Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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ID Date Authordown Category Type Subject
  4   Friday, February 17, 2012, 15:07 Don JacksonTrolleyRepairVideo Trolley Failed in Cyclotron Tank

All control to the video trolley was lost during remote photographing of components in the cyclotron. The control system and cameras on the trolley were still operational leading to the suspicion that a power cable was broken either on the trolley or the bridge festooning. Two trips into the tank were made to evaluate the problem and attempt to push the trolley out of the tank. Pushing the trolley only managed to move the trolley a few feet before jamming. A lift mechanism was used to raise the drive wheel without any success. This device was modified and used successfully to remove trolley completely from the tank.

Three trips by two persons were required to remove the trolley. There was a total dose of 0.5 mSv was received by the two persons going into the tank. An additional 0.18mSv was receive by 3 persons outside of the tank.
The trolley will not be used in the cyclotron until the problem is diagnosed and repaired. This trolley is not critical to any upcoming remote handling operations.
Attachment 1: Stuck_Video_Trolley_Feb_17_2012_005.jpg
Attachment 2: Stuck_Video_Trolley_Feb_17_2012_001.jpg
  19   Friday, March 15, 2013, 08:39 Don JacksonCyclotronStandard OperationPre Lid Down In Tank Video Survey

In tank survey completed.  A few items of interest were found.  Ladders need to moved manually outboard to #5 resonators and the items noted in attached document need to be addressed.

Attachment 1: Pre_Lid_Down_Survey_2013.pdf
Pre_Lid_Down_Survey_2013.pdf Pre_Lid_Down_Survey_2013.pdf
  108   Friday, February 02, 2018, 14:14 Don JacksonTrolleyRepairOvercurrent on radial drive motor


Lower resonator trolley radial motor overcurrent was causing control system to drop out momentarily.  All controlled devices acted as expected and reverted to their fail-safe mode.  When system restarted 1-2 seconds later, all solenoids returned to their previous positions.

The cause was eventually traced to an unusual operation of the trolley.  In an attempt to limit trolley motion the drive switch on the control panel was repeatedly “tapped” in a rapid fashion.  This did not allow the motor to slow down enough to allow the starter winding to kick in which allowed large in-rush current.  The current was enough to load down the entire system including the power supply for the trolley controls, which caused the controls drop-out.

Later the same effect was observed to a lesser extent on the upper resonator trolley which used identical motors and controls.

Proposed solution is to either to limit large inrush current or preferably to replace the existing motor with a DC motor and controller.  A DC motor has the added benefit of now allowing true speed control.



No attempt is being made to modify the system until after the shutdown.  All trolley operators are being instructed to not use this method to attempt to control positioning of the trolley.  It is unlikely that it would help in positioning even if the system could handle the current overload.

  43   Monday, April 28, 2014, 10:20 Dan McDonaldService BridgeMaintenanceBridge orbit reduction box

Noticed oil leaking out of reduction box, scan and swipe, disconnect e motor and all related cables from bridge, remove motor and reduction box assembly with over head crane, disassemble reduction box, grease broken down and separated likely cause of leak. Inspect bearings and internals for wear -all good

re assemble with new grease and gaskets (we added two grease nipples to the bearing housing to aid lubrication), test e motor on its own- good. Mount motor and box as unit adjust chain for tension and final test - good

  45   Friday, July 04, 2014, 07:21 Dan McDonaldElevation JackStandard OperationCyclotron lid down July-2- 2014

Cyclotron lid down was successfully completed on July 2 2014. Lid went partially down before jack nine had to be jogged to catch up to system. After thirty min of continual system trips Maico Dalla Valle and I Jogged all stations to 42745. Still encountering continual system trips Gord Roy and Dan Louie removed and reset all relays in system, lid proceeded to lower with out problem. Final jack position recording done at 19:45.



Jack   Start Finish  Jog 1   All jacks reset to 42745 from these positions    
1   47366 44     42755            
2   47399 46     42739   Lid down start 18:32      
3   47354 42     42746   Jack reset at 19:00      
4   47398 46     42738   Finished at 19:45      
5   47372 45     42754            
6   47395 44     42744            
7   47372 46     42751            
8   47390 42     42732            
9   47390 46 42755/42739 42739            
10   47397 48 42741   42741            
11   47370 48     42741            
12   47396 48     42743            
  56   Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 07:10 Dan McDonaldTrolleys servicedMaintenancePre shut down trolley service

Routine maintenance as per Mike Gallop's written procedure took place in December with the only non routine service being the changing of shaft seals on Vacuum trolley drive reduction box.

Trolleys maintained - Lift trolley

                                     - Vacuum trolley / Tool trolley

                                     - Camera trolley

                                     - Upper resonator trolley


  65   Friday, March 27, 2015, 07:31 Dan McDonaldCyclotronRepairLid up operations

Lid up recap for  March 26th 2015.

Start time 14:50        Master- 33                               Finish 15:25        Master -47413             Zero jogs to system.

