ID |
Date |
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Target/Number |
Subject |
Text |
Friday, November 19, 2021, 12:48 |
Adam Newsome | South Hot-Cell | Development | | | Vertical motion limit switch installation | A rotary limit switch was installed, attached
to the shaft adjacent to the drive motor
for the vertical drive system. This limit |
Monday, November 22, 2021, 12:44 |
Adam Newsome | Crane | Repair | | | Crane PLC Fault: 0004h | An issue was observed in which the target
hall crane was not functioning: the N-E-S-W
and up/down motions did not work, however |
Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 10:58 |
Adam Newsome | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | | TM4 Move | TM4 was moved from ITE to SHC. Shield plug
installed in ITE. |
Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 09:08 |
Adam Newsome | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM4 | | Remotely moved TM4 from SHC to TCS | TM4 was moved from the South Hot Cell to
the Conditioning Station. |
Friday, November 26, 2021, 10:52 |
Adam Newsome | Spent Target Vault | Standard Operation | | UC#35 | Spent Target Move | The spent UC#35 target has been moved from
the south hot cell to the spent target vault.
It was placed in pail #264 and put in spot |
Friday, February 25, 2022, 10:22 |
Adam Newsome | South Hot-Cell | Development | | | Addition of E-Stops and Turntable Vertical Motion Limit Switch | Two changes have been made to the control
system to the South Hot Cell:
Addition of two emergency |
Friday, May 06, 2022, 10:12 |
Adam Newsome | Spent Target Vault | Maintenance | | | Annual Inspection of Mini-Storage Vault | The annual inspection of the mini-storage
vault was performed today. The following
items were checked: |
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 13:45 |
Adam Newsome | Spent Target Vault | Development | | | Storage Vault: cable replaced and e-chain upgrade | The motor cable for the storage vault was
replaced as the old one was showing signs
of wear. The U-track that the old cable ran |
Friday, October 07, 2022, 14:46 |
Adam Newsome | South Hot-Cell | Development | | | Addition of lift table to E-stop circuit | A modification was made to integrate the
hot cell's lift table into the E-stop circuit.
See work permit I2022-10-07-1 |
Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 10:37 |
Adam Newsome | North Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | | TM4 Move - ITE to NHC | TM4 was moved from ITE to NHC with C#4.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 12:10 |
Adam Newsome | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM4 | UCx#41 | TM4 Move - NHC to TCS | TM4 was moved from the North Hot Cell to
the Target Conditioning Station with UCx#41.
Thursday, November 24, 2022, 11:32 |
Adam Newsome | Spent Target Vault | Standard Operation | TM4 | C#4 | C#4 Spent Target Moved to Storage Vault | C#4 spent target was moved to the storage
vault, in pail 277. Dose rate at approximately
1 m when leaving the hot cell was 164 mSv/h. |
Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 11:03 |
Adam Newsome | ITE | Standard Operation | TM4 | C#4 | TM4 Move - TCS to ITE | TM4 was moved from the Conditioning Station
to the East Target Station with C#4. |
Friday, December 16, 2022, 16:35 |
Adam Newsome | Spent Target Vault | Standard Operation | | | Pails measured, moved to mini-storage vault | The following five pails were moved to
the mini-storage vault today under work permit
I2022-12-16-1: |
Friday, December 16, 2022, 16:39 |
Adam Newsome | Crane | Standard Operation | | | Crane powered off for holidays | [edit 2023-01-03] The crane was powered
back on this morning - there do not appear
to be any faults and it seems that the crane |
Friday, January 06, 2023, 09:41 |
Adam Newsome | Spent Target Vault | Standard Operation | | | Pails moved to mini-storage vault | The following three pails were moved from
the main storage vault to the mini-storage
vault: |
Monday, March 06, 2023, 11:31 |
Adam Newsome | North Hot-Cell | Repair | | | Spare Telemanipulator: Y-Motion Linear Actuator Repair | The linear actuator used for the Y-motion
motor assistance on the spare telemanipulator
was replaced and tested. It was observed |
Friday, April 14, 2023, 10:01 |
Adam Newsome | Assembly/Bench Test | Repair | | | Assaying Turntable Repair | The spent target assaying turntable was
repaired. It was tested today with a load
exceeding the maximum it would need to handle |
Wednesday, May 03, 2023, 11:04 |
Adam Newsome | Crane | Maintenance | | | Pail Handling Tool - Annual Inspection | The pail handling tool which is used to
move 5 gallon pails around the target hall
was inspected by A. Newsome, N. Jorgenson, |
Friday, May 12, 2023, 09:56 |
Adam Newsome | Spent Target Vault | Standard Operation | | | Emergency Close Mechanism Test | The emergency close
mechanism for the Storage Vault door was |