Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 07:10, Dan McDonald, Trolleys serviced, Maintenance, Pre shut down trolley service 

Routine maintenance as per Mike Gallop's written procedure took place in December with the only non routine service being the changing of shaft seals on Vacuum trolley drive reduction box.

Trolleys maintained - Lift trolley

                                     - Vacuum trolley / Tool trolley

                                     - Camera trolley

                                     - Upper resonator trolley


Entry  Friday, March 15, 2013, 08:39, Don Jackson, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Pre Lid Down In Tank Video Survey Pre_Lid_Down_Survey_2013.pdf

In tank survey completed.  A few items of interest were found.  Ladders need to moved manually outboard to #5 resonators and the items noted in attached document need to be addressed.

Entry  Thursday, January 16, 2014, 08:46, maicodallavalle, Trolleys serviced, Maintenance, Pre Cyclotron work servicing and checking 

This is a list of all the trolleys and other equipment witch were checked and serviced prior to work in the Cyclotron.

- Video Trolley cleaned and checked (no adjustments needed)

-Lift Trolley cleaned and checked (no adjustments needed)

- Left Outrigger cleaned and checked

 All of the bearings in the festooning wheels  were changed.

  Drive chain needed adjustment. (modification to wheel mounting bracket so that chain could be adjusted)

-Right Outrigger cleaned and checked

 All of the bearings in the festooning wheels were changed.

 Drive chain needed adjustment. (modification to wheel mounting bracket so that the chain could be adjusted)

-Tool Trolley cleaned and checked

 One of the support wheels was checked and found to be out of alignment. (an adjustment was made to correct the problem) 

-Upper Resonator Trolley cleaned and checked (no adjustments needed)

-Service Bridge cleaned and checked

  Center post mount was rotated by hand. (no adjustment needed)

-Service Bridge Carrier cleaned and checked

 The two hydraulic cylinders witch lift the Service Bridge into the Cyclotron leaked last year.They were rebuilt last year and are not leaking.

 The two drive chains witch run the Carrier North and South were found to be too tight. (an adjustment was made to correct the problem)



Entry  Monday, February 03, 2020, 11:06, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Development, Porthole Cover Handling Tool - Initial Test Report IMG_20200128_114901.jpg
The suction-cup based porthole cover handling tool (TRH1366) was tested for the first time inside the cyclotron as part of the regular porthole cover moving task (Jan. 29, 2020). The tool was operated by Adam Newsome and Travis Cave.

All functionality worked as expected (compliance, sensors, suction, blowoff). Camera views were sufficient. No changes were suggested by any of the operators or spectators. The tool will be used again when removing porthole covers towards the end of 2020 shutdown.

Overall, this test was deemed a success, and the tool a suitable replacement for the existing system.
Entry  Friday, February 02, 2018, 14:14, Don Jackson, Trolley, Repair, Overcurrent on radial drive motor 


Lower resonator trolley radial motor overcurrent was causing control system to drop out momentarily.  All controlled devices acted as expected and reverted to their fail-safe mode.  When system restarted 1-2 seconds later, all solenoids returned to their previous positions.

The cause was eventually traced to an unusual operation of the trolley.  In an attempt to limit trolley motion the drive switch on the control panel was repeatedly “tapped” in a rapid fashion.  This did not allow the motor to slow down enough to allow the starter winding to kick in which allowed large in-rush current.  The current was enough to load down the entire system including the power supply for the trolley controls, which caused the controls drop-out.

Later the same effect was observed to a lesser extent on the upper resonator trolley which used identical motors and controls.

Proposed solution is to either to limit large inrush current or preferably to replace the existing motor with a DC motor and controller.  A DC motor has the added benefit of now allowing true speed control.



No attempt is being made to modify the system until after the shutdown.  All trolley operators are being instructed to not use this method to attempt to control positioning of the trolley.  It is unlikely that it would help in positioning even if the system could handle the current overload.

Entry  Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 10:35, Riley Sykes, Trolleys serviced, Maintenance, Outriggers 1 and 2 Service 

 1,2 and 5 Year service completed. Vertical ball screws and chains inspected and regreased with Chemours Krytox EG 2000 suitable for vacuum and clean room situations. Mechanically sound, will do a once over before next shutdown period.

Entry  Friday, May 31, 2024, 11:28, Riley Sykes, Service Bridge, Maintenance, Outrigger mechanical inspection 

 Both outriggers were inspected and were found to be mechanically sound. No damage to components or hardware visible, will revisit with pre-inspection before shutdown period 2025.

Entry  Thursday, October 31, 2019, 14:31, Adam Newsome, Service Bridge, Repair, Outrigger 2 Vertical Drive Repair 

Outrigger 2 vertical drive repair is complete - ball screws were replaced to resolve a jamming issue (this work was done in the summer).

The outrigger has been recalibrated and all limit switches and feedback signals tested. All ranges of motion were tested multiple times as well.

It has been reinstalled on the bridge and is ready for service for 2020 shutdown.

