Wednesday, February 01, 2023, 14:23, Albert Kong, Maintenance, Target 1, Cooling, T1 Cooling Package: flow test after resin exchange / valve leak check / faulty(?) dial pressure gauge
The expansion tank in T1 was filled to ~36cm in the morning.
Thursday, February 02, 2023, 10:35, Albert Kong, Maintenance, Target 1, Cooling, T1 Cooling Package Draining (Prep for Valve Replacement)
Water reservoir in T1 started draining at ~7.30 am, will leave till tomorrow or overnight to fully drain.
(Preparation to replace all leaky valves).
Drained water samples collected for RPG. |
Thursday, February 02, 2023, 15:14, Albert Kong, Maintenance, Target 1, Cooling, T1 Cooling Package: Leaked Valve Inspection
A 0.75" SwageLok ball valve that was taken out from the T1 cooling package was inspected (SS-45S12).
All valves in the T1/T2 cooling packages likely leaked due to damage to plastic/rubber sealing components.
Wednesday, March 01, 2023, 13:10, Albert Kong, Maintenance, Other, Cooling, T1/T2 Water Cooling Package Heat Exchanger Ball Valve Replacement
3x 3/4" swagelok ball valves (2x at T2 and 1x at T1) were replaced after the water cooling line was shut off at the BL1A tunnels late yesterday.
We were able to relieve pressure from the T2 water cooler + M8 colA/B (they are the same line) at the BL1A tunnel through a drain port but no such
port exists for the T1 heat exchanger line in BL1A. |
Thursday, March 02, 2023, 06:59, maicodallavalle, Maintenance, Target 1, Cooling, Refilled Expasion Tank
I have refilled the water package on T1 with DI water. The Expansion Tank is at 37cm. This may change when pump is turned on. |
Thursday, March 02, 2023, 07:04, maicodallavalle, Maintenance, Target 2, Cooling, Refilled Expasion Tank
I have filled the water package on T2 with DI water. The expansion tank is at 38.1cm. This may change when the pump is turned on. |
Monday, March 06, 2023, 16:58, Albert Kong, Repair, Target 2, Cooling, M20 O-Ring Replacement and Valve Replacement Leak Check
We replaced tha O-ring on M20 at T2 and brought the target station down to vacuum, which allowed the target water pump to be turned on.
After turning the pump on, we inspected the replaced valves for any leaks and found none - the flow on the demineralizing line was adjusted to
1.2GPM (also done at T1) by turning the needle valve. |
Tuesday, June 06, 2023, 15:42, Albert Kong, Standard Operation, Target 1, Cooling, T1 Heat Exchanger Low Flow Diagnostics
On May 31, the low active water in BL1A was turned off briefly and upon re-starting, the flow to the T1 heat exchanger was very close to the reported
warn limit (~6 gpm).
Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 09:14, Adam Newsome, Other, Target 1, Cooling, T1 Cooling Package: target flow (FGTGT) sensor noise issues
Between 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm on July 17, 2023, the T1 target cooling water flow rate sensor exhibited some noise which resulted in it dropping below the
warning/trip limit. The control room requested that the threshold values be lowered - permission was granted. The thresholds were set to 2.3 gpm for both
warn and trip levels. See attached screenshot from EPICS sensor data. The occasional spikes and dips continued throughout the night fairly consistently. |
Thursday, August 03, 2023, 10:33, Albert Kong, Repair, Target 2, Cooling, T2 Expansion Tank Water Level Low (Leak Identified) 7x
The water level in the T2 cooling system expansion tank dropped to below the trip treshold of 20 cm (ref Cyclotron fault #16123), requiring the beam
to be 'defined' off (see attached image).
Some calculations (see attached .html) show that over the period in which the tank level was dropping (from July 12 - Aug03, 2023) approximatley |
Monday, December 04, 2023, 09:22, Albert Kong, Standard Operation, Target 2, Cooling, T2 TGT Low Flow
See Cyclotron fault 16553.
