Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 11:54, Carla Babcock, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, TM2, , EZL cable change MicrosoftTeams-image_(25).png

Chad changed the EZL cable and plugs on TM2. New cable runs along the cable trays.

Entry  Thursday, April 28, 2022, 08:16, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, , Annual ITW water signal interlocks check . 

Annual ITW water signal interlocks check was done with TM2 in ITW.   Water signal interlocks on all water circuits related to TM and 2A beam lines in ITW work fine. 

Entry  Friday, May 06, 2022, 10:12, Adam Newsome, Spent Target Vault, Maintenance, , , Annual Inspection of Mini-Storage Vault 

The annual inspection of the mini-storage vault was performed today. The following items were checked:

  • Cabling and cable management
  • Connectors
  • Controls box - internal wiring and components, functionality
  • Limit switches - functionality, wiring, mounting
  • Motor
  • Bearings
  • Set screws
  • Miscellaneous fasteners (some loose, but were tightened)

Everything appears to be in good working order.

Note: in the near future, the bearings should be greased. This is planned to take place during the next inspection of the main storage vault.

Entry  Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 16:15, Nadia Jorgenson, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , , Emergency Close Mechanism Test 

 The emergency close mechanism for the Storage Vault door was tested by Travis Cave, Nadia Jorgenson, and Dan McDonald. The door was opened to its fully open limit, then closed with the emergency system. 

The test was successful.

Entry  Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 16:29, Nadia Jorgenson, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , , Routine mechanical inspection: storage vault Motor_wiring_ISAC_storage_vault.jpg

 An inspection was performed on drive systems for the main storage vault by Dan McDonald, Travis Cave and Nadia Jorgenson. The functionality was not tested. Some areas for improvement noted, but otherwise nothing concerning was discovered. 



  • The wire insulation to the motor is showing wear and tear. Should be replaced in the future. For now was patched with electrical tape, see picture. May be beneficial to add an e-chain for the portion of the wiring that moves when door is opening and closing

  • Emergency close mechanism cable should be changed to have a 5/32” Nico Sleeve

  • Moving parts still need to be lubricated

  • Chain inspected (OK)

  • Gearbox inspected - OK

  • All drive system set screws checked and tightened

  • Sprocket alignment checked - OK

  • Limit switches checked - OK

  • Emergency close mechanism cable checked - OK




Entry  Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 10:23, Nadia Jorgenson, Spent Target Vault, Repair, , , F-308 Loading, Mini-Storage Vault Failure 

5 pails were moved from the mini-storage vault into F-308's

At one point during the loading the mini-storage vault door would not close. Cause was a blown fuse, which was replaced and operations were able to continue as usual. Possible reason the fuse blow was a tilted pail that may have become jammed between the tray and the roof of the mini-storage vault. 


[Edit 2022-12-01, Adam Newsome]: the pails which were removed were: 220, 227, 233, 235, 238

Entry  Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 13:23, David Wang, ITE, Standard Operation, TM4, , Annual ITE water signal interlocks. 

Annual ITE water signal interlocks check is done with Rob Shank. All ITE water signal  interlocks work fine.

Entry  Thursday, June 30, 2022, 14:28, Nadia Jorgenson, Safe Module Parking, Standard Operation, , , Annual Inspection of Safe Module Parking - Electrical  


An annual electrical inspection was performed on the SMP today by Travis Cave and Nadia Jorgenson as per Work Permit I2022-06-30-2. The following items were checked:


Electrical Inspection of Safe Module Parking:

  • Check condition of wiring for physical/radiation/UV damage
    • OK, no signs of damage
  • Check for cable tray debris or damage
    • Some objects stored in the cable tray but nothing concerning, no damage noted
  • Check inside control panel: components and wiring, labeling
    • Labeling intact, components in good condition
    • Wiring in good condition
  • Verify camera views
    • Checked, no issues
  • Check connectors for damage
    • All connectors OK
  • Check pendant for damage and verify labeling intact
    • Pendant OK
  • Lid open/close test
    • Lid was opened and close multiple times - smooth operation, no concern
    • Lid close logic was checked - OK
  • Vessel rotation and limit switch check
    • Centre, CW and CCW limits were checked, functioning


