Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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ID Date Author Category Type Module Target/Numberdown Subject
  2014   Friday, October 25, 2019, 06:43 David WangSafe Module ParkingDevelopmentTM3 SMP vacuum

TM3 was moved into SMP Oct 25 morning.  After two nights pumping down, SMP CG1 read 30mtorr this morning.  The pump is stopped. SMP will be vented soon for TM3 moving back to silo. 

  2016   Monday, October 28, 2019, 12:00 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP shielding attenuation measured & compared to theoretical values

The attenuation of the SMP shielding was measured as part of SMP commissioning (Document-170404, R1, Section 4, Test #8)

The field on the shutter side of TM3 was measured without any shielding as it was removed from a storage silo.  At 0.5m from the edge of the module the maximum field was 5.00mSv.  After installation into the SMP the maximum field outside the SMP shielding at 0.5m from the edge of the module was found to be 27uSv/hr. The resulting attenuation is 185x

Expected attenuation was calculated by Joe Mildenberger assuming that the majority of the activated components in that module are either copper or aluminum.  With 6" of steel shielding (SMP shield vessel plus vacuum vessel), the attenuation factors were found for the following isotopes: 


Na-22 (created in Al): 115

Co-60 (created in steel (Fe) or Cu): 70

Mn-54: (created in steel (Fe) or Cu): 200


Based on these figures, the measured result of 185 seems to be reasonable.

  2017   Tuesday, October 29, 2019, 10:00 Adam NewsomeSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP Updates to E-stop circuit and feedback signals

The SMP main control panel and remote control module were updated in order to implement the following items which were deemed desirable during commissioning:

  •     24 VDC line added to E-stop circuit:

    Previously the E-stop relay cut power to only 120 VAC. This means that the lid rotation motor would stop instantly, but since the lid open/close valve is powered by 24 VDC which comes from a power supply unit, there would be a short delay while the unit powers off in which the valve was still active. This could result in a situation in which, for example, someone is operating the pendant to close the lid and another person recognizes a hazard and presses the E-stop on the main panel, but the lid does not stop closing for approximately 3 seconds while the operator is still holding the "close" button down.

    To rectify this issue, the 24 VDC line was routed through a NO contact of the same E-stop relay that controls the entire 120 VAC supply to the system. This was tested on Oct. 25, 2019 - working.

  • Status feedback signals to remote control room:

    Previously status signals for "Lid raised", "Lid Centred", "CW Limit", and "CCW Limit" were only displayed as light indicators on the main control panel. It was determined during remote operation that it would be helpful to have these signals sent back to the software interface so that an operator does not need to use a camera to look at the light indicators.

    Electrical drawings and cable schedule have been updated to reflect these changes. The SMP will be tested again using the commissioning plan checklist to confirm no there were no inadvertent effects on the rest of the same from these changes.


  2019   Thursday, October 31, 2019, 08:49 Anders MjosConditioning StationRepair  Water leak on non-active cooling water circuit

Yesterday a leak was discovered in the ISAC-I experimental hall. The leak appears to be at the connection between the evaporator and the return water line. 1 in of water was lost from TCS:TK1. The water is currently valved off to prevent further leakage.

A fault reportt has been submitted to mechanical services - awaiting response.

Friday, November 01, 2019

Leak repaired by Mechanical Services. A brass fitting had cracked and was replaced with a galvanized fitting.

  2020   Thursday, October 31, 2019, 10:17 David WangAssembly/Bench TestMaintenanceTM2 Febiad target gas line leak check.

Feibiad gas line for ITE and its adapter fittings for TM2 are tested today by installing them on a dummy water stem. No leak on VCO fitting, adapter o-rings, and all Swagelock fittings of this assembly. Manual valve on gas line works fine.  The positional check on gas line between TM2 and ITW will be fulfilled next Tuesday during module disconnection. 

  2037   Thursday, December 12, 2019, 14:39 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP assembly shifted 1.0" north

The SMP assembly was shifted approximately 1.0" north today by pushing it, braced against the south wall, using a 100 Ton capacity air lifting bag supplied by Beamlines Group.  The move was one of the action items identified at the Gate 4A/4B close-out review.  During commissioning of the SMP, TM3 was installed into the vacuum vessel, which required the crane to be all the way at its south limit, so the move is to provide some margin for future use, particularly if TM1 is put in the SMP as the extent of its shielding is slightly larger than the other modules.


One of the air fittings for the lid actuation cylinder on the north side was damaged during the move.  It was replaced and correct functionality of lid actuation was then confirmed.

  2038   Thursday, January 02, 2020, 09:55 David WangCoolingStandard Operation  I turned on HALC water pump MP2.

HALCW MP2 is switched onnow. There is a small amount of air trapped in system. The pump works fine.  Water level and system resistivity will be monitored for a while.

LALCW P5 and P6 are switched on  for cooling HALCW.  HALCW MP2 is in operation now.

