Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 115 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Type Module Target/Numberdown Subject
  1764   Thursday, August 02, 2018, 07:57 David WangConditioning StationStandard Operation  Leak check on TM2 UCx #23 @ TCS and SHC.

I did a helium pressure test on TM2 HS line at TCS. At 70psi helium, the leak rate is 2.5 xE-7 atm.cc/sec. I think this is the number that close to result before which is 1.7xE-9 atm.cc/sec. WE know there is a small leak on this water block seal. Chad  and I did helium  spray check yesterday at SHC. It was good at bottom scale.  No much worry on this low E-7 range leak.

  1766   Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 10:44 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  Entrance module move

 The west entrance module has been moved from the west target station to the south hot cell, for a bellows replacement.

  1771   Thursday, August 30, 2018, 07:42 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4 TM4 has been connected to TCS.

TM4 has been connected to TCS. vacuum system and water system are started. Everything looks fine.

  1772   Thursday, August 30, 2018, 07:46 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4 TM4 HS line leak check at TCS and SHC.

Chad and I leak checked TM4 HS line after UCx 24 is installed. No leak at 5xE-9atm.cc/sec.  Today, I did helium pressure test on HS line at TCS. No leak at 70 psi helium 0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec.

  1780   Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 15:22 Isaac EarleNorth Hot-CellDevelopment  NHC air and gas supply lines - test and leak check

Testing was completed today on the NHC air and gas supply lines.  For each line a Staubli plug was installed on the fitting inside the hot cell, the line was charged with compressed air (50psi for gas lines #1, #2, and #3;  100psi for the air lines #4 and #5).  All connections inside and outside the cell were checked for leaks using Snoop including connections for the solenoid valves.  No leaks were found.  Correct operation of the solenoids was confirmed as well as correct plumbing (no lines crossed).

  1781   Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 15:30 Isaac EarleNorth Hot-CellDevelopment  Installation of NHC operator-level lighting completed

 Installation of of operator-level lighting in the NHC was completed today according to drawing IRH1801.  2" x 2" Panduit was mounted to the wall on aluminum brackets to support the power cables.  These lights can be replaced remotely by unplugging the power cords using the manipulators, lifting the cable out of the Panduit with a hooked pole tool through the manipulator slave end removal roof hatch, lifting the light fixture off the support bracket with the pole tool, then installing a new fixture in the opposite order.  This RH procedure will be tested at a later date as part of NHC commissioning.







  1782   Thursday, September 13, 2018, 16:57 Isaac EarleNorth Hot-CellDevelopment  NHC grounding and mili-ohm testing

 The following equipment has been connected to the building ground located in the Target Hall by the TCS using 1/2" flat bonding strap:

  • NHC roof structure
  • NHC/TCS partition wall
  • NHC work table

The following equipment has been connected to the building ground by connecting to the work table inside the NHC using 1/2" flat bonding strap:

  • Air and gas supply line mounting bracket inside NHC
  • Receptacle box mounting bracket inside NHC
  • Diagnostic signal box mounting bracket inside NHC


The resistance between the following locations and the copper grounding plate located at the base of the NHCSA north wall were measured.  The resistance of the wire used was 258.10mΩ, and has been subtracted from the following results.

Measurements taken in NHCSA:

  • Control panel below viewing window (base plate of box): 4.67mΩ
  • Oil window frame (bare metal drain valve): 55.34mΩ
  • Left manipulator (ground plate near e-stop button): 73.46mΩ
  • Right manipulator (ground plate near e-stop button): 202.58mΩ
  • Air and gas supply line mounting bracket: 40.68mΩ
  • Diagnostic connector box: 12.15mΩ
  • Steel conduit for 110V supply to hot cell interior: 4.81mΩ

Measurements taken inside NHC:

  • Work table: 4.51mΩ
  • Pre-filter bolted to partition wall: 4.84mΩ
  • Table hatch lid: open load
  • Left manipulator thru tube: 515.8mΩ
  • Right manipulator thru tube: 342.0mΩ
  • Left manipulator (slave boot plate bolt): 885.9mΩ
  • Right manipulator (slave boot plate bolt): 1444.0mΩ
  • Grounding strap for air/gas plate: 4.84mΩ
  • Outside of SHV connector on diagnostic signal box: 4.56mΩ
  • Exterior of 110V electrical conduit: 3.88mΩ
  • Male Staubli connector for 1st gas line: 53.7mΩ
  • Welded stud for window cover panel: 6.06mΩ
  • Grounding strap for partition wall: 4.39mΩ
  • Roof structure (measured inside un-painted bolt hole): ~0mΩ
  • Stainless steel module flange: ~0mΩ

Dedicated grounding will be added in the near future for the oil window frame and the manipulator thru-tubes.  Testing will then be repeated for those items.


Dec 18, 2018 update:

The oil window frame and both manipulators (where they bolt to the thru-tubes) were connected to the building ground using 1/2" flat bonding strap connected at the cold side of each piece of equipment, and running to the grounded copper sheet located in the NHC service area at floor level.  The connection is made inside the electrical racks located directly west of the NHC operator area on the cold side.  This work was done by Travis Cave in October 2018.

Mili-ohm testing for these items has not yet been repeated.


Jan 14, 2019 update:

Grounding was added from the metal plate near the e-stop button on the master arm of both manipulators.  The same 1/2" flat bonding strap was used which was tied into other bonding strap which runns to the grounded copper sheet in the NHCSA.

Mili-ohm testing was repeated for the following items:

  • Oil window frame (bare metal drain valve):  13.6mΩ
  • Left manipulator (ground plate near e-stop button):  16.1mΩ
  • Right manipulator (ground plate near e-stop button):  16.5mΩ


  1792   Tuesday, September 25, 2018, 07:54 David WangConditioning StationRepairTM3 TM3 is connected for HV test at TCS.

water loops are by passed on top. All bias, EE, and  EL are tied together. Started water system.

  1794   Tuesday, September 25, 2018, 08:48 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  Window leak and torque

The south hot cell window has been found to be leaking oil. Upon inspection yesterday I found that the bolts compressing the gasket on the cold side were "loose". I have re-torqued them to the specification provided by the manufacturer in the attached procedure.

Attachment 1: hot_cell_window_gasket_change_procedure.pdf
hot_cell_window_gasket_change_procedure.pdf hot_cell_window_gasket_change_procedure.pdf hot_cell_window_gasket_change_procedure.pdf hot_cell_window_gasket_change_procedure.pdf hot_cell_window_gasket_change_procedure.pdf hot_cell_window_gasket_change_procedure.pdf
  1795   Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 07:14 David WangConditioning StationRepairTM3 TM3 HV test at TCS.

I did a HV test on TM3 at TCS yesterday. HV Ramp up speed: 1KV per 5 minutes when below 30KV,1KV per 10 minutes from 30-36KV. There is no major spark below36 KV .  I could see  lots small and big vacuum response on IG1 and PNG2 when conditioning from 30-36 KV, especially when closing to 36 KV.  However, At 36.4 KV, There is a big continuous spark occurred. It could not be stopped until I lowed the HV to 14KV. I have to ramp up from 14 KV again.  This behavior on TM3 HV test is same as before we saw. The module can not pass 36KV at present condition.  During the test., EL is tied to 60KV bias. The HV cover on TM3 top is installed. And, Service tray  cover plate is installed on TM3.

  1801   Tuesday, October 09, 2018, 12:32 David WangConditioning StationRepairTM4 TM4 steers 4 pin feedthrough CF flange

TM4 Steers 4 pin feedthrough CF flange is replaced due an inside feed through insulator broken. CF 25 cooper seal is replaced with a new one as well. Travis did anelectrical check. after replacement. Everything looks fine.


Note only a megger check was performed on the affected steering lines. Open load was measured on all lines. (Travis Cave)

  1805   Monday, October 22, 2018, 14:05 Travis CaveITWRepair  Module move

 ITW Exit #2 has been moved from the west station to the south hot cell for a bellows repair.