Entry  Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 12:02, Nadia Jorgenson, Service Bridge, Repair, Outrigger 1 Failure and Repair Outrigger_1_Repair_2023.png


During the 2023 shutdown outrigger 1 failed. While performing the HE Probe removal we found that the outrigger could only travel vertically about one inch in each direction.


Upon further inspection we found that the linear bearings had been pulled off the ball screws. And 2/3 of the ball screws had been bent. Additionally one of the linear bearings broke and was missing some of the balls, the parts were later found inside the tank.


The event that caused the failure is unknown, but one guess is that while the outrigger was in the home position the shoulder joint was opened before the elbow joint.


The outrigger was repaired on March 21st, using parts from the old outrigger. After the shutdown the parts should be replaced again with new parts. Additionally it was observed that the linear bearings are quite old so they should be replaced on outrigger 2 also.  See photo for details on which parts where repairs or replaced.


Update 2023-09-01: Both outrigger 1 and 2 had the linear bearings replaced with brand new bearings. Note that the same brand and part number was used (Thomson super-12-OPN ball bushing), however the quality of the new ones seems to have decreased and likely will not last as long as the previous ones. It is recommended that we review if they need to be replaced again in 5-10 years. 

Entry  Thursday, September 07, 2023, 13:21, Jason Zhang, Service Bridge, Development, Outrigger #1 and #2 individual testing complete 

Outrigger #1 and #2 have had their controls system overhauled as part of the O503 project. The previous controls enclosure and the elements have been replaced with a new aluminum enclosure which contains DIN rail relays, a 5V power supply, and a +-12V Power supply. The new centrepost slave PLC unit handles the control logic of OR1, OR2, the Bridge and is connected to the main PLC in the control room through Ethernet. Both outriggers were tested individually.

Systems Tested:

Vertical Drive - Up, Down, 5V Position (Inches) Potentiometer

Radial Drive - In, Out, Encoder (Inches) 

Shoulder Drive - Home, Out, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg) 

Elbow Drive - Home, Out, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg) 

Wrist Drive - Pan Left, Pan Right, Tilt Up, Tilt Down, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg)

Camera - Zoom In, Zoom Out, Focus Near, Focus Far

Testing Methodology:

We used the control panel which the Outrigger operator will be using during shutdown to confirm that the buttons translate to correct movements of each individual system. Direction control for the motors is done with relay switching of 24V to flip the polarity applied to the motors. +-12V is used for the zoom focus control of the HCZ-6320N camera. Correct movements was observed for both outriggers.

Position feedback was calibrated by adjusting the potentiometer's voltage to 2.5V at the mid point and spanned from 0V at low end to 5V at high end. Correct positions for both outriggers was observed on the HMI screen.

Next Steps

Testing the bridge orbit drive, orbit encoder, centrepost camera, centrepost light, both OR1 and OR2 simultaneously.

Entry  Thursday, October 25, 2012, 13:58, maicodallavalle, Service Bridge, Maintenance, Orbit Drive 

It was observed during the last time the Cyclotron service bridge was used the orbit drive chain had a lot of slack. The drive motor had to be shimmed to tighten the slack in the chain. 

Entry  Tuesday, January 05, 2016, 09:58, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Opened the shield door 

The shield door on the B2 level has been opened.

Entry  Friday, February 21, 2014, 11:05, Bevan Moss, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Old Monitor Box Removed, New installed 7x

 One of the beam spill monitor boxes was removed and placed into a lead coffin. The fields around the coffin prior to the monitor being placed in were 145 uSv/hr just above the box and 33.5 uSv/hr inside of it. A swipe was taken inside the box at this time and a count of zero was found. The tray for the monitor box was then placed into the coffin and the monitor removed from the cyclotrons. The field above the coffin with the monitor box was 1.0 Sv/hr. Safety hinted that it may be possible to put this in the decay storage tunnel. The copper block was then returned to the coffin. The fields above the the coffin were now 9 Sv/hr. The lid was returned to the coffin and returned to it storage place. The new monitor box was then installed into the Cyclotron. The box only hung up on the pins once and there was some slight difficulties unlatching. From previous experience once fully unlatched a slight tap in the latch direction seems to allow it to release easier.  Overall the installation was considered very smooth. 

    Reply  Friday, February 21, 2014, 15:58, Bevan Moss, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Old Monitor Box Removed, New installed 

During the electrical test the was no contact.  To help investigate further the Montitor box was removed from the Cyclotron. It was found to have zero counts. The issue is believed to have to do with the fit of the box but confirmation of the writing harness continuity needs to be completed. This will continue on Monday. 


