZrC + graphite / hand cut

Sample D: ZrC + graphite / laser cut

A picture showing the different samples is attached [one face-up/ one face-down sample of each side-by-side]

Each sample consists of ~20-25 discs, stacked together and wrapped in graphite sheet [see attachment for photo]

The target boat is wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shield.

EVAP1 pumped down overnight.

HS water valves were opened this morning, no leaks detected.

IGP1 = 5.5e-7 Torr.

Tapping up TGHT manually to 30A...

 Friday, May 01, 2015, 10:54

Tapped up manually to 30A.

Over the course of 20min the vacuum climbed to IGP1 = 1.0 e-5 Torr.

Backed off TGHT to 20A to allow vacuum to stabilize.

Waited ~10min.

Vacuum dropped to IGP1 = 6.5e-6 Torr.

Tapped back-up manually to 30A.

Waited ~45min.

Vacuum stable, IGP1 = 1.2e-5 Torr.

Initiating auto-ramp at 0.1A/min for the TGHT with a max setpoint of 300A / 5.00V.

Good Vacuum = 3.00e-5 Torr. Bad vacuum = 4.00e-5 Torr.

 Monday, May 04, 2015, 11:17

IGP1 = 2e-7 Torr.

TGHT = 274A, 4.75V

Ramp-up limited to 275A due to max voltage being set at 5.0V

Increased max voltage to 10V

Tapping up manually to 1800C and recording data.


 Monday, May 04, 2015, 17:24

Samples have been heated at 1800C for >2 hours. 

Vaccum at 4.3e-7 Torr, TGHT 475A/9.1V. (Direct Vol = 5.3V).

Initiated cooling down process.  Chamber will be vented tomorrow.

 Tuesday, May 05, 2015, 10:22

TGHT reached to 0A. Chamber has already vented. 

Samples will be taken out for examination.


 Friday, May 08, 2015, 15:55

see attachment for data results.


  90   Thursday, September 26, 2013, 15:17 John WongEmpty39814-VI-?LP-IG-LISDoneSintering empty target oven coated with TaC for UCx#8

Thursday, September 26, 2013, 13:04

The LP-IG-LIS target container is coated with TaC. 

Container is wrapped with 3 layers of Ta heat shield and about to go through the sintering process.

A thermocouple is inserted to measure the temperature inside the tube (1st attempt ever). 

Click on the link for detailed pictures:


TGHT will be ramped up to 580A at 0.2A/min

TBHT will be ramped up to 230A at 0.2A/min.

Chamber has been pumped down.  HS cooling H2O valves are opened, and no leaks are detected. 

Currently IGP1 @ 5.9e-6 Torr.

 Thursday, September 26, 2013, 15:44

TGHT stepped up to 30A.  TBHT currently @ 0A. 

Temp @ 35C, Vac @ 1.4e-5 Torr.

 Monday, September 30, 2013, 14:54

The container was heated up to 580A TGHT/ 230A TBHT for a day (see attachment #1 for vac vs cur plot).

The temperature was measure at ~1780C. (see link for details: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d8d9j2t60qlm3jk/nkMh7dx_R8 )

The target was cooled down and vented. 

Proceed complete.



  79   Monday, July 22, 2013, 15:03 John WongEmpty38634-7LP-SISDoneSintering empty target oven coated with TaC for UCx#7

Monday, July 22, 2013, 15:00

Target container is coated with TaC - this container will be used for UCx#7.

Container is wrapped with 3 layers of Ta, including the back-block.

For the sintering process:

TGHT will be ramped up to 580A at 0.2A/min

TBHT will be ramped up to 230A at 0.2A/min.

Chamber has been pumped down.  HS cooling H2O valves are opened, and no leaks are detected. 

Currently IGP1 @ 7.03e-6 Torr. 

 Monday, July 22, 2013, 15:19

TGHT/TBHT was stepped up to 20A.  Pressure increased to ~1.2e-5 Torr.