  • 1- 36                                                                47386                                                          
  • 2-38                                                                 47378
  • 3-33                                                                 47374                                                       
  • 4-36                                                                 47382
  • 5-36                                                                 47394
  • 6-36                                                                 47385
  • 7-37                                                                 47398
  • 8-33                                                                 47373
  • 9-38                                                                 47395
  • 10-38                                                               47395
  • 11-38                                                               47395
  • 12-36                                                               47393


  67   Thursday, April 02, 2015, 12:09 Dan McDonaldCyclotronStandard OperationLid Down operations April, 2, 2015

Lid down Start at 11:17, lid went down without any issues or stop's. Lid finish at 11:45



Start count              Finish count

1- 47386                   47

2- 47378                   49

3- 47374                   45

4- 47382                   46

5- 47394                   47

6- 47385                   48

7- 47398                   49

8- 47375                   45

9- 47395                   50

10- 47395                 49

11- 47395                  51

12- 47393                 49

  69   Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 11:47 Dan McDonaldTrolleyMaintenanceCamera trolley service

Serviced the Camera trolley this morning as per Mike Gallops service outline.

  77   Wednesday, February 03, 2016, 08:16 Dan McDonaldCyclotronStandard OperationCyclotron lid up

Lid up procedure Started at  12:00pm. Initial numbers. # 1-47,2-49,3-45,4-47,5-47,6-47,7-49,8-45,9-50,10-50,11-51,12-49. After a number of unsuccessful attempts at jogging the system and trouble shooting it was decided to suspend operations record numbers  and resume on Feb 2nd. Final numbers for Feb 1st #1-1289,2-1297,3-1288,4-1295,5-1283,6-1298,7-1287,8-1289,9-1290,10-1296,11-1287,12-1296.


Feb 2nd commence lid up operations at 11:30 am .When Maico Dalla Valle and my self arrived Dan Louie and Arther Leung had attempted to trouble shoot elevating issues and lowered the lid in hopes that raising would be smoother . The counter numbers on our arrival where as follows station   # 1-2856,2-2858,3-2848,4-2857,5-2855,6-2861,7-2856,8-2857,9-2852,10-2862,11-2860,12-2859. After Discussion between Grant Minor, Dan Louie and all involved it was decided to lower the lid re gap the yokes and reset counters to base numbers ensuring they correlated with master synchro. lowered lid numbers #1-55,2-59,3-55,4-57,5-57,6-54,7-50,8-54,9-59,10-59,11-58,12-59.

At this point we re gapped to .250" with counters at #1-119,2-177,3-123,4-144,5-137,6-120,7-123,8-111,9-127,10-148,11-128,12-117. After comparison with Dan L and the Master Synchro, stations #2,3,4,5,10 where jogged to better match the average on the counters and synchro these stations where put at 120 on the station counters. Once this was completed we started final lid up operations stopping at 5" to check tank seal, once it was confirmed the seal was not sticking we continued uninterrupted  to final lid up position. #1-16947,2-47366,3-47351,4-47365,5-47362,6-47365,7-17495,8-47358,9-47360,10-47366,11-47362,12-47363. Counters #1 #7 appear to be failing, they will be changed out and indexed to match as needed.


Attachment 1: lid_up_2016.pdf
  87   Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 13:56 Dan McDonaldCyclotronStandard OperationLid Down 2016

Lid down Started at 12:15, station and count numbers. Lid went down with out incident as station 1 and 7 show the counters will need replacing. We are going to change counters before the end of this shutdown to ensure proper orientation in case of emergency lid up scenario. 

Start          12:15                   Finish    13:15                 Master #47383   Master final 38


1-16047                    76303

2-47366                           44

3-47351                          41  

4-47365                          43

5-47362                          42

6-47365                          43

7-17495                  49568

8-47358                         40

9-47360                          44

10-47366                       44

11-47362                        45

12-47393                      43

  89   Thursday, June 30, 2016, 13:47 Dan McDonaldTrolleyMaintenanceLift trolley

Maintenance has been performed on the lift trolley, re sealed the main drive gear box it was quite dry inside and in need of new seals and lubrication. Inspected the vertical gear box and resealed it, re tensioned  the vertical drive chain after removing gear box and finding since last year the chain had become somewhat slack causing it to rub on the frame. Purchased a new LED light bar to replace the aging and failing flourescent light that was in place. greased all pillow block bearings and replaced old Zerk ( grease nipple) on some bearings to allow for easier lubrication.

  90   Wednesday, September 14, 2016, 11:30 Dan McDonaldElevation JackMaintenanceJack station 10B

Annual jack maintenance : Jack 10b upon inspection it was found that the output shaft seal on 10b was in need of replacement. In past years RH personal had to remove a LoveJoy coupling which required cutting of the coupler due to galling and possible interference tolerances being out. We sourced sample split seals from Motion Canada that can be installed with out coupling removal we will install and monitor to determine the effectiveness and the possibility of converting all jack stations to this seal design . Attached are pictures of old seal style, new style seal, worm, wheel housing, current coupling on shaft, old coupling that has been cut off and various components. The jack components appear to be in good working order, no extra ordinary maintenance needs to be performed besides seal replacement. 

