Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 12:21, David Wang, ITE, Repair, TM4, UCx10, ITE TP4S is replaced 

ITE TP4S was broken down last night . I stopped the ITE pumps and vented station with Argon this morning. Edi and I replaced the broken pump with a new pump. The ITE is under roughing now.

Entry  Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 10:17, David Wang, ITE, Repair, , , ITE TP4 has been replaced 

Tony and I replaced the ITE TP4 turbo pump today. The pumping time on controller has been reset to 0. The replaced broken  pump is bagged and stored at west end of TH.

Entry  Friday, June 19, 2020, 11:21, David Wang, ITE, Repair, TM4, P2N test., ITE TP3 is replaced. 

ITE TP3 is replaced. ITE is under vacuum again. All turbo pumps are started successfully. Current draw on pumps are normal so far.

Entry  Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 14:24, David Wang, ITE, Repair, , , ITE TP3 
Hi all, The old  ITE TP3 pump is moved out and the new pump is  in postion .Since this time I used a new holding ring(1 piece) insead of old 2 pieces holding ring which are thicker than new ring, the old holding  bolts are a little bit too long for the thread holes on the  ITE exit 1. I have to find the right length bolts for this new holding ring. The pump is in position,and all connection are done except the holding bolts. I will put the new bolts on and tight them when I connect the TM4 in ITE next time. So, If I am not here at that time and you need to connect TM4 and start the pumps in ITE, please check all the bolts are tighted before you do anything.
Entry  Wednesday, May 07, 2014, 10:15, David Wang, ITE, Repair, TM3, , ITE TM3, entrance module and BL2A3 window flange seals leak check.. 

ITE TM3, entrance module, and 2A3 window flange seals have been leak checked this morning after 2 new seals replacement.The LD base leak rate was 0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec,  base pressure was 0.0 XE-4 Torr. I sprayed lots helium around the TM3, entrance module and 2A3 flange seals. No any response had been found on LD during the  spraying. All three flanges are sealed perfectly now.

Entry  Thursday, September 27, 2012, 09:13, David Wang, ITE, Repair, TM4, , ITE MSP water circuit flow wheel had been replaced  

ITE MSP water circuit flow wheel was replaced yesterday due to poor performance.

Entry  Wednesday, March 08, 2017, 14:09, David Wang, ITE, Maintenance, TM2, , ITE IG1S increasing. ITE_IGIS_surge.pngITE_IG1S_and_PNG4.pngITE_IG1S_back_to_normal_overnight.pngITE_IG1S_behavior_from_Feb_08th_to_Mar_10th.png

By retrieving data further, It has been found no directly relationship between IG1S surging and dump plug water opening. Vacuum surging is 10minutes ahead dump water supply to circuit. SEE attachment 1. Also, The ITE IG1S start to behavior unusual in middle of Feburary. See attachment 2. Today,  ITE IG1S is still slowly climbing up. I decide to leak check ITE vacuum vessel. Before  leak check, for more information and trouble shooting. I closed water supply to ITE to see if vacuum has response on it. I will return water supply to ITE  tomorrow morning.

Water supply to ITE is returned this afternoon at 2: 10 PM.  Everything works fine so far

I leak checked ITE secondary vessel vacuum. A leak have been found in March 09th noon which is located between entrance module and TM2 top tank flange o-ring seal( on tank flange). It could not be confirm on which side of the o-ring the leak is from.

During last night, ITE IG1S reading went back to normal low E-7 range and stays in this range now. So I leak checked same area again this morning. The leak disappeared now. The o-ring works sometime , but not all the time. The plan for this issue: Change ITE target module side o-ring when TM2 is move out., and watch on the ITE IG1s when TM4 is moved back to ITE and pumped down.

Entry  Wednesday, October 06, 2021, 10:42, David Wang, ITE, Repair, , , ITE IG1S cable end connector replacement 

ITE IG1S cable end connector replacement has been finished by Roy Huang.

Entry  Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 18:53, Grant Minor, ITE, Repair, , , ITE Harp 9 Removed & Blanked-Off - blocks NOT YET replaced 11x

The blocks above the pre-separator section of the ISAC beam lines were removed today in the Target Hall by Bevan Moss and Chad Fisher with Lynne LeMessurier present from RPG.

The two blocks in the layer below the top layer above the pre-separator were damaged on removal (see attached photos).  This was due to an attempt to lift them in the incorrect sequence caused by misinterpretation of the labeling / numbering system drawn on the top of the blocks.  The blocks are labelled for the replacement sequence, but not for the removal sequence.  An attempt was made to lift a block that had an overlap with an adjacent block that was not visible, causing damage to two blocks.  A note was added in black marker to the critical block to indicate that it should be removed last (shown in attached photo).  The block replacement sequence will be photographed and a procedure document will be written by Bevan, with a bound copy of the procedure provided in the Target Hall, in order to prevent such an incident from occurring again.  Broken pieces of the blocks were collected and placed in a 5-gallon pail.

The removal of all of the blocks caused the depression in the target station to fluctuate around the trip point (17 inches of water column), which caused the ventilation alarm to trip on and off constantly.  Operations contacted me to ask if this could be remedied.  Bevan closed the damper to ITW, which brought the depression to a low enough value so that the alarm could be defeated properly.  This was around 2pm.

Preliminary co-ordination of the ITE Harp 9 removal job was discussed by Scott Kellogg and Ron Kuramoto around lunch time.  Keith Ng (RH) and Scott searched for the blank-off that was used during the last Harp 9 repair (removed from B/L in March 2013) but they could not locate it.  I was later able to find the blank-off bagged in a grey rubbermaid bin at the bottom of the stairs in the target storage vault pit (under the SHC / NHC ventilation and filters).  The blank-off was found bagged and tagged as surveyed at 100 counts @ 0.5m on March 27, 2013.  I gathered Scott, Ron Kuramoto, and Danka Krsmanovic to co-ordinate the Harp 9 removal and blank-off installation, starting at around 2:30 pm.

For the Target Hall Harp work, Ron Kuramoto and Scott prepared the required tools and plastic coverings / bags.  I acted as crane operator.  Danka was the surveyor present.  Anders Mjos joined the group for photos and moral support.

Scott disconnected services from the Harp device, and prepared it for lift.  I called operations to confirm that the section of B/L had been vented.  Ron and Scott used the RH tools to disconnect the 2 vacuum flange bullet bolts.  Ron directed the crane with signals and I lowered the chain rigging to the Harp, it was connected and removed from the BL with the main hoist.  (I made the mistake of directing the rigging of the harp to the main 20T hoist, when in fact the 3T Aux hoist should have been used, as the main hoist can't reach to the vacuum / storage pit on the west side of the hall.)

Danka performed several swipes and measurements of the Harp after removal.  Alpha contamination was discovered on the bottom of the Harp flange.

Ron and Scott installed the blank-off flange, then I called operations to indicate that pumping should start.

Ron and Scott retrieved the vacuum test flask jig / support structure from the West storage pit and brought it down to the pre-separator pit.  I lowered the Harp into this flask jig, and Scott used the side-wall location bolts from the top of the harp assembly to fasten the flanges of the Harp and the jig.

I had trouble at first activating the Aux hoist but soon realized that it's necessary to press the Aux pendant "ON" button down for several seconds before the power actually turns on to this hoist.

We then removed the main hoist hook and attached the Aux hoist to the Harp / flask.  The assembly was transported to the West storage pit.

Some of the handrails had to be removed to facilitate initial movements of the Harp assembly.  These handrails should be replaced tomorrow morning.

Scott also submitted a Work Order for a back-up blank-off today, job number 40303.

The pre-separator blocks have NOT been replaced yet, we will do this tomorrow morning.

It was a busy day, thanks to all for their efforts and for staying a bit late to get the blank-off installed.

Best regards,


Entry  Friday, January 22, 2021, 12:34, David Wang, ITE, Standard Operation, , , ITE HV test. 

ITE annual HV test is done. No module in station. The bias power supply has been ramped up to 49KV on control page. We still have voltage limit issue on this PS at 48KV so it only can go to 47.7 KV on PS panel. No major spark during test.. The test result is same as last year test which was did in March 2020. 