Auto-ramping initiated...

 Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 18:40

TGHT and TBHT have reached to 580A/230A, respectively.  Target has been heated for ~4 hours at that max current.

Vacuum currently at 1.65e-6 Torr.

Auto-cooling initiated... (TGHT @ -1A/min, TBHT -0.5A/min)

Target will be vented in air tomorrow.


  223   Thursday, June 25, 2015, 16:20 Laura LambertZrC41177-2LP-SISIn progressSintering back-up ZrC

 Thursday, June 25, 2015, 16:14

Total number of foils: 422 discs

Total mass of materials [incl graphite foils]: 

Total length packed: 12.0cm

Container has one Ta heat shield.

No endcaps inserted to allow outgassing

Two TaC coated Ta wires formed into a spring inserted either end to avoid ZrC expansion of materials.

Currently being pumped down.

 Friday, June 26, 2015, 11:44

HS water valves opened.

No leaks detected.

Initiating ramp up.

 Friday, June 26, 2015, 14:44

EVAP2 was tapped up manually to 50A.

Vacuum tripped evap off.

Tapping back up manually now...

 Friday, June 26, 2015, 15:53

Tapped up manually to 45A for both TGHT and TBHT

IGP1 = 4.8e-5 Torr

Will initiate auto-ramp at 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively once vacuum settled down and stable.

Max setpoints set to 520A and 230A for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Good Vacuum = 3.0e-5 Torr. Bad Vacuum = 4.0e-5 Torr.


  224   Monday, June 29, 2015, 07:05 John WongZrC41177-2LP-SISDoneSintering back-up ZrC

Laura Lambert wrote:

 Thursday, June 25, 2015, 16:14

Total number of foils: 422 discs

Total mass of materials [incl graphite foils]: 

Total length packed: 13.2cm

Container has one Ta heat shield.

No endcaps inserted to allow outgassing

Two TaC coated Ta wires formed into a spring inserted either end to avoid ZrC expansion of materials.

Currently being pumped down.

 Friday, June 26, 2015, 11:44

HS water valves opened.

No leaks detected.

Initiating ramp up.

 Friday, June 26, 2015, 14:44

EVAP2 was tapped up manually to 50A.

Vacuum tripped evap off.

Tapping back up manually now...

 Friday, June 26, 2015, 15:53

Tapped up manually to 45A for both TGHT and TBHT

IGP1 = 4.8e-5 Torr

Will initiate auto-ramp at 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively once vacuum settled down and stable.

Max setpoints set to 520A and 230A for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Good Vacuum = 3.0e-5 Torr. Bad Vacuum = 4.0e-5 Torr.


 Monday, June 29, 2015, 06:57

TGHT has been at 520A/9.80V, DV 5.80V for 7 hours, temperature measured at 1800C.  Vac is coming down to 9.18e-6 Torr.  However, TGHT voltage is slightly going up over the 7 hours of heating, See screenshot attachment. (Can't make further comments until target is inspected.)

Initiated cooling down at 2A/min for TGHT and 1A/min for TBHT.

Chamber can be vented later today.

 Monday, June 29, 2015, 14:58

Target has been inspected.

Slightly crystallization on the outer tube of the container can be observed. 

Overall, the container looks a lot better than before. 

Rn foiled inserted. Salt added - Ready for test-stand


  145   Monday, July 28, 2014, 15:06 Laura Lambert 40282-3LP-SISIn progressSintering ZrC# 6 target

 Monday, July 28, 2014, 14:41

Total number of foils: 445 discs

Total mass of materials [incl graphite foils]: 49.027 g

Total length packed: 11.2 cm

Container has no Ta heat shields.

Currently being pumped down.


  146   Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 11:23 John Wong 40282-3LP-SISIn progressSintering ZrC# 6 target

Laura Lambert wrote:

 Monday, July 28, 2014, 14:41

Total number of foils: 445 discs

Total mass of materials [incl graphite foils]: 49.027 g

Total length packed: 11.2 cm

Container has no Ta heat shields.