Attachment 1: IMG_1240.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_1241.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_1243.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_1244.JPG
Attachment 5: IMG_1245.JPG
Attachment 6: IMG_1246.JPG
Attachment 7: IMG_1247.JPG
Attachment 8: IMG_1251.JPG
Attachment 9: IMG_1254.JPG
Attachment 10: IMG_1255.JPG
Attachment 11: IMG_1256.JPG
Attachment 12: IMG_1257.JPG
Attachment 13: IMG_1258.JPG
Attachment 14: IMG_1259.JPG
  112   Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 07:18 Dan McDonaldElevation JackMaintenanceStation 11-12 jack swap and hoist plate instal

Prior to commencing work on jacking stations we installed a wall mounted come along plate as per Jason kapalkas instructions   Completed spare jack swap on station 11 and 12, station 11 was swapped with spare set # 13 and station 12 now has # 14 jack set in its place. Once jack stations where swapped we proceeded to clean, inspect and re grease 11-12 upper bearings.

  115   Thursday, January 30, 2020, 06:55 Dan McDonaldCyclotronStandard OperationLid up operations

Lid up operations took place on January 21st starting at 10:25 lid went up without issue. Couple things to note are station 11 had a number of spikes in the first ten inches of travel and number five had a couple in the first five inches of travel. We will monitor these stations and perform maintenance as needed. Station three which has spares #13 saw above normal heat generation in the right side High field gear box, we will investigate next week.


Attachment 1: lid_up_2020.xlsx
  120   Saturday, April 04, 2020, 09:47 Dan McDonaldCyclotronStandard OperationLid down operations

Lid down operations for 2019/2020 shutdown went ahead as planned on March 10th 2020 with Dan Louie and Arthur Leung absent due to a conference. Please see attached file for station counter numbers. Station two right side Highfield gear box was making intermittent growling from outboard bearing, this station is next on scheduled maintenance and will be inspected post removal next shutdown. Station 3 has spare jack set 13 in place, using Operations thermal camera we where able  to observe higher than normal running temperatures from right side gear box. Upon removal next year we will investigate bearing end play tolerances as this is the suspected cause of heat.

Attachment 1: lid_down_2020.xlsx
  121   Saturday, April 04, 2020, 10:03 Dan McDonaldTrolleyDevelopmentAddition of DC motor controller mounts

Upper and lower resonator trolleys received mounting plates and brackets to accommodate DC motor controls for updated drive motors.

  122   Sunday, April 05, 2020, 13:24 Dan McDonaldElevation JackMaintenanceElevating system station swap 2019-2020

Station 11-12 where swapped for station 13-14 during 2018-2019 shutdown. Once lock out and motor disconnect was complete we commenced removal of spares and installation of original equipment. Station 13 was swapped in for station 3 and the upper bearing was serviced.  In addition to regular maintenance we built and installed a cover for the void in between station 10-11, this void in shielding measured approx 2'x4'. RH borrowed a demo Milwaukee 1' cordless impact from Motion industries. Our goal in trying this tool was to compare break out force between it and a pneumatic 1' impact in the hopes of removing all pneumatic tooling from our elevating system work. We tried it against a number of bolts and found it comparable with a 75% weight savings. In the past number of years we have made investments in tooling, equipment and safety gear in the drive to remove hazards and mitigate risks.

  32   Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 15:08 Bevan MossCyclotronStandard OperationShielding and Port Hole Covers

 The Shielding and the Port Hole Covers have all been installed. No issues with the installation have caused any problems. This orbit, radial, and vertical read back continues to be an issue.

  36   Friday, February 21, 2014, 11:05 Bevan MossCyclotronStandard OperationOld Monitor Box Removed, New installed

 One of the beam spill monitor boxes was removed and placed into a lead coffin. The fields around the coffin prior to the monitor being placed in were 145 uSv/hr just above the box and 33.5 uSv/hr inside of it. A swipe was taken inside the box at this time and a count of zero was found. The tray for the monitor box was then placed into the coffin and the monitor removed from the cyclotrons. The field above the coffin with the monitor box was 1.0 Sv/hr. Safety hinted that it may be possible to put this in the decay storage tunnel. The copper block was then returned to the coffin. The fields above the the coffin were now 9 Sv/hr. The lid was returned to the coffin and returned to it storage place. The new monitor box was then installed into the Cyclotron. The box only hung up on the pins once and there was some slight difficulties unlatching. From previous experience once fully unlatched a slight tap in the latch direction seems to allow it to release easier.  Overall the installation was considered very smooth. 

Attachment 1: IMG_1346.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_1345.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_1344.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_1343.JPG
Attachment 5: IMG_1342.JPG
Attachment 6: IMG_1341.JPG
Attachment 7: IMG_1339.JPG
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