A modification was made to integrate the hot cell's lift table into the E-stop circuit. See work permit I2022-10-07-1
The E-stop mounted on the right side of the small enclosure adjacent to the operator station will now serve to stop the lift table's up and down motion, as well as the turntables up/down and CW/CCW motions. Functionality was checked by B. Webster (electrical services) and A. Newsome.
Note: it is recommended next time there is a hot cell entry to inspect whether or not the limit switch specified in the schematic is actually installed. The schematic should be updated to match the drawing.
Redlined electrical drawing photo attached to this e-log, and the paper drawing is left inside the lift table's control box. The schematic will be revised based on the redline updates, likes as part of work request #6342 (to integrate this drawing into the turntable controls drawing package). |