Currently being pumped down.


 Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 11:19

Chamber was pumped down overnight to ~5.5e-7 torr.

HS water valve opened; no leaks were detected.

Stepped up TGHT/TBHT to 40A. IG went up 8e-6 Torr and stabilized. 

Initiated auto-ramping TGHT @ 580A, TBHt @ 230A at 0.2A/min


  452   Tuesday, July 30, 2019, 15:42 Darwin Ortiz RosalesZrC43044-6LP-SISDoneSintering ZrC Discs

Tuesday, July 30, 2019, 15:33

ZrC backup Target 12.6 cm disc length, 465 g total weight (no springs and no analysis discs).

Total weight= 470 g.

20 Analysis discs weighing 2.368 g (10 at each end).

Two springs (one at each end).

OMEGA slope initially = 0.990  (was changed to 1.09 at higher Temperature as per eLog #434

Target is being pumped down.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 09:31

Desired temp = 1900 C, Auto ramping TGHT at  0.1 A/min to reach 400A then  TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired temperature. (eLog 434)

TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max). TBHT at 0.1 A/min to reach 230A.

Note: Initially both TGHT and TBHT will be ramped up at 0.3A/min up to 30A each.

IGP1= 1.35e-06 Torr

Good vac at 3.00-5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.0e-5 Torr.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 12:02

At 30A pressure was increasing a bit fast, therefore, the ramp was changed to increments of .1A every 120s (.05A/min). 

Thursday, August 01, 2019, 08:42

TGHT = 54.7

TBHT = 54.3

IGP1 = 3.86e-5 Torr

Will changer heat ramp to .1A/min by changing wait interval to 60s

Tuesday, August 06, 2019, 07:14

OMEGA = 1212 C

TGHT = 344.7 A, 5.79 V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.17 V

IGP1 = 1.05 e-06 Torr

Autoramping to 400A at increments of 0.1A/min

Tuesday, August 06, 2019, 09:50

OMEGA = 1233 C

TGHT = 360 A, 6.05 V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.18 V

IGP1 = 1.21 e-06 Torr

increasing autoramp increments to .5A/min

Tuesday, August 06, 2019, 12:27

OMEGA = 1356 C

TGHT = 400.6 A, 6.92 V

TBHT = 233.8 A, 4.20 V

IGP1 = 1.95 e-06 Torr

Autoramping to 430 A on TGHT at 0.5 A/min

Tuesday, August 06, 2019, 14:02

OMEGA = 1447 C

TGHT= 430.9 A, 7.66V

TBHT = 233.2A, 4.2 V

IGP1= 2.01e-06 Torr

Autoramping to 440 A on TGHT at 0.5 A/min

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 09:10

OMEGA = 1548

TGHT = 441.56 A, 8.2 V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.2 V

IGP1 = 6.21e-07 Torr

Manually ramping up to 1900C @ 1A/min

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 09:43

Changed OMEGA slope to 1.09 as per eLog #434

OMEGA reads 1773 C @ TGHT 451A, 8.4V

IGP1 = 7.02 e-07

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 10:56

OMEGA = 1903 C

TGHT = 483.5 A, 9.2V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.7 e-06 Torr trending down

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 11:40

OMEGA = 1914 C

TGHT = 483.5 A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.5 e-06 Torr trending down

Decrease TGHT current to 480.4 A

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 13:04

OMEGA = 1918 C

TGHT = 480.3 A, 9.4V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.28e-06 Torr