  1807   Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 10:53 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellRepair  Exit 2 East

Cover 1 was removed from the exit module. Confirmed with David that the actuator rod that needed to be disconnected was the far left )as viewed by the hot cell operator). The fastener for this rod was un-accessible from this side. Cover 1 was re-installed (two bolts left loose) and cover 2 was removed. fastener holding the actuator together was removed and luckily it does have a remote start.

Attachment 1: 20181023_104541.jpg
  1808   Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 11:32 David WangSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  ITW RV4S leak check.

ITW RV4S (A and B) are leak checked. They are good. 

  1809   Thursday, October 25, 2018, 11:03 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellRepair  Exit 2 West

Actuator arms, lemos, lemos and banana plug block have been disconnected in preparation for raising of the service tray. Aaron has pictures

Attachment 1: 20181025_102518.jpg
Attachment 2: 20181025_102526.jpg
Attachment 3: 20181025_104351.jpg
Attachment 4: 20181025_104508.jpg
Attachment 5: 20181025_104717.jpg
Attachment 6: 20181025_105427.jpg
Attachment 7: 20181025_105601.jpg
Attachment 8: 20181025_104225.jpg
  1810   Friday, October 26, 2018, 09:44 Travis CaveConditioning StationStandard Operation  Exit Module moved
The west exit #2 module has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station.
  1811   Monday, October 29, 2018, 10:43 David WangConditioning StationRepair  ITW exit 2 leak check at TCS.

I did a leak check this morning on exit 2 module at TCS. LD base  leak rate is 4.00XE-9atm.cc/sec, Base pressure is 0.00 X E-4 torr. All seals, bellows, and flanges are checked. The new FC5 bellow is good. There is a big leak up to 2X E-6 atm.c/sec has been found on IG1S side panel . The panel itself  will be replaced this time. Machine shop is working on it.. Two small leaks in E-9  atm.cc/sec range have been found on the  o-ring between service cap steel welding frame and the whole cap top cover plate in different location . All bolts on the top plate pressing down the o-ring are very tight. I can do nothing on them. However, I sprayed some vacuum seal around the leak area. The leaks are small  and close to ITE TP1S. I don not think we have to replace it at this moment.  Basically, The module is good to move to ITW tomorrow morning. 

  1820   Thursday, November 08, 2018, 09:27 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  South East Manipulator cable replacement

The handle cable on the east manipulator of the south hot cell has been replaced. Old cable showed signs of wear but had no broken strands. Manipulator is back together but still needs to be re-tensioned.

  1825   Thursday, November 22, 2018, 14:38 Isaac EarleNorth Hot-CellDevelopment  NHC design approved by High Voltage Engineer

To satisfy RS 101 from the NHC requirements specification (Document-131915) Tomislav Hurskovec was consulted regarding high voltage safety.  After a verbal discussion on various aspects of the NHC design he confirmed that the design satisfies high voltage safety concerns.

A copy of his confirmation e-mail is attached in PDF format.


Attachment 1: NHCHV.pdf
  1826   Monday, November 26, 2018, 12:19 chad fisherNorth Hot-CellRepair  East Manipulator

In preparation for removing the slave for replacement I discovered that the timing screw in the handle cable drum (master side) had been left threaded into the pulley...it should have been completely removed. It was bent from hitting on a casting inside the mater arm which most likely contributed to the hopped pulleys on the slave side. After removing this timing screw I entered the north hot cell and replaced the hopped cable back onto its pulley and Isaac tested the motions that previous caused the hopped cables. These tasks were repeated 4 times without any issues. Also of note is a missing setscrew in the tong cable pulley pin and a somewhat loose tape on the slave, also the tape shows signs of a crimp/bend. Upon further inspection and comparison with the other slaves I also found that one of the "lock-down" fittings tying the Z motion tape drum to the corresponding gear is completely missing. See pictures attached.

Attachment 1: 20181126_113326.jpg
Attachment 2: 20181126_113338.jpg
ELOG V2.9.2-2455