Still to be done – Mechanical Inspection:

  • Lubricate chains
  • Inspect tensioners
  • Tighten fasteners
  • Inspect components during rotation - chain drive, rotary limit switch, and cable reel etc.
Entry  Monday, July 04, 2022, 11:44, Nadia Jorgenson, Safe Module Parking, Standard Operation, , , Annual Inspection of Safe Module Parking - Mechanical  SMP_Missing_Washers_1.jpgSMP_Missing_Washers_2.jpgSMP_Missing_shims.jpg


An annual mechanical inspection was performed on the SMP today by Dan McDonald and Nadia Jorgenson. The following items were checked:


  • Lubricate chains
    • Not needed
  • Inspect tensioners
    • No issues found
  • Tighten fasteners
    • A few slightly loose, most are in need of washers, see attached pictures
    • Could use some shims in a few places, see attached picture
  • Inspect components during rotation - chain drive, rotary limit switch, and cable reel etc.
    • No issues
Entry  Monday, July 04, 2022, 11:54, Nadia Jorgenson, Spent Target Vault, Maintenance, , , Added Lubrication,fittings need to be changed Mini_Vault_Grease_Fitting.jpg

Dan lubricated components on the target storage vault (This was an outstand task from annual inspection). No issues on the main storage vault but we were not able to lubricate the mini storage vault because the position of the grease nipple on the fittings makes them inaccessible, see attached pictures. All four should be replaced with 90 deg fittings. 

Entry  Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 11:33, Carla Babcock, ITE, Repair, , , ITE:ANODE swapped with TCS:ANODE 

ITE:ANODE supply reading strange currents - 17mA with the power supply on and no voltage. Checked anode circuit from electrical room:

Anode wire in electrical room shows 0L at 250V

Circuit with 50kOhm resistor mostly looks good (49-52kOhms) but a couple times read 28kOhms, no idea why. Tried jiggling all cables, unplugging and replugging and everything looks fine.

But power supply still seems to be giving out signal for 17mA readback. Decided fastest to swap with TCS power supply and troubleshoot this one on the bench.

Entry  Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 13:45, Adam Newsome, Spent Target Vault, Development, , , Storage Vault: cable replaced and e-chain upgrade PXL_20220914_183329159.jpg

The motor cable for the storage vault was replaced as the old one was showing signs of wear. The U-track that the old cable ran through was also bent as a result of being hit.

In the process of replacing the cable, an e-chain was installed for cable management purposes. Mounting brackets were modified and a new U-track was installed as well. The new hardware is more robust than what was previously installed.

The vault door was opened and closed multiple times while observing the e-chain - everything behaved as expected. The system is operational.


Solidworks model IRH0189 is updated to show the changes

Entry  Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 12:58, Matthew Gareau, North Hot-Cell, Repair, , , Chad repaired the right operator side manipulator IMG_20220926_091024~2.jpgIMG_20220926_091040.jpgIMG_20220926_091047.jpgIMG_20220926_091153.jpg

On 26/Sept/2022

Chad disassembled the right operator side manipulator, and noticed that gears in the handle were quite tight especially when compared to the left operator side manipulator. 

Once a dry grease was added, and the handle reassembled all seemed to be in working order.

There was noticeable wear on a shaft and Chad has suggested to order some spare parts for the wrist and handle. 

Entry  Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 13:15, Matthew Gareau, North Hot-Cell, Maintenance, , , topped up the NHC window oil through the oil expansion tank IMG_20220928_121000.jpgIMG_20220928_124253.jpgIMG_20220928_124258.jpg

Myself and Maico were able to top up the NHC window oil.

The oil was filled through the expansion tank

- the Nitrogen line closed and the Nitrogen pressure valve was disconnected to ensure that no oil would go in to them.

- the pressure relief valve was disconnected to act as an air bleed line while we filled the oil

- with a funnel we slowly added the oil until the oil level could be read, showing about half full

- about 1.5 liters of oil were added

- once filled the Nitrogen line was reattached and the pressure was returned to recommended level 

- the remaining oil was returned the RH shop

Now the oil level will be monitored, which will help identify if there is any leak in the system.