Decrease TGHT current to 474.5 A

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 13:26

OMEGA = 1904 C

TGHT = 474.8 A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.11e-06 Torr

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 13:47

OMEGA = 1912 C

TGHT = 474.8 A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.10e-06 Torr

Decrease TGHT to 471.8 A

OMEGA temperature went down to 1904 C

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 14:26

OMEGA = 1911 C

TGHT = 471.8 A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.00e-06 Torr

Decrease TGHT to 469.0 A

OMEGA temperature down to 1904C

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 15:45

OMEGA = 1912 C

TGHT = 468.8.8 A, 9.2V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 9.2e-07 Torr

Decrease TGHT to 466.0 A

OMEGA temperature down to 1903C


Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 22:09

OMEGA = 1924 C

TGHT = 466.8. A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 7.6e-07 Torr

Cooling at 2A/min TGHT to 456.0 A, 9.0 V and 1A/min TBHT to 230.1 A, 4.2 V

OMEGA = 1900 C

Will allow Pressure to stabilize


 Thursday, August 08, 2019, 06:54

OMEGA = 1919 C

TGHT = 456.9 A, 9.1V

TBHT = 230.3 A, 4.2 V

IGP1 =5.7e-07 Torr

Cooling at 2A/min TGHT and 1A/min TBHT

Thursday, August 08, 2019, 13:30

Target removed from Evap2.  Awaiting inspection by John.



  453   Monday, August 12, 2019, 15:55 John WongZrC43044-6LP-SISDoneSintering ZrC Discs

Darwin Ortiz Rosales wrote:


Tuesday, July 30, 2019, 15:33

ZrC backup Target 12.6 cm disc length, 465 g total weight (no springs and no analysis discs).

Total weight= 470 g.

20 Analysis discs weighing 2.368 g (10 at each end).

Two springs (one at each end).

OMEGA slope initially = 0.990  (was changed to 1.09 at higher Temperature as per eLog #434

Target is being pumped down.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 09:31

Desired temp = 1900 C, Auto ramping TGHT at  0.1 A/min to reach 400A then  TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired temperature. (eLog 434)

TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max). TBHT at 0.1 A/min to reach 230A.

Note: Initially both TGHT and TBHT will be ramped up at 0.3A/min up to 30A each.

IGP1= 1.35e-06 Torr

Good vac at 3.00-5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.0e-5 Torr.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 12:02

At 30A pressure was increasing a bit fast, therefore, the ramp was changed to increments of .1A every 120s (.05A/min). 

Thursday, August 01, 2019, 08:42

TGHT = 54.7

TBHT = 54.3

IGP1 = 3.86e-5 Torr

Will changer heat ramp to .1A/min by changing wait interval to 60s

Tuesday, August 06, 2019, 07:14

OMEGA = 1212 C

TGHT = 344.7 A, 5.79 V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.17 V

IGP1 = 1.05 e-06 Torr

Autoramping to 400A at increments of 0.1A/min

Tuesday, August 06, 2019, 09:50

OMEGA = 1233 C

TGHT = 360 A, 6.05 V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.18 V

IGP1 = 1.21 e-06 Torr

increasing autoramp increments to .5A/min

Tuesday, August 06, 2019, 12:27

OMEGA = 1356 C

TGHT = 400.6 A, 6.92 V

TBHT = 233.8 A, 4.20 V

IGP1 = 1.95 e-06 Torr

Autoramping to 430 A on TGHT at 0.5 A/min

Tuesday, August 06, 2019, 14:02

OMEGA = 1447 C

TGHT= 430.9 A, 7.66V

TBHT = 233.2A, 4.2 V

IGP1= 2.01e-06 Torr

Autoramping to 440 A on TGHT at 0.5 A/min

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 09:10

OMEGA = 1548

TGHT = 441.56 A, 8.2 V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.2 V

IGP1 = 6.21e-07 Torr

Manually ramping up to 1900C @ 1A/min

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 09:43

Changed OMEGA slope to 1.09 as per eLog #434

OMEGA reads 1773 C @ TGHT 451A, 8.4V

IGP1 = 7.02 e-07

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 10:56

OMEGA = 1903 C

TGHT = 483.5 A, 9.2V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.7 e-06 Torr trending down

