Thursday, March 29, 2012, 19:17
Target boat contains 3 BeO pellets :
Sample, Thickness (mm), Mass (g), Density (g/cm3)
1 9.06, 1.9713, 1.413
2 9.11, 1.9900, 1.416
3 13.54, 1.9916, 0.956
Samples 1 and 2 are made of BeO powder with 30% PVB which was washed with excess acetone and let to dry on a greased baking sheet (with PAM Butter flavoured). The flakes were then milled for 26 minutes at 400 RPM. It resulted in a very fine grey powder, much denser than the BeO powder with 30% PVB (not washed with acetone) that was used for Sample 3.
The initial settings on Evaporator #2 were 100 A and 0.83 V until the vacuum increased.
Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 1 A/min, up to 700 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 5.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 6.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum).