Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 105 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
  ID Date Author Category Type Moduledown Target/Number Subject Text Attachments
  823   Monday, December 15, 2014, 15:55 Grant MinorConditioning StationRepair  Access to ISAC TCS TK2 Expansion Tank - Fall ArrestHello all,

Access was required this morning to
  831   Thursday, January 08, 2015, 10:34 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellStandard Operation  TM2 Tray Build Status and ProblemsFinal assembly of the source tray for TM2
was started this morning.
Sliding tray was received from keensert
  840   Friday, February 06, 2015, 08:06 David WangCraneRepair  TH crane lost movement controls since last Friday.Last Friday, During the crane per use check,
I found the main power supply to to crane
was shut off. I was told   Don and Travis
  841   Friday, February 06, 2015, 12:27 David WangCraneRepair  TH crane troubleshoot Gordon crane technician started TH crane
trouble shooting this morning. The problem
is found that there is no 115VAC power supply
  842   Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 13:13 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  New gas bottle storage rackThe new gas bottle storage rack has been
installed by/for the south hot cell.
  844   Monday, February 16, 2015, 11:57 David WangCraneRepair  TH craneDave.Morris installed a new battery on
crane control PLC board and uploaded the
program. Travis, Dan and I tested the crane
  845   Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 13:06 Anders MjosITEDevelopment  Resistance measured of TGHT and TBHT lines to ITEThe copper bars was installed by David
and Anders. After the measurements were completed,
the copper bars were removed.
  846   Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 13:07 Anders MjosITWDevelopment  Resistance measured of TGHT and TBHT lines to ITW See e-log entry
for ITE for details. The copper bars have
not been removed. They can be used for testing
  847   Monday, February 23, 2015, 12:28 David WangITEMaintenance  2015 shut down coils and pedal wheels replacement on ITE water flow sensors.Dan and I replaced pedal wheels and coils
on ITE water flow sensors. It is a shut down
job we did every two years. See attachment
  848   Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 10:44 David WangITWMaintenance  2015 shut dwon ITW water sensor coils and pedal wheels replacementDan and I replaced pedal wheels and coils
on ITW water flow sensors. It  is a shut
down job we did every two years. See attachment
  849   Thursday, February 26, 2015, 09:22 David WangITWStandard Operation  TH Shut Down Activities Schedule Feb 23th- Mar 25thTH shut down activities schedule from Feb
23th-March 25th. The schedule will be updated
each week. See attachment 1.
  850   Friday, February 27, 2015, 09:34 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  Hot cell Entry February 25 2015See attached report.
Radio problems just before entry
  853   Thursday, March 05, 2015, 07:17 David WangITWStandard Operation  TH Shut Down Activities Schedule Feb 23th- Apr 15th updateTH shut down jobs are processing as scheduled
this week. Discussed with Don, and we think
the jobs scheduled in next week should be
  854   Thursday, March 05, 2015, 14:30 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellDevelopment  Dissection BoxBox for dissecting targets almost complete.
Should be done tomorrow.
  855   Monday, March 09, 2015, 09:42 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellDevelopment  Hot Cell Table Swiping3 swipes of the south hot cell table were
taken from the target hall through the roof
hatch (2 standard, 1 alpha).
  861   Friday, March 13, 2015, 13:36 Travis CaveSpent Target VaultStandard Operation ThO#1Spent Target MoveThe ThO#1 has been placed in the storage
vault placed in pail #122 in spot 2B of the
vault. It was 6.2mSv/hr upon removal from
  864   Tuesday, March 17, 2015, 10:33 Travis CaveSpent Target VaultStandard Operation UC#11Spent Target MoveThe spent UC#11 has benn moved from the
south hot cell to the spent target vault.
See attached PDF for details.
  865   Friday, March 20, 2015, 13:37 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellDevelopment  TM2 Optics TrayFinal assembly and alignment of TM2 optics
tray continued today. Front section is "aligned".
  866   Monday, March 23, 2015, 07:56 David WangITEStandard Operation  TH Shut Down Activities Schedule Feb 23th- Apr 15th updateThis schedule is following Dons schedule
on module moves. See attachments for updating.
2015-03-27: Weekly update the schedule.
  867   Monday, March 23, 2015, 14:03 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellStandard Operation Ta#45Ta#45 inserted into hot cellTa#45 has been inserted into the hot cell.
Swipe taken of inner tool port area: 100000
ELOG V2.9.2-2455