Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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  ID Date Authordown Category Type Module Target/Number Subject
  84   Friday, April 13, 2012, 12:31 David WangConditioning StationDevelopmentTM1 TM1 and conditioning station leak check.

  I hooked up the leak detector to the TM1 and conditioning station vacuum system, and did the air to vacuum leak check on TM1 and station. The leak detector base leak rate 0.0x-9Eatm.cc/sec,base pressure 0.0x -4E torr. I sprayed helium around all water quick connectors (especially heat shield),gasline and valves, all gauges, turbo-pumps, bellow,  flanges, and blank-offs. There is no any response on leak detector. The TM1 is leak tight on air to vacuum seal. All   water lines on this module had been pressurized with 80psi helium when module was located in ITW on this January, and they are all leak tight. Bevan and I did a leak check on new installed diagnostic box and all vacuum lines, gauges, and turbo pump last week, and they are all leak tight. So I would say the whole vacuum system on TM1 and conditioning station now is leak tight. Right now, the PNG1(inside containment box ) is 6.5 xE-6Torr, the IG1 (top service cap which close to turbo) is 2.1xE-6 torr, and the IG4 (inside diagnostic box) is 4.1xE-6 torr.  

  89   Thursday, April 19, 2012, 09:48 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1LP SIS Nb 6leak check heat shield circuit

Chad and I did a leak check on TM1 Nb5 target heat shield circuit. The leak detector was connected to heat shield circuit.The pumping down  of the  circuit is very smooth.Base leak rate is 0.0xE-9atm.cc/sec,and the base pressure is 0.0xE-4 torr. Chad checked the helium flow downstairs .He sprayed helium to both up and down VCR joints 2seconds each time. There is no any response on leak detector(30 seconds waiting time). Both joints did the same test twice, no response . Finally, he flushed helium around the target for 10 seconds,and i didnt see any response on leak detector either.The heat shield circuit on TM1 Nb5 target is leak tight at this stage.

  94   Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 10:38 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM1 LP SIS Nb6TM1 heat shield circuit leak check with Nb5

 The pumping down on TM1 and conditioning station is fine over the weed end. The PNG 1(containment box) is 2.4xe-6 Torr, the IG1 (top service cap) is 9.0 xE-7 Torr, and the IG4 is 1.9xE-6Torr (diagnostic box). At this pressure, I connected the leak detector to the system and applied 80psi helium to the heat shield circuit. The leak rate and base pressure on leak detector are 0.0xE-9 Atm.cc/sec and 0.0xE-4Torr. There is no any response on leak detector during 4mins helium applying time. So the heat shield and Nb5 target water circuit is completely leak tight.

  95   Thursday, April 26, 2012, 09:23 David WangITERepairTM4 changed flow wheel on ITE TM4 contaiment box water circuit

The the magnetic field on ITE TM4 flow wheel  was gone yesterday.So there is no water signal on this circuit. The water flow is fine ,and the wheel is rotating. I removed 1 shielding block on ITE and replaced the old wheel with a new one.Now the containment box water signal is normal.The problem is fixed.The shielding block is back.

  96   Thursday, April 26, 2012, 13:01 David WangITERepairTM4 Replaced TM4 EE water flow wheel in ITE.

Due to weak magnetic field on TM4 EE water flow wheel, we have two times intermittent water signal on this circuit this morning. I replaced the old wheel with a new one in ITE. I checked the signal frequency and strength.It looks fine now.

  97   Wednesday, May 02, 2012, 11:27 David WangITWStandard OperationTM1  ITW is ready for taking proton beam.

 I moved 5 shielding blocks from ITE to ITW .  I checked  all ITW water signals strength and frequency in electrical room, and everything looks fine.The ventilation system is set up for ITW. MAA is locked. ITW is ready for taking proton beam.

  98   Tuesday, May 08, 2012, 10:28 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4 Disconnected TM4 in ITE.

I disconnected TM4 in ITE. The heat shield water circuit is purged. I  closed the water supply to ITE.Now, the water system only supply water to ITW and the system pressure is 110 psi which is good.I visually checked S-tank sight glass,and the water level is stable comparing to last week. Also, I visually checked the ITW water signals  strength and stability on electrical panel from electrical room.Everything looks fine.

  107   Friday, May 18, 2012, 08:37 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4sic 27leak check on heat shield circuit

Chad and I leak checked the heat shield circuit after sic 27 target  installed. It took 20minutes  to pump down the circuit to the leak detector bottom scales. The leak detector is calibrated today,and all the vacuum lines and connections are leak checked by spraying helium. Chad sprayed helium to each vc fittings for 2 seconds. There is no any response on leak detector . The test repeated one time and the result is same. Chad flushed  helium around the target for 10 second .This time leak detector also have no respone.  The heat shield circuit is leak  tight at this stage . We will move TM4 to conditioning station and pressure helium test the circuit.

  109   Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 10:00 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4sic 27helium pressure test on heat shield circuit

I did a helium pressure test on heat shield circuit. The leak detector is concected to the TM4 primary vacuum system.The IG1 is 1.1xe-6 torr,PNG4 is 1.5 x E-6torr,and IG4 is 2.1 XE-6torr.leak detector base leak rate:0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec, base pressure is 0.0x E-4 torr.Applied 80psi helium to heat shield circuit for 4 mins .There is no any response on leak detector during 4mins time. There is no pressure change during the test time. The heat shield circuit is leak tight.