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 11:40

OMEGA = 1914 C

TGHT = 483.5 A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.5 e-06 Torr trending down

Decrease TGHT current to 480.4 A

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 13:04

OMEGA = 1918 C

TGHT = 480.3 A, 9.4V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.28e-06 Torr

Decrease TGHT current to 474.5 A

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 13:26

OMEGA = 1904 C

TGHT = 474.8 A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.11e-06 Torr

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 13:47

OMEGA = 1912 C

TGHT = 474.8 A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.10e-06 Torr

Decrease TGHT to 471.8 A

OMEGA temperature went down to 1904 C

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 14:26

OMEGA = 1911 C

TGHT = 471.8 A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 1.00e-06 Torr

Decrease TGHT to 469.0 A

OMEGA temperature down to 1904C

Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 15:45

OMEGA = 1912 C

TGHT = 468.8.8 A, 9.2V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 9.2e-07 Torr

Decrease TGHT to 466.0 A

OMEGA temperature down to 1903C


Wednesday, August 07, 2019, 22:09

OMEGA = 1924 C

TGHT = 466.8. A, 9.3V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 4.3V

IGP1 = 7.6e-07 Torr

Cooling at 2A/min TGHT to 456.0 A, 9.0 V and 1A/min TBHT to 230.1 A, 4.2 V

OMEGA = 1900 C

Will allow Pressure to stabilize


 Thursday, August 08, 2019, 06:54

OMEGA = 1919 C

TGHT = 456.9 A, 9.1V

TBHT = 230.3 A, 4.2 V

IGP1 =5.7e-07 Torr

Cooling at 2A/min TGHT and 1A/min TBHT

Thursday, August 08, 2019, 13:30

Target removed from Evap2.  Awaiting inspection by John.



 Monday, August 12, 2019, 15:45

Visual inspection on the target was performed today.  See attachment for details.

Target container is slightly bent, and some visible crystallization on the container surface.  

The discs are nicely packed with only a slight expansion in length was measured.

No clogging inside the container nor the ionizer tube. 

Some sintered discs samples were collected and SEM will be perform later. 


  434   Monday, March 18, 2019, 15:58 Darwin Ortiz RosalesZrC43044-5LP-SISDoneSintering ZrC

Monday, March 18, 2019, 15:51

Total number of foils: 555

Total mass of material including graphite foils: 478 grams

Total length packed 14.2 cm

container has 3 Ta heat shields.

No endcaps inserted to facilitate outgassing

Two TaC coated Ta wire springs inserted at either end to allow for ZrC expansion.

5 extra foils tucked beneath each spring for QC; total mass (10 discs) =1.0160 g

Desired temp = 1900 C, Auto ramping TGHT at  0.1 A/min to reach 280A A (Omega slope set = 0.990, approx 1400 C, Elog#427),  TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired temperature. 

TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max). TBHT at 0.1 A/min to reach 230A.

Good vac at 3.00-5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.0e-5 Torr.

Currently being pumped down.

 Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 08:57

Current pressure IGP1 = 5.24e-07 Torr

Manually tapping to 40A on TBHT and TGHT

At 20 A IGP1 pressure trending up.  Will leave at 20A until trending down.

Pressure @ 20 A set, peaked ~1.8e-06 Torr after 1 hour

Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 10:32

Tapping manually to 50 A on TBHT and TGHT while monitoring IGP1 pressure

Tapped to 25 A and IGP1 pressure trending up.  Will allow to stabilize.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 11:34

Pressure stabilized at ~3.25e-06 Torr

Tapped up to 30 A on both TGHT and TBHT

Pressure stabilized at ~6.6e-06

Tapped up to 34A on both TGHT and TBHT

Pressure stabilized at ~1.2e-05 Will allow to drop before proceeding

 Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 13:43

Tapped up to 40A waiting for pressure to stabilize

Pressure shot up ~8.5e-05, therefore tapped down TGHT to 35A (At 35A TGHT current value fluctuates, probably better to ramp up to 36A)

Will let pressure drop before proceeding with TGHT heating

Ramped TGHT to 36A, IGP1 pressure still trending down and current measurements stable.