Entry  Thursday, February 10, 2022, 12:42, David Wang, ITE, Standard Operation, , , ITE HV test woithout mdoule was done. 

Carla did the test. That is what she wrote in Feb 04th:  "I am done with the HV testing at ITE - the results were the same as at ITW. It stayed at 59kV for 30 mins with no issues. Trying to go above 59.5kV is probably possible but a bit more risky. ITE also has a band, from 54-56kV, where the current jumps around like crazy".

Entry  Wednesday, March 04, 2020, 11:52, David Wang, ITE, Standard Operation, , , ITE HV test without module 

ITE bias test is done to 48KV. No spark. We can not raise bias above 48KV. It looks like we have a current limit issue on control system when testing above 48KV.  John Cow checked current limit on PS locally. It is set to 8mA which is much higher than the test current. Isac operator issued an e-fault to control group.  

 John Chow did a local test on PS. Everything works fine.The problem is on control system. We have a 48KV voltage limit problem on control system. We decide to end the test now. 48KV is good enough before this year mini-shut down. 

Entry  Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 17:18, David Wang, ITE, Standard Operation, , , ITE 4 turbopumps are started for preoperation check.  

ITE TP3,4, 1S,and 4S were started successfully this afternoon. All pump current draws  were below 1.5A . IG1S was switched on. I have no local controller so TP1 and TP2 on TM4 at  MSP can not be checked.  IG1S was hard to switch on at first. It timed out and showed error 09 code. I removed the connector back cap, and it could be switched on after. I will look on this issue. 

Turbo -pumps were stopped  last night at  6 pm. All four pumps worked good during check. For IG1S switching on issue, the problem either caused by over pressure(No TP1, 2 in ITE)   or because coaxial cable was pinched by connector cap and caused bad contact on pin to cable.   I modified the connector cap inside by opening more space for cable passing through the cap. The cap is installed back.   The gauge will be switched on next week again. We keep watch on it

Entry  Monday, October 03, 2022, 14:28, Keith C Ng, Assembly/Bench Test, Maintenance, , , ITA2826 rev E assembly 

A fully built steerer sub assembly ITA2826 revision E was boxed and sealed and put on rack storage in ISAC B2 South Hot Cell area. It is contained in a blue bin and green tag. 

It is advised if this assembly is used, it should be inspected for damage before using in a source tray.

Entry  Friday, October 06, 2017, 11:21, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , ISAC-1 active sump drain pipe modified IMG_0513.jpgIMG_0516.jpgIMG_0517.jpg

The 4" PVC drain line in the ISAC-1 active sump was modified so that the drain pipe terminates below the low level water line of the automatic pump-out system.  This will prevent backflow of sump gasses into the SHC, NHC, or TCS space if the air pressure in any of those rooms are lower than the sump air pressure.  The details of the modification were specified by Mechanical Services Group, and the work was done by Paul Jensen.  This system is defined in drawing IAM19183.







Entry  Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 19:35, Grant Minor, Crane, Repair, , , ISAC Target Hall Crane - West Hoist Brake Rattle 

Below is a report on the ISAC Target Hall crane brake issue observed yesterday and addressed today:


- On April 13th, both the East and West hoist brake assemblies were replaced by Gordon Crane & Hoist, after David observed a burning smell

- The East assembly was replaced with a completely new brake assembly from Kone crane

- The West assembly was replaced with a refurbished assembly, which used the East assembly housing fitted with a rebuild kit by Gordon Crane


- Yesterday while preparing TM3 for a lift, David noticed a vibration / rattle sound coming from the West hoist brake

- This issue was only observed when starting the hoist from a complete stop, at the slowest possible upwards hoist speed

- Once the hoist speed increased, the sound went away, even after returning to a slower speed


- Tom from Gordon Crane & Hoist came in this morning at 7am and replaced the new West assembly with the original West assembly, which had at that point also been fitted with a rebuild kit at Gordon Crane’s shop

- Tom also inspected the East brake assembly again

- Tom commented that he had issues setting the right gap between the friction plates and the brake rotor – too close and the brake would not release properly, too far and the brake rattle issue would be observed

- He also commented that during this most recent repair of the West brake, he applied never seize to the shaft and spline to ensure that this friction point was not an issue