"B1A:T2CS:FGTGT readback is toggling at the warn limit of 3.0 GPM and over the last week has started crossing over the trip threshold of 2.8
GPM, tripping off the water package. Initial Action Taken: 1A is scheduled to take beam on December 13." |
Wednesday, January 10, 2024, 12:25, Albert Kong, Standard Operation, Other, Cooling, T1/T2 cooling packages drained
Jan 10, 2024:
The cooling packages for T1/T2 was drained this morning. ~150 L from each of the cooling package reservoirs + expansion tank was drained to the
BL1A holding tank. The holding tank held ~400 L initially and is therefore now filled to ~700 L (out of a 800 L capacity). We will likely drain the holding |
Thursday, January 11, 2024, 15:10, Albert Kong, Maintenance, Other, Cooling, T1/T2 Cooling Pkg. Proteus Paddle Wheel Maintenance, CUNO Filter Replacement, and Fitting Inspection
The following tasks were performed:
All electrical, water, and pneumatic connections to the T1 target was reconnected.
3x and 2x CUNO filters for T1 and T2
respectively were changed (O-ring for the housings were not changed).
All hansen fittings on the front mounting plates of the T1 and T2 cooling |
Monday, January 15, 2024, 16:36, Albert Kong, Standard Operation, Target 2, Cooling, T2 Resin Flask Exchange
The resin flask on the T2 cooling package was exchanged today (new resin can prepped in the morning).
The newly installed resin flask was placed slightly off-set from the marking on the platform to ensure that the braided hose will clear the blocks
when replaced at the end of shutdown. |
Monday, January 15, 2024, 16:47, Albert Kong, Standard Operation, Other, Cooling, T1/T2 Cooling Pkg. Prep for Refill + Leak Check At Pressure 7x
The following tasks were completed in preparation of re-filling the T1 and T2 cooling packages:
All valves were returned to the 'open' configuration (note, compressed air to collimators at T1 is to remain closed - rotating collimator
no longer in use || also note, odd handle configuration at T1 panel when all valves are open - see attached).
Leaks from valves were checked, |
Thursday, February 01, 2024, 11:16, Albert Kong, Standard Operation, Other, Cooling, Spent resin can rinse, purge, and drying
The recently removed resin can from the T2 target station was rinsed with city water and flushed with compressed air for 1 cycle.
We will run it through a few more cycles before proceeding with drying under the fume extractor, at which point this ELOG will be updated.
UPDATE (Feb 08, 2024): The T2 resin can underwent 3 more air cycles. Today it was moved under the fume extractor with the lid cracked open and |
Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 13:21, Albert Kong, Repair, Target 2, Cooling, T2 Cooling System Expansion Tank Ultrasonic Level Sensor Repair
At ~8am on May 06, the expansion tank level sensor for the T2 cooling system suddenly became noisy.
Cyclotron fault ref: 16915
Approximately 11:00 am today, the noisy sensor was replaced with a spare, upon which it was learned that the spare sensor is broken (registers |
Monday, September 09, 2024, 09:39, Albert Kong, Other, Target 2, Cooling, B1A:T2CS:FGSEC:RDFLOW noisy, CYCLOTRON Fault 17321
Secondary flow sensor B1A:T2CS:FGSEC:RDFLOW on the T2 cooling station suddenly became very noisy at around 11 pm, 01 September 2024.
The sensor reading would fluctuate from 0-150 gpm which is beyond typical noise levels for these sensors (~2gpm).
The noise spontaneously ended at around 4 am, 05 September 2024. |
Friday, January 10, 2025, 18:36, Albert Kong, Standard Operation, Other, Cooling, T1/T2 cooling packages drained
The T1 and T2 cooling packages were drained starting at 14:36, by 14:48 both expansion tanks had dried, meaning the draining rate for both tanks were
~80L/hr, generally it will only take 2 hours to fully drain the system.
Tritium samples were collected after allowing the system to drain for ~5 minutes to clear out water in the drain lines and actually collect samples |
Monday, May 25, 2015, 12:48, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 1, Controls, T1/T2 Controls System Crash
At 9:15am this morning BL1A tripped off due to loss of the watchdog signals for the T1/T2 control system. Graham Waters investigated and the
problem was found to be a corrupted initialization file. The error was corrected, and BL1A was started by 11:30am.