 Starting autoramp at 0.3A/min for both TGHT and TBHT until 280A and 230A respectively

Initial TGHT Current: 33.6A, 0.05V

Initial TBHT Current: 38.6A, 0.48V

IGP1 = 4.9e-05 Torr

Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 09:41

 TGHT has only ramped to 45.7 A, 0.085V

TBHT has only ramped to 50.2A, 0.62V

IGPI pressure ~4.0 e-5 Torr

Stopping ramp and monitoring pressure to see if it drops appropriate levels.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 14:10  

IGP1 pressure = 7.6e-06 Torr

TGHT 47.7Z, 0.16V

TBHT 50.1A, 0.63V

Autoramp at 0.1A/min both TGHT and TBHT to 280A and 230A respectively.

 Thursday, March 21, 2019, 08:12

IGP1 = 3.1e-05 Torr

TGHT = 51.4 A, 0.18V

TBHT=61.9A, 0.87V

Stopped autoramp

Manually ramping TGHT and TBHT while monitoring pressure

 Rampted up TGHT to 54A (reading 65 A), 0.5V and TBHT to 68A, 0.9V

Allowing pressure to stabilize

Manually tapped TGHT to 80A, .81V

Manually tapped TBHT to 90A, 1.3V

IGP1 = .0002 Torr

Will leave over night to allow pressure to drop

Friday, March 22, 2019, 08:17

IGP1 = 6.6e-06

TGHT = 88.8A, 0.81V

TBHT = 90.1A, 1.3V

Will manually tap ~100A on both TBHT and TGHT

Friday, March 22, 2019, 12:18

IGP1 = 1.28e-05 Torr

TGHT = 100.9A, 1.0V

TBHT = 101.2A, 1.5V

will allow pressure to drop slightly the autoramp at 0.1A/min for both TGHT and TBHT until 280A and 230A respectively

Friday, March 22, 2019, 14:51

IGP1= 7.4 e-06 Torr

TGHT = 100.8A, 1.0V

TBHT= 101.5A, 1.5V

Started autoramp at 0.1A/min for both TGHT and TBHT until 280A and 230A respectively

Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 08:18

IGP1 oscillated around ramping trip point 3.0e-05 while current slowly ramped to 280A (reached sometime during the night).

IGP1= 7.8e-06 Torr

TGHT= 283.4A, 4.2V

TBHT= 233.1A, 4.1V

Will continue ramp TGHT @0.2A/min up to 400A  (Omega slope set = 0.990, approx 1800 C, Elog#427)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 09:39

Target has been at 400A, OMEGA ~1400C since ~7pm of previous evening

TGHT = 400.2A, 6.45V

TBHT= 233.1A, 4.16V

IGP1= 3.1e-07 Torr

Autoramp TGHT to440A @0.2A/min

 Stopped autoramp at TGHT = 427.4 A and 7.00V, OMEGA= 1492 C

Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 14:14

Restarted TGHT autoramp @.2A/min up to 440A

Friday, March 29, 2019, 12:06

Changed OMEGA slope to 1.09 after checking with the analog pyrometer

IGP1 = 1.65e-07 Torr

TGHT = 441.3A, 7.5V

TBHT= 233.0A, 4.2V

Tapping TGHT to 450A @ ~1A/min while monitoring pressure

TGHT remained at 451A, 7.8 V  and  TBHT at 233.2A, 4.2 V,  for 10.5 hours while OMEGA Temperature ~1810 C.

