Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 72 of 139  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Type Moduledown Target/Number Subject
  1687   Wednesday, February 14, 2018, 10:06 Anders MjosITWMaintenanceTM2 Replaced parker couplings on Window cooling line

By Anders & David. Couplings will be taken apart for inspection.

  1688   Friday, February 16, 2018, 13:46 Anders MjosITWMaintenanceTM2 Parker coupling inspection

Findings and photos from the inspections attached. The inspection was conducted by Anders, David and Maico.

Attachment 1: Used_Parker_FS251_Inspection.pdf
Used_Parker_FS251_Inspection.pdf Used_Parker_FS251_Inspection.pdf
  1691   Tuesday, March 06, 2018, 09:53 David WangITWStandard OperationTM2 Tm2 and Tm4 vacuum disconnection

The job is done. See attachment.

Attachment 1: TM2_TM4_disconnection_Vacuum.pdf
TM2_TM4_disconnection_Vacuum.pdf TM2_TM4_disconnection_Vacuum.pdf
  1698   Monday, April 09, 2018, 09:57 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2Ta#55Module move

 TM#2 with Ta#55 has been moved from the west target station to the south hot cell.

  1723   Thursday, May 24, 2018, 15:19 Keith C NgAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 tm 2 source tray build

Attached alignment check notes after brazing and fabrication.

First page lower half shows establishment of baseline using master jig

Second page top half shows the alignment of the target mounting plate jig and the steerer cone aperture.

Second page bottom half shows alignment of the master target jig. Master target jig needed the 9 pin and heat shield locating features removed to seat the target correctly.

Overall, source tray assembly sits .006" high on average (min .003", max .010"), .003" to the left with respect to ion beam axis.

Attachment 1: 20180524_alignmentcheckresults.pdf
  1724   Friday, May 25, 2018, 11:41 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2no targetModule move

TM#2 has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station.

  1726   Wednesday, May 30, 2018, 09:51 David WangConditioning StationRepairTM2 TM2 water lines helium pressure test at TCS.

I did a helium pressure test on TM2 water lines at TCS. We will remove the TM2 source tray soon so this test is a reference check for future new source. The result:

Helium 70 psi, 2 minutes to each circiut. Leak detector  base LR.0.0x e-9atm.cc/sec, base pressure  0.0x e-4torr

Ta+(A)  0.0x e-9atm.cc/sec

Ta-(B)  0.0x e-9atm.cc/sec

Tu-(C) 7.8x e-7 atm.cc/sec

Tu+(D) 3.5x e-7 atm.cc/sec

Coil 2(PU) 0.0x e-9atm.cc/sec

Coil 1(RU) 0.0x e-9atm.cc/sec

EE 8.2 x e-9atm.cc/sec

MSP 0.0x e-9atm.cc/sec

Containment box window  0.0 xe-9atm.cc/sec

HS  no target and opened. No test.

All water lines on module side in TM2  should be in good condition according to this test . The leak response we found on B and C lines are from water block seals mostly.           

  1727   Wednesday, May 30, 2018, 09:55 David WangConditioning StationRepairTM2 TM2 and TCS vacuum pumps are switched off.

I switched off TM2 and TCS vacuum pumps. The TCS and TM2 will be under vacuum without pumping.

  1733   Friday, June 08, 2018, 11:36 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellRepairTM2 TM2 Source Tray Removal Progress

The containment box has been removed from TM2, the Enzel lens and steerers disconnected and optics tray removal has commenced.

Attachment 1: TM2_06082018.jpg
  1734   Friday, June 08, 2018, 14:24 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2no targetModule move

 TM#2 has been moved from the conditioning station to the south hot cell.

  1735   Monday, June 11, 2018, 11:30 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellRepairTM2 TM2 containment box on

Tm2 containment box has been re-installed onto TM2.

  1736   Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 11:26 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellRepairTM2 TM4 Optics Tray

I have "slung" the TM4 optics tray in preparation for its removal.

Attachment 1: fh.jpg
  1743   Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 14:56 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2no targetModule move

 TM2 has been moved from the silo to the south hot cell.

  1745   Friday, June 29, 2018, 10:15 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2 TM2 work and target install

On Thursday, June 29th the containment box of TM2 was removed and the optics tray re-installed and reconnected. The box was then re-installed.

Friday the window waterlines were leak checked, Nb target installed (with new fasteners, high current torqued to 130 in*lbs) target leak and electrical checked and containment box cover installed with new fasteners.

  1747   Friday, June 29, 2018, 13:36 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2Nb#8Electrical Check

 The results of the various electrical checks performed on the TM#2 with and without the Nb#8 target attached.

Attachment 1: TM2_elec_chk_steerers_and_lens_062818.pdf
Attachment 2: TM2_Nb8_elec_chk_shc.pdf
Attachment 3: TM2_notgt_elec_chk_shc_062918.pdf
  1748   Tuesday, July 03, 2018, 09:57 Travis CaveITWStandard OperationTM2Nb#8Module move

 TM#2 with Nb#8 has been moved from the south hot cell to the west target station.

  1750   Tuesday, July 03, 2018, 14:42 David WangITWStandard OperationTM2Nb#8TM2 has been connected to ITW.

TM2 has been connected to ITW. All turbo pumps are started. See attachment for connection checklist.

Attachment 1: Nb#4_Module_connection_checklist.pdf
Nb#4_Module_connection_checklist.pdf Nb#4_Module_connection_checklist.pdf Nb#4_Module_connection_checklist.pdf
  1751   Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 15:06 Anders MjosITWStandard OperationTM2Nb#8Block move

Maico and Travis moved blocks from ITE to ITW yesterday

  1752   Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 15:09 Anders MjosITWMaintenanceTM2Nb#8Uncovered ITW to toubleshoot 2A2M19

The 2A2M19 beam profile monitor did not work and was e-faulted. After initial troubleshooting 2 blocks were removed form ITW to inspect the entrance module where the beam monitor is installed. The cable was found not to be connected and was quickly fixed. Blocks reinstalled. The work was done by Maico, Travis and Anders

  1758   Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 13:21 Anders MjosITWRepairTM2Nb#8Leak check of ITW

ITW Entrance Module was leak checked yesterday with the support of Vacuum Group (Dimo & Edi). The leak detector was connected to primary backing vacuum line. A leak response was found near the bellow for the beam profile monitor on top of the Entrance Module. It could be confirmed today by actuating the monitor, that the leak was indeed at that location. The plan is to move the TM and Entrance Module out for target exchange and repair, respectively. Drawings of the device available on ITA0200and ITA5128

Attachment 1: Entrance_Module_Leak_2018-07-25.docx
ELOG V2.9.2-2455