Bevan Moss wrote:

 One of the beam spill monitor boxes was removed and placed into a lead coffin. The fields around the coffin prior to the monitor being placed in were 145 uSv/hr just above the box and 33.5 uSv/hr inside of it. A swipe was taken inside the box at this time and a count of zero was found. The tray for the monitor box was then placed into the coffin and the monitor removed from the cyclotrons. The field above the coffin with the monitor box was 1.0 Sv/hr. Safety hinted that it may be possible to put this in the decay storage tunnel. The copper block was then returned to the coffin. The fields above the the coffin were now 9 Sv/hr. The lid was returned to the coffin and returned to it storage place. The new monitor box was then installed into the Cyclotron. The box only hung up on the pins once and there was some slight difficulties unlatching. From previous experience once fully unlatched a slight tap in the latch direction seems to allow it to release easier.  Overall the installation was considered very smooth. 


Entry  Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 12:35, Jason Zhang, Service Bridge, Development, O503 Bridge and Outrigger integration testing 

 Service bridge, Outrigger #1, and Outrigger #2 have had the controls system migrated to PLC controls. The 5069-AENTR control unit is located at the centrepost and will be mounted there after wiring is cleaned up. Preliminary testing consisted of operators simulating a shutdown task was performed today and was a success. Minor adjustments to the encoder logic will be made before the commissioning test. The follow tests were done: 

PLC box:

Check Relays toggling over correctly. 


Radial In/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate

Vertical Up/Down & HMI Feedback Accurate

Shoulder Home/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate

Elbow Home/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate

Pan CW/CCW & HMI Feedback Accurate

Tilt Up/Down & HMI Feedback Accurate

Cameras Zoom/Focus

4 movements at once

Random camera restart noted (could be tied to grounding issue. will further investigate)


Radial In/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate (Encoder Swap direction)

Vertical Up/Down & HMI Feedback Accurate

Shoulder Home/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate

Elbow Home/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate

Pan CW/CCW & HMI Feedback Accurate

Tilt Up/Down & HMI Feedback Accurate

Cameras Zoom/Focus

4 movements at once


Orbital Motor & Encoder HMI Feedback (Orbital Motor controls using Outrigger CP only active when ORs not selected) (set range to 0 to 360 same direction)

Centerpost Camera PTZF


Speed Control

Vid Trolley:

Test operating video trolley with bridge controls and outriggers

Top/Bot LED

Implement radial speed control using pot


Entry  Monday, November 09, 2020, 09:17, Adam Newsome, Infrastructure, Development, New crane pendant: B2 level crane 

A new remote crane pendant was installed to replace the existing wired pendant on the B2 level of Remote Handling building (basement area - vault access). Two remote pendants exist (spare). The previously used pendant will be kept, at least temporarily, as a backup if needed.

The pendant was installed by M. Faragher, and tested by M. Faragher and T. Cave. It is fully functional.

TRIUMF Work Request 5684 describes the upgrade in more detail.

Entry  Thursday, November 05, 2020, 15:38, Adam Newsome, Infrastructure, Development, New crane pendant: B1 level crane 

A new remote crane pendant was installed to replace the existing wired pendant on the B1 level of Remote Handling building (electrical lab). Two remote pendants exist (spare). The previously used pendant will be kept, at least temporarily, as a backup if needed.

The pendant was installed by M. Faragher, and tested by M. Faragher, A. Newsome, and T. Cave. It is fully functional.

TRIUMF Work Request 5684 describes the upgrade in more detail.

Entry  Friday, July 28, 2023, 12:05, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Development, Maintenance ladders: end caps added PXL_20230728_184520962.jpg

The original end feet and end caps were removed from the maintenance ladders and replaced by new end caps (TRH1637).

Entry  Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 17:28, Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Maintenance, Lower resonator removal simulation exercice 
A simulated removal of a lower resonator from the Cyclotron tank was attempted by the RH group using the 
service bridge, lower resonator trolley, lower resonator attachment, and the (soon to be) attached lower 
resonator removal procedure on 2017-02-27. Prior to aligning the attachment over a lower resonator, a small 
piece of paper debris was observed falling off the trolley. A successful recovery operation was performed using 
the vacuum trolley; however, the lower resonator exercise had to be abandoned until a future shutdown due to 
scheduling constraints.
Entry  Friday, February 26, 2021, 13:00, Adam Newsome, Trolleys serviced, Maintenance, Lower Resonator Trolley - Radial Drive Failure Issue 

On Feb. 24 while practising a training exercise, the lower resonator trolley unexpectedly experienced a radial drive failure. The trolley did not move in either radial direction (this occurred after approx. 5 minutes in the tank, near the centre post, with FTRF jig installed). The trolley was retrieved from the tank manually for investigation. Upon retrieval and testing on the mockup, the radial drive began to work again.

Investigation consisted of:

  • Verifying controls signals reaching motor controller
  • Verifying power to motor
  • Verifying all connectors and cables intact
  • Verifying drive components installed and free of damage (shafts, keys, set screws, etc.)
  • Disassembly and inspection of gearbox
  • Running the motor for approximately 3 hours with no load to verify no issues


The cause of the issue cannot be found, however it is suspected a thermal shutdown of the motor or motor controller may have occurred, and after a short delay, the circuit was reset back to a functioning state on its own.


In the future prior to using this trolley it is recommended to test run it, with load, in the mockup to verify radial drive functionality.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455