Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 108 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Type Module Target/Number Subjectdown Text Attachments
  134   Monday, June 25, 2012, 14:39 David WangITWStandard Operation  I moved 5 shielding blocks from ITE to ITW,and set up ventilation for ITW. ITW is
ready for taking proton beam now. All water
interlock checks for ITW are done. The ITW
  163   Monday, August 20, 2012, 12:28 David WangITWStandard OperationTM1 I moved 5 shielding blocks from ITE to ITW,I moved 5 shielding blocks from ITE 
to ITW.ITW is configured to take proton beam
  577   Monday, December 09, 2013, 14:47 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4 I moved 5 shielding blocks from block storage area to ITE.I moved 5 shielding blocks to ITE. The
ITE is configured to take proton beam.
  302   Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 10:35 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4 I moved 5 shielding blocks back to ITE.5 shielding block had been moved 
back to ITE. The ITE is configured to take
proton beam.
  81   Thursday, April 05, 2012, 10:30 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4 I moved 5 shielding blocks back to ITE this morning. MAA is secured .The ITE and MAA are
ready for taking proton beam now.
  295   Friday, April 12, 2013, 10:27 David WangITWStandard OperationTM1 I reconnected TM1 to ITW.TM1 has been reconnected in ITW. Water
interlock check for TM1 is done.
  396   Thursday, July 04, 2013, 11:37 David WangITWStandard OperationTM1UCxI reconnected TM1 to ITW. I  reconnected TM1 to ITW on
02 July.The pumping down is good so far.
TM1 water interlock check is good also.
  567   Wednesday, December 04, 2013, 11:05 David WangITWStandard OperationTM4Ta41#I disconnected TM4 in ITWI disconnected TM4 in ITW .The job took
about 20minutes and I got 0.11 msv dose.
  896   Thursday, April 23, 2015, 09:08 David WangConditioning StationMaintenanceTM1UCx12Huge Leak on TM1 contaiment box window.There is a huge leak on TM1 containment
box window. I did a 70 psi helium pressure
test on all TM1 water circuits this morning.
  850   Friday, February 27, 2015, 09:34 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  Hot cell Entry February 25 2015See attached report.
Radio problems just before entry
  980   Friday, July 03, 2015, 13:29 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellRepairTM2 Hot Cell/ Module FieldsField measured at block "R" through
tool port with pole monitor is 6.65 mSv/H.
There are three air hoods and two
  855   Monday, March 09, 2015, 09:42 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellDevelopment  Hot Cell Table Swiping3 swipes of the south hot cell table were
taken from the target hall through the roof
hatch (2 standard, 1 alpha).
  166   Friday, August 31, 2012, 12:10 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  Hot Cell MaitenanceEntered south hot cell Wednesday and replaced
the pre-filter air filter as well as the
front two light bulbs. Also removed two bags
  1449   Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 07:34 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  Hot Cell FieldsI have re-measured the fields in the hot
cell. Fields at shield door Al cover are
101 uSv\h, in cell at the east manipulator
  2073   Thursday, February 27, 2020, 16:08 Anders MjosNorth Hot-CellMaintenance  Hot Cell EntryChad entered the NHC today to tighten set-screws
on both slave side manipulators and re-align
the West side slave. Work took place using
  2215   Monday, May 03, 2021, 15:14 Frank SongITEMaintenance  High voltage test in ITE Anders and I prepared ITE high voltage
test in April 30 ( Friday morning), The MAA
is locked for this.
  2183   Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 14:30 David WangCoolingDevelopment  High active water system purgingHigh active water are purged to holding
tank at B2  level. There should be around
48 gallons are purged out of system. No purging
  85   Monday, April 16, 2012, 16:17 Bevan MossConditioning StationStandard OperationTM1No TargetHigh Voltage Test A high voltage test was completed
on a target free TM1 in the conditioning
station. Only the turbo pumps on the target
  764   Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 17:19 Anders MjosConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3No targetHigh Voltage ConditioningWednesday, October 14, 2014
 The BIAS voltage was brought
up between 1:30pm and 5pm. Sparks tripped
  829   Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 09:31 Anders MjosConditioning StationDevelopmentTM2 High Voltage ConditioningNo Source Tray installed. Loop on cooling
circuit D. All other circuits blanked off.
Voltages stated below are set point
ELOG V2.9.2-2455