Ramp-down was initiated with IGP1 = 1.7e-07 Torr

Ramp rate = 2A/min for TGHT and 1/min for TBHT

 Monday, April 01, 2019, 08:53

TGHT = 0A, 0.05V

TBHT= 0.01A, 0V

IGP1= 4.05e-08 Torr

Unloading Target

Target Final weight = 473 g

% Mass of ZrC+C+organics lost = 14.20 % compared to 13.95% theoretical organics content.

Final weight of 10 discs = 0.9250 g

% mass lost on this discs = 13.66%

The tube was slightly bent along the short axis

The discs expanded but more towards one side (possibly due to discrepancy in spring strength).

 One protective graphite disc added to each end

One end cap on each end

  127   Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 18:23 John WongTiC38817-8HP-SISDoneSintering TiC#4

Laura Lambert wrote:

John Wong wrote:

 Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:09

Target container is loaded with 360 Discs of TiC.  

Target length = 11.7cm.  

Total green mass = 40.945g 

Container is wrapped with 3 Ta-heat shields, and have been pumped down in the chamber. 

For the sintering process: 

TGHT ramp up to 820A, and TGHT to 300A at 0.1A/min. 

Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:15

TGHT/TBHT were manually stepped up to 40A.  

Vac stabilizes at 1.7e-6 Torr.  

Initiate auto-ramping... 


 Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:05

TBHT reached max desired current of 300A

IGP1 = 1.4e-6 Torr

TGHT = 543A

Increasing TGHT auto-ramp to 2.0A/min


 Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 18:18

TGHT has reached to 820A\13.4V and target has been heated at that current for 4.5 hours.

Vac is coming down to 1.1e-6 Torr.

See link for RGA results: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/08dcxskux21aqap/1SF_dTJB4l

Cooling down in process at 2A/min for TGHT and 1A/min for TBHT.

 Thursday, March 27, 2014, 11:14

Target is cooled down.  TGHT/TBHT have reached to 0A. 

All pumps off; chamber will be vented soon. 

 Friday, March 28, 2014, 15:00

Target has been assembled.  Heat shield WO#39956-10


  52   Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 14:18 John WongTiC39165-4LP-SISDoneSintering TiC#3

Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 14:12

Target is filled with 360 discs of TiC (with 1 mole of graphite) backed on C-grv foil.  

No Ta heat-shields wrapped around the container.

One regular end-cap is inserted and expanded.  The other end is inserted with a D-cap for out-gassing.

Re ionizer foil is inserted.

TGHT will be ramped up to 580A, TBHT to 230A; ramping rate at 0.2A/min.

Chamber is currently being pumped down...

 Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 16:11

HS water valve is opened.  No leaks is detected.

Vacuum is coming down steadily.  IGP1 currently at 1.7e-5 Torr.

 Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 11:41

The chamber was pumped down overnight.  IGP1 reads at 5.8e-7 Torr.

Both TGHT & TBHT were stepped up to 30A. P/S OK! 

Initiated auto-ramping...

Monday, October 22, 2012, 10:58

TGHT and TBHT have reached to 580A & 230A, respectively (see attachment#1).

IGP1 currently at 6.27e-6 Torr.  BP@20mTorr.

Currents will remain at max for another 3 hours. 

Local temperature measured at 1500C (container surface), 1300C (center block)

 Monday, October 22, 2012, 17:27

Auto cooling initiated.

 Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 17:54

TGHT & TBHT are at 0A.  P/S & pumps off. 

The chamber will be vented, and the target will be taken out for inspections.


  125   Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:18 John WongTiC38817-8HP-SISIn progressSintering TiC

 Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:09

Target container is loaded with 360 Discs of TiC.  

Target length = 11.7cm.  

Total green mass = 40.945g 

Container is wrapped with 3 Ta-heat shields, and have been pumped down in the chamber. 

For the sintering process: 

TGHT ramp up to 820A, and TGHT to 300A at 0.1A/min. 

Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:15

TGHT/TBHT were manually stepped up to 40A.  

Vac stabilizes at 1.7e-6 Torr.  