  2039   Thursday, January 02, 2020, 10:10 David WangCraneStandard Operation  TH crane issue.

Target hall crane does not work properly after TH crane main power is switched off during Christmas time in control room. I switched the main power back this morning. The only movement could be operated is crane rotation. Power is supplied crane. The control  on N-S, E-W and up-down movements do not work. We had the same problem last year. After trouble shooting, It was pointed to a PLC battery issue. Control group changed the battery and reloaded the program. I guess  the battery is drained out very fast for some reason. So, We face the same problem again this year.

Adam checked control room main power supply. I checked in TH crane again. The problem is still there. We can confirm this is the same issue like last year. 

  2040   Friday, January 03, 2020, 13:15 Adam NewsomeCraneRepair  Target Hall Crane PLC Module/Battery Replacement
The Target Hall Crane bridge and trolley motion was lost after a period of the crane having power disconnected over winter holidays. This is reported in the following e-log: https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/RH-ISAC/2039. This issue is a duplicate of what happened in 2019 at this time: https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/RH-ISAC/1845

It was determined from troubleshooting via PLC indicator lights that the memory battery had died during the power-off time, and because of this, the program stored was lost. Note that this is an anomaly - the battery should have lasted much longer than the shutoff duration of ~2 weeks.

The SLC500 module was replaced with a spare, which contained a new battery. The old SLC500 module is still functioning but the battery has been removed (spares will be ordered) - this module is stored in a cabinet drawer in the control room. It will need to be re-programmed if re-installed as the program was lost. The original program titled TargetHallCrane.RSS was downloaded to the module. The crane was tested in local mode and determined to be functioning.

The following links are resources for resolving this issue:
  2041   Tuesday, January 07, 2020, 08:02 David WangCoolingStandard Operation  Switch on HALCW MP2

HALCW MP2 is switched on this morning after yesterday cooling tower maintenance. LALCW P5 and P6 pumps are started by isac operator  as well. The system is good so far.

  2042   Tuesday, January 07, 2020, 09:37 David WangITWStandard Operation  5 shielding blocks are moved out of ITW top.

5 shielding blocks are moved out of itw top.

  2043   Wednesday, January 08, 2020, 10:34 David WangAssembly/Bench TestDevelopment  Module lifting assembly ITA0490

The second module lifting assembly ITA0490 is moved into TH and installed onto TM3 . It will stay with TM3. I adjusted the  CofG on the assembly. It is same to the first lifting assembly we are using now. After adjustment, The installation of assembly on TM3 are smooth. 

  2045   Thursday, January 09, 2020, 14:14 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3 Start of TCS roughing pump for TM3.

I started TCS roughing pump. TM3 TP1 and TP2 will be started tomorrow morning.

  2046   Friday, January 10, 2020, 10:26 David WangITEStandard Operation  ITE water signal inerlock check.

ITE water  signal interlock   check is done.  Everything is good. It is a annual check we do in winter shut down time.

  2048   Tuesday, January 14, 2020, 10:12 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3 Helium spray leak check on TCS.

Using a long pole with a probe to spray helium on TCS vacuum seals and joints which are installed in  TCS service pit. No response has been found on leak detector during leak check. TCS is leak free.

  2049   Tuesday, January 14, 2020, 10:19 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3 TCS vacuum system is switched off.

TM3 TP1 and TP2 work  fine in past 4 days. During operation, The current draw on pumps were 0.7A to 0.8 A. TM3 will be moved back to silo tomorrow.

  2051   Friday, January 24, 2020, 08:19 David WangITWStandard OperationTM4 ITW water signal interlock check.

ITW water signal interlock check is done. Everything works fine. ITW 2A2 tank water signal is broken and is not ok on XT2A2  page. I will fix it next week.

  2052   Monday, January 27, 2020, 10:40 David WangCoolingMaintenance  ITE/ITW supply water presuure on dump circuits.

With both stations in operation,ITE dump supply gauge reading is 27 psi. ITW is 20 Psi.  I adjusted ITW dump pressure to 25 psi by changing the return line side pressure relieve valve.

ITE full operation+ ITW no TM: ITE dump pressure 27psi, ITW dump pressure 27psi.

2019-01-30: Water only supply to 2A beam lines only on both side, No TM2 and TM4 in water loop.  ITE dump pressure 27psi, ITW dump pressure 27psi.

  2053   Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 12:37 David WangITEStandard OperationTM2 ITE primary/secondary vacuum vessel leak check.

Leak check on ITE vacuum vessel is done. LD base leak rate 0.0XE-9atm.cc/sec. base pressure 0.0Xe-4torr. Sprayed helium on all ITE primary and secondary vacuum vessel seals(including TM2). No leak . Also,70psi helium  pressurized TM2 waterlines inside the module for each circuit 3 minutes. No leak on all operating TM2 waterlines.  

  2054   Thursday, January 30, 2020, 10:22 David WangITWStandard OperationTM4  TM4 water lines helium pressure leak check.

  TM4 internal water lines helium pressure leak check at ITW : 70psi helium 5 minutes on  each circuits. Base leak rate 0.0X E-9 atm.cc/sec. Base pressure 0.0X E-4torr. Only B line(Oven -) has a tiny 1.5Xe-9 atm.cc/sec response on LD during the check . All others all perfect good. 

ELOG V2.9.2-2455