Entry  Monday, October 03, 2022, 14:28, Keith C Ng, Assembly/Bench Test, Maintenance, , , ITA2826 rev E assembly 

A fully built steerer sub assembly ITA2826 revision E was boxed and sealed and put on rack storage in ISAC B2 South Hot Cell area. It is contained in a blue bin and green tag. 

It is advised if this assembly is used, it should be inspected for damage before using in a source tray.

Entry  Friday, October 07, 2022, 14:46, Adam Newsome, South Hot-Cell, Development, , , Addition of lift table to E-stop circuit ISAC_SHC_Lift_Schematic_updated_20221007.jpgPXL_20221007_185635660.MP.jpgPXL_20221007_185649720.jpg

A modification was made to integrate the hot cell's lift table into the E-stop circuit. See work permit I2022-10-07-1

The E-stop mounted on the right side of the small enclosure adjacent to the operator station will now serve to stop the lift table's up and down motion, as well as the turntables up/down and CW/CCW motions. Functionality was checked by B. Webster (electrical services) and A. Newsome.


Note: it is recommended next time there is a hot cell entry to inspect whether or not the limit switch specified in the schematic is actually installed. The schematic should be updated to match the drawing.


Redlined electrical drawing photo attached to this e-log, and the paper drawing is left inside the lift table's control box. The schematic will be revised based on the redline updates, likes as part of work request #6342 (to integrate this drawing into the turntable controls drawing package).

Entry  Monday, October 17, 2022, 08:07, David Wang, ITE/ITW, Repair, TM4, , A small leak on target station secondaryvacuum back up line by ITH MP1S.  
A small leak in target station secondary vacuum back up line is observed. It affects ITH CG2S,CG1S and CG4SA. Current draw on TP1s and TP4S is getting higher(above 1A) because of it. An internal leak in ITH MP1S is suspected by first round investigation. Close watching on system and further investigation are needed.
Initial Action Taken: none

17-Oct-2022 Comment by David Wang: On OCt 14th, Replaced a flexible hose on MP1S pump exhaust port,but did not solve the issue. High frequency vibration was sensed by hand on MP1S pump inlet and outlet ports. Pump height and position in pit are adjusted slightly in pit to reduce vibration. After, ITHCG2 and ITW CG4SA got a huge improvement in past 3 days. All back up line pressure are stabilized at normal operation status. Still, close watching on this issue is needed to ensure the present status is stabilized in long term.

The issue was returned after shielding block installation Monday morning at 8:30am. Investigated further,  I temporarily installed a turbopump used cooling fan on MP1s to improve pump heat dissipation. And a room fan is put outside on shielding blocks opening hole to increase air circulation into pit. Since then,  everything is perfect. All secondary turbo pumps current draw is around 0.5 to 0.6A which is the best.  I guess that short duo 10 pump life we observed in past could be related to high pump operation temperature in pit as well. We may increase the pump life if air circulation around the pump could be improved. A permanent solution is needed for it.

Entry  Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 12:04, Carla Babcock, Conditioning Station, Repair, , , TCS:TBHT taken as replacement for ITE:TBHT 

During the last ITE run with the SiC#44 target, the ITE:TBHT controls card was fried twice. The first time we put in our spare, and the second time we just continued to run without controls readback. For the C#4 run starting Oct. 19, we used the conditioning station supply. As soon as one of the other supplies is fixed, we will install it in the conditioning station. The equipment list (https://triumfoffice365-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/cbabcock_triumf_ca/EQPffP4p1P9JqEDWIHGRPfsBVDSQjMCv-M8ZNg4ngkyGHw?e=fnLVYe) tracks these movements.

Entry  Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 10:37, Adam Newsome, North Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, , TM4 Move - ITE to NHC 

TM4 was moved from ITE to NHC with C#4.

Entry  Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 14:53, Carla Babcock, North Hot-Cell, Maintenance, TM4, , Multipin connector alignment pin on TM4 module loose 

The pin on TM4 has become loose again, making it very difficult to remove the multipin connector with the last target, C#4. For the installation of the next target, UCx#41, we will drill out the hole on the target side bracket so that it doesn't contact the multipin pin. Will try to remove this pin by force in January, or if needed change out the whole multipin bracket.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455