Initiate auto-ramping... 


  126   Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:07 Laura LambertTiC38817-8HP-SISIn progressSintering TiC

John Wong wrote:

 Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:09

Target container is loaded with 360 Discs of TiC.  

Target length = 11.7cm.  

Total green mass = 40.945g 

Container is wrapped with 3 Ta-heat shields, and have been pumped down in the chamber. 

For the sintering process: 

TGHT ramp up to 820A, and TGHT to 300A at 0.1A/min. 

Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:15

TGHT/TBHT were manually stepped up to 40A.  

Vac stabilizes at 1.7e-6 Torr.  

Initiate auto-ramping... 


 Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:05

TBHT reached max desired current of 300A

IGP1 = 1.4e-6 Torr

TGHT = 543A

Increasing TGHT auto-ramp to 2.0A/min


  256   Monday, October 26, 2015, 16:14 Laura LambertEmpty41077-3LP-SISDoneSintering TaC on LPSIS (small block) container & temp measurements with 1xTa h.s

John Wong wrote:

Laura Lambert wrote:

John Wong wrote:

 Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 17:35

This container is prepared for a backup UCx target (otherwise it will be used for development purposes).

The container is coated with TaC; one layer of Ta-heat shield is used. 

TGHT will be ramped up to reach 1900C (previous container had TGHT ramped up to 440A).  

TBHT will be ramped up to max 230A.  

Chamber is currently being pumped down.  

Heating can begin once the vacuum is good, currently at 4.8e-5 Torr. 


 Thursday, October 22, 2015, 11:36

HS water valves opened, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A.

Vacuum stabilized, initiated auto-ramp at 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Final setpoints TGHT = 300A, TBHT = 230A

IGP1 = 1.0e-6 Torr; TGHT = 45.18A, 0.17V; TBHT = 38.4A, 0.41V


 Thursday, October 22, 2015, 17:09

Pressure coming down to 1.5e-6 Torr. 

Increased ramping rate to 2A/min for both TGHT and TBHT.


 Monday, October 26, 2015, 16:10

Target container was ramped down over the weekend and taken out today.

Coating looks good.

Will add on another Ta layer and continue with temperature measurements.

See attachment for raw data.


  253   Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 17:39 John WongEmpty41077-3LP-SISIn progressSintering TaC on LPSIS (small block) container

 Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 17:35

This container is prepared for a backup UCx target (otherwise it will be used for development purposes).

The container is coated with TaC; one layer of Ta-heat shield is used. 

TGHT will be ramped up to reach 1900C (previous container had TGHT ramped up to 440A).  

TBHT will be ramped up to max 230A.  

Chamber is currently being pumped down.  

Heating can begin once the vacuum is good, currently at 4.8e-5 Torr. 

 Friday, October 23, 2015, 16:15

TGHT reached to 500A and temp measured at 1940C.  More about the temp plot can be found in the dropbox.

Initiated cooling down at 2A/min. 

Target will be inspected next Monday.


  254   Thursday, October 22, 2015, 11:41 Laura LambertEmpty41077-3LP-SISIn progressSintering TaC on LPSIS (small block) container

John Wong wrote:

 Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 17:35

This container is prepared for a backup UCx target (otherwise it will be used for development purposes).

The container is coated with TaC; one layer of Ta-heat shield is used. 

TGHT will be ramped up to reach 1900C (previous container had TGHT ramped up to 440A).  

TBHT will be ramped up to max 230A.  

Chamber is currently being pumped down.  

Heating can begin once the vacuum is good, currently at 4.8e-5 Torr. 


 Thursday, October 22, 2015, 11:36

HS water valves opened, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A.

Vacuum stabilized, initiated auto-ramp at 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Final setpoints TGHT = 300A, TBHT = 230A

IGP1 = 1.0e-6 Torr; TGHT = 45.18A, 0.17V; TBHT = 38.4A, 0.41V


ELOG V2.9.2-2455