- After Tom finished his repair and inspection of the brakes, David attempted a test lift of an SEG block (10 ton) at the slowest lift speed

- The rattle noise coming from the West brake was still observed

- Travis also tested the slowest speed in Remote Test mode from the control room, with David and Grant present in the Target Hall, the rattle was also still observed


- Tom advised that the rattle would not affect the safety of the hoist, and no damage would be done to the brake assemblies by running the hoist normally with the rattle noise

- Tom ensured that he would consult with Aiden and they would likely order a brand new West brake assembly from Kone

- Tom called Aiden Gordon to confirm that it was ok to proceed

- Aiden called me around 1:30pm and left a message that the slow speed rattle sound was benign and that we could proceed with normal operations, but he would definitely address the problem moving forward, and we should standby for his report


Photos and video have been uploaded to Docushare.  The hoist noise before the repair and after the repair during the test lifts can be heard in the videos.




Thanks and regards,





Grant Minor, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.

TRIUMF Remote Handling Group Leader

Nuclear Engineer

4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

BC, Canada, V6T2A3


(604) 222-7359


Entry  Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 11:10, Grant Minor, Crane, Maintenance, , , ISAC THall Crane 100% / 125% Load Test Documentation - 2011 ISAC_TH_Crane_Load_Test_Norelco_Sept_30_2011.pdfIMG_8722.JPGIMG_8752.JPGIMG_8735.JPGIMG_8745.JPG

The ISAC Target Hall Crane was load tested and re-certified in January 2011 prior to doing a near-capacity lift for the North Hot Cell roof structure (IRH1112E).

Photos and documentation from Norelco is attached.

- Grant

Entry  Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 12:39, Eric Lahe, Spent Target Vault, Repair, , , ISAC Storage Vault Re-alignment Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf


ISAC Storage Vault Door Re-alignment (April-May 2024) 


  • Rollers gouging and marking on roller supports, testing shows door shifts at least 185 thou on structural beam when fully open vs. fully closed
  • door misaligned: 1/4" laterally, slight rotation (~1/16" difference across closed door gap).



  • Moved left structural beam (facing front of door) inward 1/4" at post.
  • Loosened drive system to shift door over via crane to average laterally (1/8" shift) towards center,
  • Attempted to fix door rotation with crane, door would not settle down perfectly flush, but got slight improvement 
  • Adjusted limit switches for fully open and closed (due to the adjustments made previously, needed to realign limit switches) - adjusted flag for final close back by ~1/4"; adjusted limit switch at back of vault forward ~1/4" 



  • Unloaded vault door actuation tested multiple times with no issues, door returned to same position every cycle, no interferences during travel
  • Vault Door actuation tested with trays 4 and 6 engaged, no issues
  • All pails accessible when open
  • Tested open and closed limit switches: the open limit switches are working properly; the closing soft and hard limit switches are slightly close together, causing the door to just "bump" the vault when closing, The scale of this is OK for current operation, will be adjusted when the ISAC Target Hall Controls Overhaul is done
  • Tested and reset Emergency override mechanism - works properly


Outstanding Tasks

  • Will paint marks on structural supports to track if problem reoccurs - update ELog when complete 


System State: Operational

See attached file for details



Entry  Friday, October 11, 2024, 15:59, Aaron Tam, Facilities, Repair, , , ISAC B2 North Hot Cell Phone Fixed 

 Resolution comment / Commentaire de résolution:

     Fixed issue by changing patch cord that was connected to the switch from patch panel.

Emile V

Entry  Tuesday, August 15, 2017, 12:10, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , ISAC Active Sump low water level measured 

The ISAC active sump in the Active Service Room (#002 on B2 level) was pumped out yesterday using the standard procedure (Section 5.5.2 of the ISAC Operators' Manual, V1.0).  The procedure makes use of the auto stop feature of the pump-out system which stops when a low level float switch is triggered.  The water level was measured after pumping stopped, and was found to be approximately 21" above the base of the sump.  A new section of pipe will be added to the 4" drain line in the sump to move the drain opening below the low level water line so that air in the sump is not pulled into the drain network (which could end up in the NHC or TCS space).

ELOG V2.9.2-2455