  111   Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 12:36 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4sic 27TM4 connection in ITE

All TM4 connections in ITE is done. The station and TM4 is under roughing now.

  112   Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 15:19 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4sic 27TM4 in ITE under pumping

  I started 6 turbo pumps this afternoon. The TM4 and ITE are under pumping now. The vacuum is fine so far. We will see a better picture tomorrow morning. In order to keep the system pressure at 90 psi, I just turned on all the water to TM4 circuits. The water interlock check which related to TM4 water circuits is all done. I will do the rest part (XTpage related to 2A beam) next week once I turn on all the water to ITE. The ITE and TM4 will be ready for HV conditioning once the vacuum is ok.


  114   Monday, May 28, 2012, 13:05 David WangITEStandard Operation  I moved 5 shielding blocks from ITW to ITE .

5 shielding blocks have  been transferred from  ITW to ITE. ITE ventilation is opened, and ITW closed. All ITE water  signals have been checked for frequency and strength.They are all good. ITE is ready for taking proton beam.

  117   Wednesday, June 06, 2012, 08:21 David WangITWStandard OperationTM1 TM1 disconnected in ITW

I disconnected TM1 in ITW yesterday morning.The general radioactive level in ITW over the TM top (300mm) is about 350 usv/hr. contacting level on TP1 and TP2 are 1.0-1.2 msv/hr. I took 0.22 msv dose .The module is moved to

south hot cell later and a shielding plug is put back to ITW. Everything is fine.

  119   Wednesday, June 06, 2012, 14:33 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1Ta38leak check heat shield circuit

Chad and I did a leak check on heat shield circuit after target is installed on TM1.The leak detector pumping down is smooth. The base leak rate is 0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec. The base pressure is 0.0xE-4torr. Chad checked helium flow downstairs and sprayed helium to each joints for 2 seconds.The first joints is good and there is no any response on leak detector.we double checked it again and got the same result. On the second joint, Chad sprayed helium 2second. After 15 second of spraying,the leak detector got a response which climbed to 3.2xE-8 atm.cc/sec max,and back to 2.5 XE-8 atm.cc/sec. Chad tried to tighten the fitting. During his tight, the leak rate response to 7.5x E-8 atm.cc/sec momentarily. After the tightening ,the leak rate back to 0.0x E-9atm.cc/sec whic is the base.So we sprayed the helium to the joint again.This time ,there is no any response on leak detector. We checked this joint  again and got the same result which is no response. Finally, Chad flush the helium around the target for 10 second ,and during 45 sec observation time there is no any response on leak detector. I would say the heat shield circuit is leak tight so far. I will do a helium pressure test on it once the TM1 is moved the CS.

  121   Friday, June 08, 2012, 11:07 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM1Ta38conditioning staion and TM1 is under TP1 and TP2 pumping now.

I connected vacuum system to TM1 and conditioning station and started two turbo pumps yesterday. The pumping an d vacuum readings  are verg good so far(all below 5xE-6 torr). Helium pressure test on heat shield circuit will be fulfilled next week.

  126   Monday, June 11, 2012, 14:41 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM1Ta38Heat shield helium pressure test

Connected leak detector to TM1 and CS vacuum system. The vacuum readings on TM1 and CS:PNG1 1.3 xE-6 Torr, IG1 4.7xE-7torr, IG4(diagnostic box)1.5xE-6 Torr. Leak detector base pressure:0.0xE-4 torr, base leak rate: 0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec. Applied 80 psi helium to heat shield circuit for 5 mins . There is no response on leak detector. The heat shield circuit is leak tight.

  128   Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 16:18 David WangITWStandard OperationTM1Ta38TM1connected in ITW

 We moved TM1 to ITW today, I connected TM1 to ITW, and started all turbo pumps this afternoon. TP4s is very difficult to bring to 38 KRMP now. I have to use soft start model and tried twice to get this pump started (1.5 hours). This pump always had a difficult start time during the past 2-3 runs. I talked with Friedhelm and we think it should be replaced after this run. I will issue an e-fault on this pump and try to get a new pump from vacuum group. It will take 2 hours to change this pump. I could do this job with another person help. Or, vacuum group could do it. Don can schedule a time for this job before next run. Anyway, it should work fine for this run.  The water interlock check related to TM1 is done. I will do the rest before blocks on. All TM1 water signals are strong and good. All vacuum gauge readings are good so far(below5.0xe-5 torr).


  134   Monday, June 25, 2012, 14:39 David WangITWStandard Operation  I moved 5 shielding blocks from ITE to ITW,

and set up ventilation for ITW. ITW is ready for taking proton beam now. All water interlock checks for ITW are done. The ITW water signals strength and frequency had been checked from electrical room, and everything is good.

  135   Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 14:10 David WangSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3 TM3 heat shield and window circuits leak check is done.

Chad and i did a leak check on TM3 heat shield and window circuits.Both circuits are pumped easily down to the bottom leak rate and base pressure on the leak detector. There are two VCR caps on heat shield circuit. Chad sprayed helium on both of them   ( tested individually,2 seconds every time ) . There is no response on leakdetecor during 45 seconds waiting time. On window circuit there are 2 VCR joints. Chad sprayed helim on these joints(2seconds for each), and no response on leak detector. All joints  are double checked(sprayed twice on each of them). The result is they are leak tight.

  136   Tuesday, July 03, 2012, 10:50 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4 Disconnected TM4 in ITE.

I disconnected TM4 in ITE this morning. The window circuit and heat shield circuit had been purged. The general field inside ITE is about 200usv/h.

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